SBASA22B September 2022 – January 2025 ADS131B26-Q1
Each comparator can be configured to drive a dedicated overcurrent comparator fault pin (OCCA and OCCB pins) for fast overcurrent indication without SPI communication. To configure GPIO3/OCCA for overcurrent comparator output, set GPIO3_DIR = 1b for digital output function and GPIO3_SRC = 0b for OCCA output. Equivalently, set GPIO4_DIR = 1b and GPIO4_SRC = 0b to configure GPIO4/OCCB for overcurrent comparator B output.
The OCCy pins indicate a fault when either the OCCy_HTn or OCCy_LTn bits, or both set to 0b. The mask bits in the OCC_FAULT_MASK register do not affect the output of the OCCy pins.
The actual output signal of the OCCy pins when active or inactive is configured in the same way as the FAULT pin. Use the GPIO3_FMT and OCCA_POL bits to configure the output behavior of the OCCA pin, and the GPIO4_FMT and OCCB_POL bits to configure the OCCB pin behavior.