SLUSFU9 October 2024 BQ51013C
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
Signal and sensing traces are the most sensitive to noise; the sensing signal amplitudes are usually measured in mV, which is comparable to the noise amplitude. Make sure that these traces are not being interfered by the noisy and power traces. AC1, AC2, BOOT1, BOOT2, COMM1, and COMM2 are the main source of noise in the board. These traces should be shielded from other components in the board. It is usually preferred to have a ground copper area placed underneath these traces to provide additional shielding. Also, make sure they do not interfere with the signal and sensing traces. The PCB should have a ground plane (return) connected directly to the return of all components through vias (two vias per capacitor for power-stage capacitors, one via per capacitor for small-signal components).
For a 1-A fast charge current application, the current rating for each net is as follows: