SBASAX2A November 2023 – March 2024 DAC39RF10EF , DAC39RFS10EF
Table 7-46 lists the SPI registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 7-46 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified. Reserved register fields in addresses with non-reserved R/W fields always return the default/reset value during read, not the written value.
Offset | Acronym | Register Name | Section |
0x0000 | CONFIG_A | Configuration A | Go |
0x0002 | DEVICE_CONFIG | Device Configuration | Go |
0x0003 | CHIP_TYPE | Chip Type | Go |
0x0004 | CHIP_ID | Chip Identification | Go |
0x0006 | CHIP_VERSION | Chip Version | Go |
0x000C | VENDOR_ID | Vendor Identification | Go |
0x0010-0x007F | RESERVED | ||
0x0080 | SYSREF_CTRL | SYSREF Control | Go |
0x0081-0x008F | RESERVED | ||
0x0090-0x0092 | SYSREF_POS | SYSREF Capture Position | Go |
0x0093-0x009F | RESERVED | ||
0x00A0 | SYSREF_ALIGN | SYSREF Alignment Control | Go |
0x00A1 | SYSREF_TERM | SYSREF Termination Configuration | Go |
0x00A2-0x00FF | RESERVED | ||
0x0100 | JESD_EN | JESD204C Subsystem Enable | Go |
0x0101 | JMODE | JESD204C Mode | Go |
0x0102 | JESD_M | JESD204C Number of Streams | Go |
0x0103 | JCTRL | JESD204C Control | Go |
0x0104 | SHMODE | JESD204C Sync Word Mode | Go |
0x0105 | KM1 | JESD204C K Parameter | Go |
x0106 | RBD | JESD204C Release Buffer Delay | Go |
0x0107 | JESD_STATUS | JESD204C System Status Register | Go |
0x0108 | REFDIV | JESD204C Reference Divider | Go |
0x0109 | MPY | JESD204C PLL Multiplier | Go |
0x010A | RATE | JESD204C Receive Rate | Go |
0x010B | LB_VRANGE | JESD204C VCO Range | Go |
0x010C-0x011F | RESERVED | ||
0x0120 | JSYNC_N | JESD204C Manual Sync Request | Go |
0x0121 | JTEST | JESD204C Test Control | Go |
0x0122-0x0123 | RESERVED | RESERVED | |
0x0124 | JTIMER | JESD204C Watchdog Timer | Go |
0x0125-0x0126 | RESERVED | ||
0x0127 | SYNC_EPW | JESD204C SYNC Error Report Pulse Width | Go |
0x0128 | CRC_TH | JESD204C CRC Error Thresholds | Go |
0x0129-0x012B | RESERVED | ||
0x012C | LANE_ARSTAT | Lane Arrival Status | Go |
0x012D | RESERVED | ||
0x012E-0x012F | LANE_INV | PHY Lane Inversion | Go |
0x0130-0x013F | LANE_SEL[15:0] | PHY Lane Select for Logical Lane n | Go |
0x0140-0x014F | LANE_ARR[15:0] | Lane n Arrival Time | Go |
0x0150-0x015F | LANE_STATUS[15:0] | Lane n Status | Go |
0x0160-0x016F | LANE_ERR[15:0] | Lane n Error Flags | Go |
0x0170-0x017F | FIFO_STATUS[15:0] | Gearbox FIFO Status for Logical Lane n | Go |
0x0180-0x0189 | RESERVED | ||
0x018A-0x019F | RESERVED | ||
0x01A0 | BER_EN | BER Measurement Control | Go |
0x01A1-0x01AF | RESERVED | ||
0x01B0-0x01BF | BER_CNT[15:0] | BER Error Count for Lane n | Go |
0x01C0 | RESERVED | ||
0x01C1 | JPHY_CTRL | SerDes PHY Control | Go |
0x01C2 | EQ_CTRL | SerDes Equalizer Control | Go |
0x01C3 | EQZERO | SerDes Equalizer Zero | Go |
0x01D0-0x01DF | LANE_EQ[15:0] | SerDes Equalizer Level for Lane n | Go |
0x01E0-0x01EF | LANE_EQS[15:0] | SerDes Equalizer Status for Lane n | Go |
0x1F0 | ESRUN | SerDes Eye-Scan Run Control | Go |
0x01F1 | ES_CTRL | SerDes Eye-Scan Control | Go |
0x01F2 | ESPO | SerDes Eye-Scan Phase Offset | Go |
0x01F3 | ESVO | SerDes Eye-Scan Voltage Offset | Go |
0x01F4 | ES_BIT_SELECT | SerDes Eye-Scan Bit Select | Go |
0x01F5 | ESCOUNT_CLR | SerDes Error Counter Clear | Go |
0x01F6-0x01F7 | ESDONE | SerDes Eye-Scan Process Done | Go |
0x01F8-0x01FF | RESERVED | ||
0x0200-0x020F | ESVO_S[15:0] | SerDes Eye-Scan Voltage Offset for Lane n | Go |
0x0210-0x022F | ECOUNT[15:0] | SerDes Error/Mismatch Count for Lane n | Go |
0x0230-0x0233 | RESERVED | ||
0x0234 | LOS_TH | SerDes Loss-of_Signal Threshold | Go |
0x0235 | EQCNTSZ | SerDes Equalizer Counter Size | Go |
0x0236-0x237 | RESERVED | ||
0x0238 | CDRLOCK | SerDes CDR Lock/Freeze | Go |
0x0239 | CDRPHASE | SerDes CDR Phase Status | Go |
0x023A-0x024F | RESERVED | ||
0x0250 | PLL_STATUS | SerDes PLL Status | Go |
0x0251-0x0252 | RESERVED | ||
0x0253 | JESD_RST | JESD Reset | Go |
0x0254-0x02AF | RESERVED | ||
0x02B0 | EXTREF_EN | Enable External Reference | Go |
0x02B1 | CUR_2X_EN | DAC Current Doubler Enable | Go |
0x02B2-0x02C1 | RESERVED | ||
0x02C2-0x02CE | RESERVED | ||
0x02CF | DAC_OFS_CHG_BLK | DAC Offset Adjustment Change Block | Go |
0x02D0-0x02DF | RESERVED | ||
0x02E0 | DP_EN | Datapath Enable | Go |
0x02E1 | DUC_L | DUC Interpolation Factor | Go |
0x02E2 | DUC_GAIN | DUC Gain | Go |
0x02E3 | DUC_FORMAT | DUC Output Format | Go |
0x02E4 | DAC_SRC | DAC Source | Go |
0x02E5-0x02E7 | RESERVED | ||
0x02E8 | MXMODE | DAC Output Mode | Go |
0x02E9 | RESERVED | ||
0x02EA | TRUNC_HLSB | Truncation Half LSB Offset | Go |
0x02EB-0x02F7 | RESERVED | ||
0x02F8 | TX_EN_SEL | Transmitter Enable Control Selection | Go |
0x02F9 | TX_EN | Transmitter Enable Configuration | Go |
0x02FA-0x02FF | RESERVED | ||
0x0300 | NCO_CTRL | NCO Control | Go |
0x0301 | NCO_CONT | NCO Phase Continuous Mode | Go |
0x0302 | NCO_SYNC | NCO Synchronization Configuration | Go |
0x0303 | NCO_AR | NCO Accumulator Reset | Go |
0x0304 | SPI_SYNC | SPI Sync | Go |
0x0305 | NCO_SS | NCO Continuous Self-Sync Mode | Go |
