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Lecture Notes

Name/Title of material: An Introduction to Digital Signal Processors
Author: Bruno Paillard
University: Universite de Sherbrooke
E-mail: bruno.paillard@videotron.ca
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: Signal Ranger DSP board
Type of Materials: Introductory Book
Type/level of lab: General EE, Introductory Graduate, TMS320C5000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? No
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: February 2002
File type: Adobe Acrobat PDF
File: C5000 Course Manual (English).zip (3.1MB)
Computer Language on which the material is based: Assembler
Description of item(s)/value to others: (New edition, written in English) This book has been written to support an introductory course on Microprocessors and Microprocessor applications. The focus is on embedded systems in general, and systems incorporating Digital Signal Processing functions in particular.

The book covers the following topics:

  • Short history of the microprocessor
  • Systems architecture
  • Boolean algebra and fixed point computation
  • Development tools
  • The TMS320VC5402
  • Software development methodology for embedded systems

Name/Title of material: Une introduction aux processeurs de traitement du signal
Author: Bruno Paillard
University: Universite de Sherbrooke
E-mail: bruno.paillard@videotron.ca
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: Third Party tools (Signal Ranger DSP Board)
Type of Materials: Introductory Book
Application area: General Microprocessors
Type/level of lab: General EE, Introductory undergraduate, TMS320C5000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? No
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: French
Developed/Last Updated Date: May 2001
File type: Adobe Acrobat PDF
File: introduction_dsp.zip (2.4M)
Computer Language on which the material is based: Assembler
Description of item(s)/value to others: This book has been written to support an introductory course on Microprocessors and Microprocessor implementation. The focus is on embedded systems in general, and systems incorporating Digital Signal Processing functions in particular.

The book covers the following topics:

  • Short history of the microprocessor
  • Systems architecture
  • Boolean algebra and fixed point computation
  • Development tools
  • The TMS320VC5402
  • Software development methodology for embedded systems

Name/Title of Material: TMS320C3x DSP Teaching Kit
Author: Mehmet Akhan/Keith Larson
University: University of Hertfordshire/Texas Instruments
Email: dsph@ti.com
DSP Platform on which Material is Based: TMS320C3x
DSP Device on which this Material is Based: TMS320C3x
DSP Development Tools Used in Material: TMS320C3x DSK
Type of Material: Lecture Materials, Lab Exercises
Application Area: None
Type/Level of Lab: Introductory Undergraduate
Is the Lab a Primary Focus of the Course?: No
Major Emphasis of Course for which Material was Developed: Theory
Language in which Material is Written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: August 1998
Computer Language in which Material is Written: Assembly, C
File Types: Word, PowerPoint, Executable/Source Code
Files: TMS320C3x DTK.zip (13.6M)
Description/Value to Others: These materials are lecture slides with accompanying instructor and student notes, suggested test questions, and five demo programs previously offered by TI as the TMS320C3x DSP Teaching Kit. They cover five lectures on DSP theory and demonstrate the software and basic capabilities of the C3x DSK board. The demos cover number representation, the speed of the floating-point multiply and accumulate operation, tone generation, analog to digital conversion, use of an FIR filter, how analog signals appear in the frequency domain, and an introduction to developing a DSP system taking into account communication between the DSP and digital to analog converter and sine wave generation.

Name/Title of Material: TMS320C5x DSP Teaching Kit
Author: Mehmet Akhan/Keith Larson
University: University of Hertfordshire/Texas Instruments
Email: dsph@ti.com
DSP Platform on which Material is Based: Other (TMS320C5x)
DSP Device on which this Material is Based: TMS320C5x
DSP Development Tools Used in Material: TMS320C5x DSK
Type of Material: Lecture Materials, Lab Exercises
Application Area: None
Type/Level of Lab: Introductory Undergraduate
Is the Lab a Primary Focus of the Course?: No
Major Emphasis of Course for which Material was Developed: Theory
Language in which Material is Written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 4/97
Computer Language in which Material is Written: Assembly, C
File Types: Word, PowerPoint, Executable/Source Code
Files: TMS320C5x DTK.zip (3.3 Mb)
Description/Value to Others: These materials are lecture slides with accompanying instructor and student notes, suggested test questions, and five demo programs previously offered by TI as the TMS320C5x DSP Teaching Kit. They cover five lectures on DSP theory and demonstrate the software and basic capabilities of the C5x DSK board. The demos cover playing a musical tune, the speed of the multiply and accumulate operation, quantization errors, aliasing, a low-pass filter, displaying graphical displays of the signals using the software tools, and an introduction to developing a DSP system taking into account communication between the DSP and digital to analog converter and sine wave generation.

