Inverting Power Supply Calculator for SWIFT DC/DC with Integrated FETs




The SWIFTINV-CALC Excel sheet is a complementary worksheet to the SLVA317 application note. The worksheet is used to calculate the external components needed to create a negative output voltage from a positive input voltage. The tool features several families of wide input voltage, current-mode controlled SWIFT DC/DC converters in an inverting buck boost topology.


Calculation tool

SWIFTINV-CALC SWIFT™ Converter Inverting Buck/Boost Calculator

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

AC/DC & DC/DC converters (integrated FET)
TPS54040 3.5V to 42V Input, 0.5A Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54060 3.5V to 60V Input, 0.5A Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54060-EP TPS54060-EP- 0.5-A, 60V Step Down DC/DC Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54140 3.5V to 42V Input, 1.5A Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54160 3.5V to 60V Input, 1.5A Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54231 3.5 to 28V Input, 2A, 570kHz Step-Down Converter with Eco-mode™ TPS54232 3.5-V to 28-V input, 2-A step-down converter with eco-mode TPS54233 3.5 to 28V Input, 2A, 300kHz Step-Down Converter with Eco-mode TPS54260 3.5V to 60V Input, 2.5A Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54331 3.5V to 28V Input, 3A, 570kHz Step-Down Converter with Eco-mode TPS54332 3.5V to 28V Input, 3.5A, 1MHz Step-Down Converter with Eco-mode TPS54340 42 V Input, 3.5 A, Step-Down DC/DC Converter with Eco-mode™ TPS54360 4.5V to 60 V Input, 3.5 A Step-Down Converter with Eco-mode TPS54360B 60-V input, 3.5-A, step-down DC/DC converter with Eco-Mode™ TPS54540 42 V, 5 A, Step-Down DC-DC Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54560 4.5V to 60 V input, 5 A step-down converter with Eco-Mode TPS54560B 4.5-V to 60-V input, 5-A, step-down DC-DC converter with Eco-mode™ TPS54561 4.5V to 60V Input 5A Step-Down DC-DC Converter With Soft-Start and Eco-mode™
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SWIFTINV-CALC SWIFT™ Converter Inverting Buck/Boost Calculator

Latest version
Release date: Sep 5, 2013
AC/DC & DC/DC converters (integrated FET)
TPS54040 3.5V to 42V Input, 0.5A Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54060 3.5V to 60V Input, 0.5A Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54060-EP TPS54060-EP- 0.5-A, 60V Step Down DC/DC Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54140 3.5V to 42V Input, 1.5A Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54160 3.5V to 60V Input, 1.5A Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54231 3.5 to 28V Input, 2A, 570kHz Step-Down Converter with Eco-mode™ TPS54232 3.5-V to 28-V input, 2-A step-down converter with eco-mode TPS54233 3.5 to 28V Input, 2A, 300kHz Step-Down Converter with Eco-mode TPS54260 3.5V to 60V Input, 2.5A Step-Down Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54331 3.5V to 28V Input, 3A, 570kHz Step-Down Converter with Eco-mode TPS54332 3.5V to 28V Input, 3.5A, 1MHz Step-Down Converter with Eco-mode TPS54340 42 V Input, 3.5 A, Step-Down DC/DC Converter with Eco-mode™ TPS54360 4.5V to 60 V Input, 3.5 A Step-Down Converter with Eco-mode TPS54360B 60-V input, 3.5-A, step-down DC/DC converter with Eco-Mode™ TPS54540 42 V, 5 A, Step-Down DC-DC Converter with Eco-Mode TPS54560 4.5V to 60 V input, 5 A step-down converter with Eco-Mode TPS54560B 4.5-V to 60-V input, 5-A, step-down DC-DC converter with Eco-mode™ TPS54561 4.5V to 60V Input 5A Step-Down DC-DC Converter With Soft-Start and Eco-mode™

Release Information

The design resource accessed as www.ti.com/lit/zip/slvc211 or www.ti.com/lit/xx/slvc211e/slvc211e.zip has been migrated to a new user experience at www.ti.com/tool/download/SLVC211. Please update any bookmarks accordingly.

Technical documentation

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Type Title Date
Application note Create an Inverting Power Supply from a Step-Down Regulator (Rev. B) Oct 26, 2012

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