SLASF77A December 2022 – September 2023 AFE11612-SEP
The device continuously monitors all analog inputs and temperatures in normal operation. When any input is out of the specified range, an alarm triggers. When an alarm state occurs, the corresponding individual alarm bit in the status register is set (1). The global alarm bit (GALR) in AFE configuration register 0 is the OR of individual alarms, see Figure 7-12. When the ALARM-LATCH-DIS bit in the alarm control register is cleared (0), the alarm is latched. The global alarm bit (GALR) maintains 1 until the corresponding error conditions subside and the alarm status is read. The alarm bits are referred to as being latched because these bits remain set until read by software. This design makes sure that out-of-limit events cannot be missed if the software is polling the device periodically. All bits are cleared when reading the status register, and all bits are reasserted if the out-of limit condition still exists on the next monitoring cycle, unless otherwise noted.
When the ALARM-LATCH-DIS bit in the alarm control register is set (1), the alarm bit is not latched. The alarm bit in the status register goes to 0 when the error condition subsides, regardless of whether the bit is read or not. When GALR is 1, the ALARM pin goes low. When the GALR bit is 0, the ALARM is high (inactive).