0x0306-0x0317 | RESERVED | ||
0x0318-0x031F | AMP[3:0] | DDS Amplitude | Go |
0x0320-0x0327 | FREQ[0] | Frequency for NCO0 Accumulator | Go |
0x0328-0x032F | FREQ[1] | Frequency for NCO1 Accumulator | Go |
0x0330-0x0337 | FREQ[2] | Frequency for NCO2 Accumulator | Go |
0x0338-0x033F | FREQ[3] | Frequency for NCO3 Accumulator | Go |
0x0340-0x0347 | PHASE[3:0] | Phase for NCOn Accumulator | Go |
0x0348-0x0377 | RESERVED | ||
0x0378-0x037F | AMP_R[3:0] | Readback for Amplitude Workd for NCOn | Go |
0x0380-0x039F | FREQ_R[3:0] | Readback for Frequency for NCOn Accumulator | Go |
0x03A0-0x03A7 | PHASE_R[3:0] | Readback for Phase Word for NCOn Accumulator | Go |
0x03A8-0x03DF | RESERVED | ||
0x03E0 | FR_FRS_R | Readback for FR Synchronization | Go |
0x03E1 | FR_NCO_AR_R | Readback for FR NCO Accumulator Reset | Go |
0x03E2-0x03FF | RESERVED | ||
0x0400 | TS_TEMP | Tempeature Reading in Celsius | Go |
0x0401 | TS_SLEEP | Temperature Sensor Sleep | Go |
0x0402-0x040F | RESERVED | ||
0x0410 | SYNC_STATUS | Synchronization Status | Go |
0x0411-0x042F | RESERVED | ||
0x0430 | SYS_ALM | System Alarm Status | Go |
0x0431 | ALM_MASK | Alarm Mask | Go |
0x0432 | MUTE_MASK | DAC Mute Mask | Go |
0x0433 | MUTE_REC | DAC Mute Recovery | Go |
0x0434-0x05FF | RESERVED | ||
0x0600 | FUSE_STATUS | Fuse Status | Go |
0x0601-0x0722 | RESERVED | ||
0x0723 | FINE_CUR_A | Fine Bias Current Control for DACA | Go |
0x0724 | COARSE_CUR_A | Coarse Bias Current Control for DACA | Go |
0x0725 | FINE_CUR_B | Fine Bias Current Control for DACB | Go |
0x0726 | COARSE_CUR_B | Coarse Bias Current Control for DACB | Go |
0x0727 | DEM_ADJ | DEM Adjust | Go |
0x0728 | RESERVED | ||
0x0729 | DEM_DITH | DEM and DITHER Control | Go |
0x72A-0x072D | DAC_OFS | DAC_Offset_Adjustment | Go |
0x72E - 0x7FF | RESERVED |
CONFIG_A is shown in Figure 7-61 and described in Table 7-47.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Configuration A (default: 0x30)
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-1h | R/W-1h | R/W-0h | |||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | SOFT_RESET | R/W | 0h | Writing a 1 to this bit causes a full reset of the chip and all SPI registers (including CONFIG_A). This bit is self-clearing and will always read zero. After writing this bit, the part may take up to 5 ns to reset. During this time, do not perform any SPI transactions. |
6 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
5 | ASCEND | R/W | 1h | 0 : Address is decremented during streaming reads/writes 1 : Address is incremented during streaming reads/writes (default) |
4 | RESERVED | R | 1h | Always read 1. |
3-0 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h |
DEVICE_CONFIG is shown in Figure 7-62 and described in Table 7-48.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Device Configuration (default: 0x00)
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | MODE | ||||||
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-2 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
1-0 | MODE | R/W | 0h | 0 : Normal operation (default) 1 : Reserved 2 : Reserved 3 : Full power down. The user should follow the recommendations in Section 8.1.6 in this mode to avoid reliability concerns. |
CHIP_TYPE is shown in Figure 7-63 and described in Table 7-49.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Chip Type (read-only: 0x04)
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R-4h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
3-0 | CHIP_TYPE | R | 4h | Always returns 0x4, indicating that the part is a high speed DAC. |
CHIP_ID is shown in Figure 7-64 and described in Table 7-50.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Chip Identification (read-only)
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
CHIP_ID | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CHIP_ID | |||||||
R-3Bh | |||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | CHIP_ID | R | 003Bh | Always returns 0x003B indicating it is the DAC39RF10 device family |
CHIP_VERSION is shown in Figure 7-65 and described in Table 7-51.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Chip Version (read-only)
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CHIP_VERSION | |||||||
R-2h | |||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | CHIP_VERSION | R | 02h | 1: PG1.0 2: PG2.0 |
VENDOR_ID is shown in Figure 7-66 and described in Table 7-52.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Vendor Identification (default: 0x0451)
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
VENDOR_ID | |||||||
R-04h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
VENDOR_ID | |||||||
R-51h | |||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | VENDOR_ID | R | 451h | TI vendor ID |
SYSREF_CTRL is shown in Figure 7-67 and described in Table 7-53.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SYSREF Control
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0b | R/W-1b | R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-0h |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | SYSREF_PROC_EN | R/W | 0h | When set, this bit enables the SYSREF processor. When this is enabled, the system receives and processes each new SYSREF edge. User should always clear SYSREF_RECV_SLEEP before setting this bit. This bit is provided to allow the SYSREF receiver to stabilize before allowing the SYSREF to come to the digital. |
6 | SYSREF_RECV_SLEEP | R/W | 1b | Clear this bit to enable the SYSREF receiver circuit. User should always clear SYSREF_PROC_EN before setting this bit. |
5 | SYSREF_PS_EN | R/W | 0b | When set, SYSREF_POS will contain 1’s for all positions that have been detected as near the SYSREF edge since this bit was set. When cleared, SYSREF_POS will only contain 1’s for the last SYSREF edge that was detected. |
4 | SYSREF_ZOOM | R/W | 0b | Set this bit to “zoom” in the SYSREF strobe status (impacts SYSREF_POS and the step size of SYSREF_SEL). |
3-0 | SYSREF_SEL | R/W | 0b | Set this field to select which SYSREF delay to use. Set this based on the results returned by SYSREF_POS. |
SYSREF_POS is shown in Figure 7-68 and described in Table 7-54.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SYSREF Position Capture
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
R | R | ||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
SYSREF_POS | |||||||
R | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SYSREF_POS | |||||||
R |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
23-20 | Reserved | R | 0x0 | Reserved |
19-0 | SYSREF_POS | R | NA | Returns a 20-bit status value that indicates the position of the SYSREF edge with respect to CLK. Use this to determine the proper programming for SYSREF_SEL, and SYSREF_ZOOM. |
SYSREF_ALIGN is shown in Figure 7-69 and described in Table 7-55.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SYSREF Alignment Control
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | Reserved |
0 | SYSREF_ALIGN_EN | R/W | 0b | When this bit is set, the chip realigns to each detected SYSREF edge. This affects both the external clock divider and the JESD subsystem. |
SYSREF_TERM is shown in Figure 7-70 and described in Table 7-56.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SYSREF Termination Configruation
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | Reserved |
0 | SYSREF_RECV_LVPECL | R/W | 0b | 0: SYSREF termination is 100 Ohm differential with Vcm of 0.4V 1: SYSREF termination is singled ended 50 Ohm to GND (LVPECL mode) |
JESD_EN is shown in Figure 7-71 and described in Table 7-57.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C Subsystem Enable
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | JESD_EN | R/W | 0b | 0 : Disable JESD204C interface 1 : Enable JESD204C interface When JESD_EN=0, the JESD204C subsystem is held in reset and the SERDES PHY is disabled. The LMFC/LEMC counter is also held in reset, so SYSREF will not align the LMFC/LEMC. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0. |
JMODE is shown in Figure 7-72 and described in Table 7-58.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C Mode
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00b | R/W-000000b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | RESERVED | R/W | 00b | |
5-0 | JMODE | RW | 000000b | Specify the JESD204C interface mode. See Table 7-22. Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0. |
JESD_M is shown in Figure 7-73 and described in Table 7-59.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C Number of Streams
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
JESD_M | |||||||
R/W-0h | R/W-1h |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
3-0 | JESD_M | R/W | 1h | Specify the number of sample streams to enable (JESD204C M parameter). The supported settings for JESD_M depend on the DUC interpolation (DUC_L) and Mx. LDUC: Supported Settings for JESD_M 1x: 1 or 2 (but never larger than Mx) 2x or 3x: 2 (but never larger than Mx) 4x or 6x: 2 or 4 (but never larger than Mx) 8x or higher:2, 4, 6 or 8 (but never larger than Mx) See Table 7-22 for the Mx value associated with each JMODE. The number of lanes enabled (L) is computed as: L=ceiling(M/Mx*Lx). An I/Q pair counts as two streams. For example, when inputting 4 IQ streams, program JESD_M=8. Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0 and DP_EN=0. |
JCTRL is shown in Figure 7-74 and described in Table 7-60.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C Control. This register should only be changed when JESD_EN = 0.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-00b | R/W-1b | R/W-1b | |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | RESERVED | R/W | 0b | |
6 | TI_MODE | R/W | 0b | 0 : JESD204C standard mode (default) 1 : TI Mode - set this when using TI FPGA transmitter IP |
5 | SUBCLASS | R/W | 0b | Specify how the elastic buffer is released: 0 : Subclass 0 operation (default). Release the elastic buffer immediately once all lanes have starting writing to the buffer. 1 : Subclass 1 operation. Release the elastic buffer on a release opportunity defined by the LMFC/LEMC and RBD. |
