SLUSEG2C September 2022 – February 2024 BQ25620 , BQ25622
The The BQ25622 has the TS_BIAS pin to isolate the battery temperature sensing thermistor and associated resistor-divider from REGN. The 103AT thermistor with typical resistor-divider network requires about 400 μA to bias. The BQ25622 provides the TS_BIAS pin, which is internally connected to the REGN LDO via a back-to-back MOSFET switch. When no temperature measurement is being taken, the switch is disabled to disconnect the thermistor and resistor-divider from the REGN LDO, saving the 400-μA bias current from being expended unnecessarily.
The TS_BIAS pin has short-circuit protection. If a short is detected on the TS_BIAS pin, the switch is disabled to disconnect the short from REGN. If this condition occurs, TS_STAT register is set to 0x3. Charging and OTG modes are suspended until the short is removed.