SBASA22B September 2022 – January 2025 ADS131B26-Q1
In single-shot conversion mode, ADCs ADC1y and ADC3y perform one single conversion after the STARTy bit is set. Setting the STARTy bit while a conversion is ongoing on an ADC aborts the ongoing conversion and restarts a single new conversion. The STOPy bits have no effect in single-shot conversion mode.
Equivalent to continuous-conversion mode, the STARTy bits take effect and conversions start at the last SCLK falling edge of the register data CRC word within the SPI frame where the CONVERSION_CTRL register is written.
Every conversion in single-shot conversion mode is available after the first-conversion settling time as calculated by Equation 19. If an input step change occurs during the conversion process, the conversion result is not fully settled. Another subsequent single-shot conversion is required in that case to output a settled conversion result.