4 | JENC | R/W | 0b | 0 : Use 8b/10b link layer 1 : Use 64b/66b link layer |
3-2 | RESERVED | R/W | 0b | |
1 | SFORMAT | R/W | 1b | Input sample format for JESD204C samples 0 : Offset binary 1 : Signed 2’s complement (default) |
0 | SCR | R/W | 1b | 0 : 8b/10b Scrambler disabled 1 : 8b/10b Scrambler enabled (default) The 8b/10b scrambler is recommended to improve spurious noise and make sure that certain sample payloads cannot prevent the JESD204C receiver from detecting incorrect code-group or lane alignment. This register has no effect on 64b/66b modes (which are always scrambled). |
SHMODE is shown in Figure 7-75 and described in Table 7-61.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C Sync Word Mode
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0b | R/W-00b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-2 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
1-0 | SHMODE | R/W | 00b | Select the mode for the 64b/66b sync word (32 bits of data per multi-block). This only applies when JENC=1 (64b/66b mode). 0 : Enable CRC-12 checking (JESD204C Table 41) (default setting) 1 : RESERVED 2 : RESERVED 3 : RESERVED Note: This device does not support any JESD204C command features. All command fields are ignored by the receiver. Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0. |
KM1 is shown in Figure 7-76 and described in Table 7-62.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C K Parameter (minus 1)
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
KM1 | |||||||
R/W-1Fh | |||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | KM1 | R/W | 1Fh | K is the number of frames per multiframe, and K-1 shall be programmed here when using the 8b/10b link layer (see JENC). Depending on the JMODE setting, there are constraints on the legal values of K (see Table 7-22 and KR). Programming an illegal value for K will cause the link to malfunction. The default value is KM1=31, which corresponds to K=32. Note: For modes using the 64b/66b link layer, the KM1 register is ignored. The effective value of K is 256*E/F. Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0. |
RBD is shown in Figure 7-77 and described in Table 7-63.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C Release Buffer Delay
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | RBD | ||||||
R/W-0b | R/W-000000b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | RESERVED | R/W | 00b | |
5-0 | RBD | R/W | 000000b | This register shifts the elastic buffer release opportunities. Increasing RBD by 1 delays the release opportunities by 4 bytes (octets). The legal RBD range is 0 to K*F/4-1. For 64b/66b modes, the legal RBD range is 0 to 63. See Programming RBD. Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0. |
JESD_STATUS is shown in Figure 7-78 and described in Table 7-64.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C / System Status
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W1C | R | R | R/W1C | R | R | R | |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | EB_ERR | R/W1C | NA | Elastic buffer experienced underflow/overflow. Check RBD. Write a 1 to clear this bit. |
6 | LINK_UP | R | NA | When set, indicates that the JESD204C link is up (elastic buffer released). |
5 | JSYNC_STATE | R | NA | Returns the state of the JESD204C SYNC signal. 0 : SYNC asserted 1 : SYNC de-asserted |
4 | REALIGNED | R/W1C | NA | When any clock dividers or the LMFC/LEMC counters are realigned by SYSREF, this bit gets set. Write a 1 to clear this bit. The behavior of this bit is undefined when SUBCLASS=0. |
3 | ALIGNED | R | NA | When set, indicates that the last SYSREF pulse was consistent with the SYSREF-associated clock dividers (including the LMFC/LEMC). This bit is read-only (cannot be cleared via SPI). After JESD_EN is set, the part may require up to 7 SYSREF pulses to achieve full alignment and set this bit. The behavior of this bit is undefined when SUBCLASS=0. |
2 | PLL_LOCKED | R | NA | When high, indicates that all enabled SerDes PLLs are locked. |
1-0 | RESERVED | R | NA |
REFDIV is shown in Figure 7-79 and described in Table 7-65.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C Reference Divider
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0b | R/W-30h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | RESERVED | R/W | 00b | |
5-0 | REFDIV | R/W | 30h | Specifies the frequency divisor to generate the PHY PLL reference clock (FREF) from the DAC clock (FCLK). See PLL Control. The following values are legal: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48. All other values are reserved and produce undefined behavior. |
MPY is shown in Figure 7-80 and described in Table 7-66.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C PLL Multiplier
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
MPY | |||||||
R/W-14h | |||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | MPY | R/W | 14h | Specifies the PLL frequency multiplier for the PHY. See PLL Control. The following values are allowed for this design: MPY: Frequency Multiplier 16 (0x10): 4 20 (0x14): 5 33 (0x21): 8.25 40 (0x28): 10 Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0. |
