SLUSDO1B june 2019 – august 2023 BQ25155
A typical application of the BQ25155 consists of the device configured as an I2C controlled single cell Li-ion battery charger and power path manager or small battery applications such as smart-watches and wireless headsets. A battery thermistor may be connected to the TS pin to allow the device to monitor the battery temperature and control charging as desired.
The system designer may connect the MR input to a push-button to send interrupts to the host as the button is pressed or to allow the application's end user to reset the system. If not used this pin must be left floating or tied to BAT.
The ADCIN pin may be tied to ground or be connected to a signal which the system designer desires to measure using the integrated ADC. The signal must be scaled down to no exceed the 0 - 1.2 V range of the ADCIN input range.