Name/Title of Material: TMS320C5000 DSP Teaching Kit
Author: Mehmet Akhan/Keith Larson/Richard Sikora/Walter J. Gomes III
University: University of Hertfordshire/Texas Instruments/iDSP
Email: dsph@ti.com
DSP Platform on which Material is Based: TMS320C5000
DSP Device on which this Material is Based: TMS320C54x
DSP Development Tools Used in Material: TMS320C5402 DSK
Type of Material: Lectures, Tutorials, Lab Exercises
Application Area: None
Type/Level of Lab: Introductory Undergraduate
Is the Lab a Primary Focus of the Course?: No
Major Emphasis of Course for which Material was Developed: Theory
Language in which Material is Written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: March 2001
Computer Language in which Material is Written: Assembly, C
File Types: Word, PowerPoint, Executable/Source Code
Files: TMS320C5000 DTK.zip (17.9M)
Description/Value to Others: These materials are lecture slides, instructor notes, suggested test questions, and 5402 DSK-based programs previously offered by TI as the TMS320C5000 DSP Teaching Kit. Included are:

  • Six chapters of information on DSP and C5000 DSP architecture including slides, lecture notes, and test questions for each chapter.
    • Chapter 1: Introduction to DSP (includes C5000 architecture overview)
    • Chapter 2: From Analog to Digital
    • Chapter 3: Filtering
    • Chapter 4: The Frequency Domain
    • Chapter 5: Applications of DSP
    • Chapter 6: Assembly Language Basics
  • Fourteen C5000 DSP assembly language tutorials
  • Five demo programs that demonstrate the Code Composer Studio software and as well as the capabilities of the C5402 DSK board. The demos cover number representation, the speed of the fixed-point multiply and accumulate operation, analog to digital conversion, how analog signals appear in the frequency domain, and digital filters.
All files are editable so instructors can customize the materials.

Name/Title of Material: Real-Time Digital Signal Processing (PDTSR)
Author: Anibal Ferreira
University: University of Porto, Portugal
DSP Platform on which Material is Based: TMS320C3x
DSP Device on which Material is Based: TMS320C3x
DSP Development Tools Used in Material: TMS320C3x DSK
Type of Material: Lecture notes and lab exercises
Application Area: General Signal Processing
Type/Level of Lab: TMS320C3x, Advanced Undergraduate
Is the Lab a Primary Focus of the Course?: Yes
Major Emphasis of Course for which Material was Developed: Application
Language in which Material is Written: other Portugese
Developed/Last Updated Date: October 1999, July 2002
File Types: Compressed Archived HTML files, Compressed Archived PDF files
File:pdstr.zip (9052K), pdstr_paper_spe2002.pdf (48 KB)
Computer Language in which Material is Written: Assembler, MATLAB
Description/Value to Others: This course is included in the EEC curriculum of the University of Porto, is given in Portuguese language, and is dedicated to laboratory work using a TI starter kit based on the C31 floating point processor. This course assumes that students are already familiar with basic discrete time theory including such concepts and techniques as discrete time signals and systems, sampling and reconstruction of analog signals, linear time-invariant systems, structures for the realization of LTI systems, FIR and IIR filter design, decimation and interpolation, the discrete Fourier transform and Z transform, overlap-add and overlap-save methods of fast filtering in the frequency domain, response of LTI systems to discrete random signals, the FFT and its implementation.

The DSP laboratory course focuses on practical DSP applications and issues including efficient realization structures and real-time processing constraints. The motivation of the course is that the advantages of DSP are better demonstrated by lab examples covering a representative diversity of application scenarios, and that effective learning happens when the student is challenged with specific DSP design and realization issues.

Besides getting familiar with the C31 starter kit development environment plus the (unfortunately discontinued) Code Explorer debugger, students are motivated to new topics such as filter banks, uniform filter banks and their relation to the DFT, half-band filters, M-band filters, power complementary filters, the QMF filter bank and its efficient realization, multi-resolution analysis using the QMF, adaptive filtering, polyphase decomposition of interpolation and decimation filters and their efficient realization, Hilbert Transformer and SSD modulation. During a 13 week semester, students have to perform 10 laboratory experiments, most of which require Matlab and assembly programming.

The themes of those laboratory experiments are: aliasing in sampling, waveform generation and DA+AD testing, floating-point versus fixed-point processing, FIR filtering and filter modulation, IIR filtering, five-vowel synthesizer, interpolation using polyphase filters, echo cancellation, FFT assembly implementation, and SSB modulation.