RATE is shown in Figure 7-81 and described in Table 7-67.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C Receive Rate
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | RATE | ||||||
R/W-00h | R/W-00b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-2 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
1-0 | RATE | R/W | 00b | Controls the frequency multiplier from the PHY PLL to the serial line rate. See PLL Control. Affects all lanes. RATE: Multiplier 00b: 4 01b: 2 10b: 1 11b: 0.5 Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0. |
LB_VRANGE is shown in Figure 7-82 and described in Table 7-68.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C PLL VCO Range. Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | VRANGE | R/W | 0b | This bit must be set if the PLL/VCO frequency is below 2.17GHz. See PLL Control. |
JSYNC_N is shown in Figure 7-67 and described in Table 7-53.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C Manual Sync Request
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W1C | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | JSYNC_N | R/W | 1b | Set this bit to 0 to manually assert the SYNC signal. For normal operation, leave this bit set to 1. Note: Behavior of JSYNC_N=0 is undefined when JENC=1. |
JTEST is shown in Figure 7-84 and described in Table 7-70.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C Test Control
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-000b | R/W-00h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-5 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
4-0 | JTEST | R/W | 0b | PRBS Test Modes: 0 : Test mode disabled. Normal operation (default) 1 : PRBS7 test mode 2 : PRBS9 test mode 3 : PRBS15 test mode 4 : PRBS31 test mode 5-31: RESERVED When a PRBS test mode is enabled, see BER_EN. Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0. |
JTIMER is shown in Figure 7-85 and described in Table 7-71.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0.
JESD204C Watchdog Timer
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-000b | |||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | JTPLL | R/W | 1b | When this bit is set, the SerDes PLL is also reset when the watchdog timer expires. When this bit is 0, only the SerDes receiver is reset. |
6 | RESERVED | R/W | 0b | |
5-4 | JTR | R/W | 00b | This register determines how much the watchdog counter is decremented when the link is up and CRC_FAULT is not set. JTR : Watchdog Counter Decrement : Approximate Link Uptime % required to prevent the SerDes from being reset 0 : 1 : 99.25% 1 : 2 : 98.46% 2 : 8 : 94.12% 3 : 16 : 88.89% |
3 | RESERVED | R/W | 0b | |
2-0 | JTT | R/W | 0b | JESD204C watchdog counter threshold. When the watchdog counter reaches the threshold defined by JTT, the PHY layer is reset (including the PHY PLL(s) if JTPLL=1) and the watchdog timer is reset. Larger values of JTT cause the watchdog timer to take longer to intervene. JTT : Watchdog Counter Threshold : Counter Duration [assuming FCLK = 10.24 GHz 0 : <Watchdog Timer Disabled> : <disabled> 1 : 217 : 102.4 μs 2 : 219 : 409.6 μs 3 : 232 : 1.63 ms 4 : 223 : 6.55 ms 5-7 : RESERVED : RESERVED Note: The watchdog may not detect link up events shorter than 210 (1024) CLK cycles. |
SYNC_EPW is shown in Figure 7-86 and described in Table 7-72.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C SYNC Error Report Pulse Width
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-000b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-3 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
2-0 | SYNC_EPW | R/W | 000b | Specifies the pulse width of SYNC that is used for reporting errors to the transmitter. When an error is detected that does not require link resynchronization, SYNC is asserted for SYNC_EPW link clock cycles (equal to 4*SYNC_EPW character durations). To disable error reporting over SYNC, set SYNC_EPW=0. The legal range for SYNC_EPW is 0 to 7. Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN= 0. |
CRC_TH is shown in Figure 7-87 and described in Table 7-73.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C CRC Error Thresholds
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-00b | R/W-00b | |||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
3-2 | CRC_ERR_REC | R/W | 0b | Specify how many contiguous, error-free multiblocks must be received to reset the CRC error counter (and un-trigger the CRC alarm if triggered). 0 : 1 multiblock 1 : 4 multiblocks 2 : 16 multiblocks 3 : 64 multiblocks |
1-0 | CRC_ERR_TH | R/W | 0b | Specify how many multi-blocks must have CRC errors to trigger the CRC alarm. The receiver counts each error, but if a run of error-free multi-blocks occurs (as specified by CRC_ERR_REC), the error counter resets. 0 : 1 multiblock 1 : 2 multiblocks 2 : 4 multiblocks 3 : 8 multiblocks |
