以 DC/DC 切換穩壓器實現低雜訊與低 EMI 性能
工程師認為降低切換穩壓器 EMI 與雜訊深具挑戰性。若過度擺弄 PCB 佈局的配置,系統就可能無法通過 CISPR 標準。因此,許多電源設計人員直接轉為使用線性穩壓器,藉此確保可避開需減少發射量的頭痛問題。但線性穩壓器的效率不彰,因此會帶來潛在的熱問題,而使用切換穩壓器則可避免發生此問題。該如何才能兩全其美?本訓練系列與文件旨在說明工程師可如何讓切換器發揮卓越效率,同時還可克服 EMI 與雜訊的挑戰。在內容中會介紹 EMI 與雜訊最佳實務的概念與實際範例,以及關於對汽車系統及對雜訊敏感之類比電路供電的具體意見。若能熟悉各種用於調節傳導式和輻射式 EMI 的標準,可能會有所幫助。
Engineer It: Leverage TI’s online toolbox to tackle EMI before touching a soldering iron
Concepts of switching regulator EMI and noise mitigation (4)
EMI and noise mitigation techniques in practice (5)
Engineer It: How to achieve great EMI performance with a non-synchronous converter
00:10:43Layout tips for radiated EMI reduction in your designs
00:07:12DC/DC Converter Flexibility Enables Adding Noise Reduction Circuitry
00:05:08Reduce EMI and shrink solution size with Hot Rod packaging
00:05:03了解、測量並降低 DC/DC 切換穩壓器的輸出雜訊
01:13:55Achieving low noise and high efficiency for noise-sensitive analog loads (1)
Low EMI and low noise DC/DC conversion in automotive applications (6)
Optimizing automotive DC/DC converter designs for EMI and thermals
00:45:16Identifying the Key Features of an Automotive DC/DC Converter
00:24:12Leveraging spread spectrum and slew rate control in automotive DC/DC converter designs
00:09:56How to design input EMI filters for an automotive DC/DC converter
00:11:29Pass CISPR 25 Class 5 without metallic shielding or common-mode choke
00:08:58汽車 EMI 降低技術、應用及解決方案
00:48:42以 DC/DC 切換穩壓器實現低雜訊與低 EMI 性能
Concepts of switching regulator EMI and noise mitigation (4)
EMI and noise mitigation techniques in practice (5)
Engineer It: How to achieve great EMI performance with a non-synchronous converter
00:10:43Layout tips for radiated EMI reduction in your designs
00:07:12DC/DC Converter Flexibility Enables Adding Noise Reduction Circuitry
00:05:08Reduce EMI and shrink solution size with Hot Rod packaging
00:05:03了解、測量並降低 DC/DC 切換穩壓器的輸出雜訊
01:13:55Achieving low noise and high efficiency for noise-sensitive analog loads (1)
Low EMI and low noise DC/DC conversion in automotive applications (6)
Optimizing automotive DC/DC converter designs for EMI and thermals
00:45:16Identifying the Key Features of an Automotive DC/DC Converter
00:24:12Leveraging spread spectrum and slew rate control in automotive DC/DC converter designs
00:09:56How to design input EMI filters for an automotive DC/DC converter
00:11:29Pass CISPR 25 Class 5 without metallic shielding or common-mode choke
00:08:58汽車 EMI 降低技術、應用及解決方案