Thermal warnings in automotive audio applications
In this short video, you will learn more about the importance of thermal warnings (also known as temperature warnings) in automotive audio applications. Thermal warnings protect the amplifier when they heat up in adverse conditions.
As we continue our amplifier diagnostics, we'll be discussing the thermal warning, also called "temperature warning."
So why do we have temperature warnings? Well, in adverse conditions, the amplifier will heat up. It could heat up and put the amplifier into a harmful condition. We provide these warnings for the information that the device is getting hot and could shut down potentially and protect itself.
One thing we do not want the amplifier to do is shut down and stop playing. If it tells the system it is getting hot, the gain or volume could be reduced so that the amplifier will not get into a harmful condition.
We have global sensors, and we have individual channel sensors. We do this in case one channel is thermally running away and, for some reason, we can catch that before the global sensors can pick it up. All this data can be read from the I2C registers and fed back into the system.
We'll see you in our next video, where we'll discuss amplifier protections.
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