Note: For each lane, the internal signal, CRC_FAULT, is set if the number of multi-blocks with CRC errors exceeds the threshold set by CRC_ERR_TH without a run of contiguous, error-free multi-blocks specified by CRC_ERR_REC. CRC_FAULT is cleared when a run of contiguous, error-free multi-blocks specified by CRC_ERR_REC is detected. Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0. |
LANE_ARSTAT is shown in Figure 7-88 and described in Table 7-74.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Lane Arrival Status
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | LANE_ARR_RDY | R | NA | This bit is set when lane arrival times are captured and available for read in LANE_ARR. Lane arrival data is captured when all lanes are ready and the chip attempts to release the elastic buffer. This bit is cleared when JESD_EN=0 or JESD_RST=1. |
LANE_INV is shown in Figure 7-89 and described in Table 7-75.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes Lane Inversion
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
LANE_INV[15:8] | |||||||
R/W-00h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
LANE_INV[7:0] | |||||||
R/W-00h | |||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | LANE_INV | R/W | 0000h | Program LANE_INV[n]=1 to invert the bitstream through physical lane n. Use this if the differential pair is swapped between the transmitter and receiver. |
LANE_SEL[15:0] forms a crossbar switch, and is a set of 16 registers for specifying which physical lane is bound to logical lane n. LANE_SEL[15:0] is shown in Figure 7-90 and described in Table 7-76.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes Lane Select for Logical Lane n (n = 0 - 15). LANE_SEL[0] is at the lowest address.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | LANE_SEL[n] | ||||||
R/W-0h | R/W-n | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
3-0 | LANE_SEL[n] | R/W | n | Specify which physical lane (0 to 15) is bound to logical lane n. To bind physical lane p to logical lane n, program LANE_SEL[n]=p. For example, to bind logical lane 0 to physical lane 3, program LANE_SEL[0]=3. Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0. |
LANE_ARR[15:0] is a set of 16 registers for measuring the arrival time of lane n. LANE_ARR[15:0] is shown in Figure 7-91 and described in Table 7-77.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes Lane n Arrival Time (n = 0 - 15). LANE_ARR[0] is at the lowest address.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | LANE_ARR[n] | ||||||
R-00b | R | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | RESERVED | R | 0h | |
5-0 | LANE_ARR[n] | R | NA | Returns the arrival time of lane n with respect to the internal LMFC/LEMC that is established by SYSREF. The value returned can be between 0 and 63 (inclusive), regardless of the multiframe/EMB length. These registers are valid only when LANE_ARR_RDY =1. See Programming RBD. Note: The lane arrival data is captured when attempting to release the elastic buffer and LANE_ARR_RDY=0. All values are from the same release attempt. Note: It may be necessary to use JESD_RST when starting the link to get accurate lane arrival values. |
LANE_STATUS[15:0] is a set of 16 registers showing the status of lane n. LANE_STATUS[15:0] is shown in Figure 7-92 and described in Table 7-78.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes Lane n Status (n = 0 - 15). LANE_STATUS[0] is at the lowest address.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-00h | R | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-3 | RESERVED | R | 00h | |
2 | F_EMB_SYNC[n] | R | NA | Returns 1 if logical lane n has frame or EMB synchronization. |
1 | CG_BK_SYNC[n] | R | NA | Returns 1 if logical lane n has code-group or block synchronization. |
0 | SIG_DET[n] | R | NA | Returns 1 if logical lane n is detecting a data signal (using loss-of-signal detector in PHY). |
LANE_ERR[15:0] is a set of 16 registers reporting errors for lane n. LANE_ERR[15:0] is shown in Figure 7-93 and described in Table 7-79.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes Lane n Error Flags (n = 0 - 15). LANE_ERR[0] is at the lowest address.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
LANE_ERR[n] | |||||||
R/W1C | |||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | LANE_ERR[n] | R/W1C | 00h | Sticky bits indicating various errors on lane n. A bit is set to indicate an error. Write a 1 to clear a bit. [7] Alignment character found at unexpected location (8b/10b) or (extended)-multi-block pilot signal not in expected location (64b/66b) [6] Multi-frame, multi-block, or extended-multi-block alignment lost. [5] Frame alignment was lost (8b/10b only) or CRC_FAULT=1 (64b/66b). [4] Code-group or block synchronization was lost. [3] RESERVED [2] Not-in-table or unexpected control character (8b/10b) or CRC (64b/66b) error occurred. [1] Disparity error (8b/10b) or invalid sync header (64b/66b) occurred. [0] Gearbox FIFO overflowed or underflowed. As long as the write clock frequency is correct the gearbox write clock can drift at least 3UI after this flag without causing data corruption. Note: Lane Error Flags for extra or disabled lanes are undefined. Note: LANE_ERR[6:1] are only detected for 8b/10b operation while sync_n=1 |
FIFO_STATUS[15:0] is a set of 16 registers showing the status of lane n. LANE_STATUS[15:0] is shown in Figure 7-94 and described in Table 7-80.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes Lane n Status (n = 0 - 15). FIFO_STATUS[0] is at the lowest address.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | PDIFF[n] | ||||||
R-000b | R | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-5 | RESERVED | R | 000b | |
4-0 | PDIFF[n] | R | NA | This register returns the difference between the write and read pointers inside the gearbox FIFO for logical lane n. For 8b/10b, values from 0-14 will be returned. For 64b/66b, values from 0-16 will be returned. The values at the ends of the range (0 & 14 for 8b/10b or 0 & 16 for 64b/66b) indicate error positions that will cause the Gearbox FIFO overflow/underflow flag to be set in LANE_ERR. In both cases, 1 indicates minimum setup and the max value minus 1 indicates minimum hold. Values are measured in the read clock. The tread size is approximately ½ of the effective link layer clock period (0.5/(LCR*FDR)). In terms of UI:
The PDIFF[n] value for disabled lanes and lanes enabled by EXTRA_LANE are undefined. |
BER_EN is shown in Figure 7-95 and described in Table 7-81.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
BER Measurement Control
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | BER_EN | ||||||
R/W-0b | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | BER_EN | R/W | 0b | BER (bit-error-rate) test enable. After setting up the receiver parameters, the user can program JTEST to a PRBS mode, set JESD_EN, and then set BER_EN to enable the BER counters (see BER_CNTn). To clear and restart the counters, program BER_EN to 0 and then back to 1. The BER logic will self-synchronize to the incoming PRBS data after the rising edge of BER_EN. |
BER_CNT is shown in Figure 7-96 and described in Table 7-82.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
BER Error Count for Lane n. Lane 0 is a the lowest address
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
BER_CNT[n] | |||||||
R/W-0b | |||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | BER_CNT[n] | R/W | 0h | Returns the number of bit errors detected on lane n. This value will saturate at 255. The BER for lane n can be computed as follows: BER = BER_CNT[n] / FBIT / TBER Where TBER is the number of seconds that has elapsed from when BER_EN was set to when BER_CNT[n] was read. TBER is measured by the host system or clock. Example: If BER_CNT[n] returns 2, and FBIT is 12.8Gbps, and TBER is 3600 seconds, the bit-error-rate is 2/12.8e9/3600 = 43e-15 Note: The error counters on disabled lanes and lanes enabled by EXTRA_LANE are undefined. |
JPHY_CTRL is shown in Figure 7-97 and described in Table 7-83.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD204C SerDes Control. Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN = 0.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0b | R/W-100b | R/W-0b | R/W-1b | R/W-1b | |||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | RESERVED | R/W | 0b | |
6-4 | CDR | R/W | 100b | Control CDR (clock-data-recovery) setting. The default value should be appropriate, but other settings can be used to adjust the tracking rate or reduce CDR power consumption. The 2nd order modes are for tracking a frequency offset when the Tx and Rx do not share a common reference clock. This is not applicable to JESD204C. See CDR Settings. |
3-2 | RESERVED | R/W | 00b | |
1 | OC_EN | R/W | 1b | Enable offset compensation/calibration for all lanes. |
0 | LOS_EN | R/W | 1b | Enable loss-of-signal detector for all lanes. |
CDR | Vote Threshold | Tracking Rate [ppm] | Order | Settling Time [UI] | Activity % |
0 | 15 | 313 | 2nd | 36 | 83 |
1 | 7 | 607 | 2nd | 36 | 70 |
2 | 3 | 723 | 2nd | 36 | 50 |
3 | 1 | 868 | 2nd | 36 | 25 |
4 (default) | 15 | 96 | 1st | 36 | 83 |
5 | 3 | 289 | 1st | 36 | 50 |
6 | 1 | 434 | 1st | 36 | 25 |
7 | 7 | 13 | 1st | 1524 | 5 |
EQ_CTRL is shown in Figure 7-98 and described in Table 7-85.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes Equalizer Control
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-000b | R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-00b | |||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-5 | RESERVED | R/W | 000b | |
4 | EQ_OVR | R/W | 0b | When EQMODE=1, you can program EQ_OVR=1 to over-ride the equalizer level using the EQLEVEL[n] registers. Affects all lanes. |
3 | EQZ_OVR | R/W | 0b | Set this bit to enable the EQZERO register (to override the equalizer’s zero frequency). When EQZ_OVR=0, the frequency is set based on the RATE register. Affects all lanes. |
2 | EQHLD | R/W | 0b | When the equalizer is in fully-adaptive mode (EQMODE=1 and EQ_OVR=0), programming EQHLD will freeze (hold) the adaptation loop (for all lanes). |
