4 Revision History
Changes from A Revision (April 2018) to B Revision
- Changed – to + in VCM parameter conditions of Recommended Operating Conditions tableGo
- Changed falling edge to rising edge in tDISCK2ST and tDISCK2HT parameter names of Timing Requirements tableGo
- Added 16-bit or to footnote of Daisy-Chain Interface Timing figureGo
- Changed effective number of bits to effective resolution and changed ENOB to effective resolution in Noise Measurements sectionGo
- Changed EFF RES columns in Input-Referred Noise, 3-V Analog Supply, and 2.4-V Reference and Input-Referred Noise, 5-V Analog Supply, and 4-V Reference tablesGo
- Changed CONFIG1 register reset value from D4h to 94h Go
- Changed CONFIG3 register reset value from E8h to E0hGo
- Changed DAISY_IN reset value from 1h to 0h in CONFIG1 registerGo
Changes from A Revision (January 2016) to B Revision
- Changed – to + in VCM parameter conditions of Recommended Operating Conditions tableGo
- Changed falling edge to rising edge in tDISCK2ST and tDISCK2HT parameter names of Timing Requirements tableGo
- Added 16-bit or to footnote of Daisy-Chain Interface Timing figureGo
- Changed effective number of bits to effective resolution and changed ENOB to effective resolution in Noise Measurements sectionGo
- Changed EFF RES columns in Input-Referred Noise, 3-V Analog Supply, and 2.4-V Reference and Input-Referred Noise, 5-V Analog Supply, and 4-V Reference tablesGo
- Changed CONFIG1 register reset value from D4h to 94h Go
- Changed CONFIG3 register reset value from E8h to E0hGo
- Changed DAISY_IN reset value from 1h to 0h in CONFIG1 registerGo
Changes from * Revision (October 2015) to A Revision
- Released to production Go