SBASAP8B December 2022 – January 2025 ADS131B23
The ADS131B23 implements an SPI timeout feature that measures the time between the CSn falling and CSn rising edge within a frame. If the CSn rising edge does not occur within the SPI timeout period (tTIMEOUT) after the CSn falling edge, then the SPI_TIMEOUTn flag is set in the following frame. When a timeout occurs, the rest of the SPI frame on SDI is ignored before the rising edge of CSn. A new SPI transaction starts at the next CSn falling edge. Enable or disable the SPI timeout using the TIMEOUT_EN bit.
If the SPI times out after a complete frame was transmitted on SDI and SDO already, then there is no impact to the SPI communication, however the SPI_TIMEOUTn flag does still set in that case to indicate that the CSn signal was held low for too long.
If the SPI times out before a complete frame is transmitted on SDI and SDO, then there is potential impact to the SPI communication in certain situations: