SLUSEG2D September 2022 – February 2025 BQ25620 , BQ25622
The ILIM pin clamps the input current limit to IINREG = KILIM / RILIM, where RILIM is connected from the ILIM pin to GND. The ILIM pin can be used to limit the input current limit from 100 mA - 3.2 A. The input current is limited to the lower of the two values set by the ILIM pin and IINDPM register bits. The ILIM pin can also be used to monitor input current. The input current is proportional to the voltage on the ILIM pin and can be calculated by IIN = (KILIM x VILIM) / (RILIM x 0.8). The ILIM pin function is disabled when the EN_EXTILIM bit is set to 0.
An RC filter in parallel with RILIM is required when the input current setting on the ILIM pin is either:
The value for the RC filter is 1.2 kΩ and 330 nF, respectively.