The ADS131B23
requires at a minimum four pins for communication
with a host microcontroller: CSn, SCLK, SDI, and
SDO. CSn cannot be tied low permanently.
The following pins are optional, but connecting these pins to the host helps with device
- DRDYn: Helps determine exactly when new
conversion data on ADC1A or
are available.
- RESETn: If the SPI communication is
corrupted (that is, if the RESET command cannot be sent), a hardware reset is
required to recover the device. Without controlling the RESETn pin, the only way to
perform a hardware reset on the device is through cycling the power supplies.
- GPIOs: The different special functions
available on the various GPIO pins, such as FAULT, MHD, OCCA, and OCCB, help alert the
host of device or system faults.