1-0 | EQMODE | R/W | 00b | Sets the equalizer mode (for all lanes): See Equalizer. 0: Equalizer disabled. Flat response with maximum gain. 1: Equalizer enabled. The equalizer is fully adaptive if EQ_OVR=0. 2: Precursor equalization analysis. 3: Postcursor equalization analysis. |
EQZERO is shown in Figure 7-99 and described in Table 7-86.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes Equalizer Zero.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-000b | R/W-00h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-5 | RESERVED | R/W | 000b | |
4-0 | EQZERO | R/W | 00h | When EQZ_OVR=1, this field over-rides the equalizer’s zero frequency (for all lanes). When EQZ_OVR=0, the zero frequency is set automatically based on the RATE setting. 0x1F: 365 MHz (default setting for full and half-rate, RATE = 0 or 1) 0x1E: 275 MHz 0x1D: 195 MHz 0x1B: 140 MHz (default setting for quarter-rate mode, RATE = 2) 0x19: 105 MHz 0x10: 75 MHz 0x08: 55 MHz (default setting for eighth-rate, RATE = 3) 0x00: 50 MHz |
LANE_EQ[15:0] is shown in Figure 7-100 and described in Table 7-87.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes Equalizer Level for Physical Lane [n]. LANE_EQ[0] is at the lowest address.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0b | R/W-00b | R/W-00h | |||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | RESERVED | R/W | 0b | |
6-5 | EQBOOST[n] | R/W | 00b | Controls EQ boost for physical lane n. EQBOOST : GAIN Boost : BW Change : Power Increase 0 : 0dB : 0% : 0mW 1 : 2dB : -30% : 0mW 2 : 4dB : +10% : 5mW 3 : 6dB : -20% : 5mW |
4-0 | EQLEVEL[n] | R/W | 00h | When EQ_OVR=1, this field controls the equalization level for lane n. The valid range is from 0 (least equalization) to 16 (most equalization). |
LANE_EQS[15:0] is shown in Figure 7-101 and described in Table 7-88.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Serdes Equalizer Status for Physical Lane n
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R | R | R | R | ||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | RESERVED | R | ||
6 | EQOVER[n] | R | EQOVER status for PHY lane n pre/post cursor analysis. See Pre/Post Cursor Analysis Procedure. | |
5 | EQUNDER[n] | R | EQUNDER status for PHY lane n pre/post cursor analysis. See Pre/Post Cursor Analysis Procedure.. | |
4 | EQLEVEL_S[n] | R | This field returns the equalizer level currently in effect for lane n. This is the count of the number of bits set in the thermometer encoded value from the stsrx EQLEVEL_S field for lane n. |
ESRUN is shown in Figure 7-102 and described in Table 7-89.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Eye-Scan Run Control
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | ESRUN | R/W | 0b | After setting up eye-scan, set ESRUN=1 to run the eye-scan test. See Eye Scan Procedure. |
ES_CTRL is shown in Figure 7-103 and described in Table 7-90.
Return to the Register Summary Table. Note: Only change this register while ESRUN=0.
Eye-Scan Control
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00b | R/W-00b | R/W-0h | |||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | ES_CTRL | R/W | 00b | |
5-4 | ESLEN | R/W | 00b | Specify the length of the eye-scan test. Larger values will give more consistent results, but will take longer. ESLEN : Number of Samples Analyzed 0 : 127 1 : 1032 2 : 8191 3 : 65535 Note: Many eye-scan modes only analyze zeros (or ones). Since they don’t analyze every sample, those modes will take longer to complete compared to a mode that analyzes all samples. |
3-0 | ES | R/W | 0h | Specify the eye-scan mode. Applies to all lanes. ES : Eye-Scan Mode 0 : Eye-scan disabled (default) 1 : Compare. Counts mismatches between the normal sampler and the eye-scan sampler. Analyzes zeros and ones. 2 : Compare zeros. Same as ES=1, but only analyzes zeros. 3 : Compare ones. Same as ES=1, but only analyzes ones. 4 : Count ones. Increments ECOUNTn when the eye-scan sample is 1. 5-7 : RESERVED 8 : Average zero. Adjusts ESVO_Sn to the average voltage for a zero. 9 : Outer zero. Adjusts ESVO_Sn to the lowest voltage for a zero. 10 : Inner zero. Adjusts ESVO_Sn to the highest voltage for a zero. 11 : RESERVED 12 : Average one. Adjusts ESVO_Sn to the average voltage for a one. 13 : Outer one. Adjusts ESVO_Sn to the highest voltage for a one. 14 : Inner one. Adjusts ESVO_Sn to the lowest voltage for a one. 15 : RESERVED |
ESPO is shown in Figure 7-104 and described in Table 7-91.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Eye-Scan Phase Offset
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | ESPO | ||||||
R/W-0b | R/W-00h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
6-0 | ESPO | R/W | 0b | Eye-scan phase offset for all lanes. This adjusts the sampling instant of the eye-scan sampler compared to the normal sampler. This is a signed value from -64 to +63 and the step size is 1/32th of a UI. Note: Only change this register while ESRUN=0. |
ESVO is shown in Figure 7-105 and described in Table 7-92.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Eye-Scan Voltage Offset
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | ESVO | ||||||
R/W-00b | R/W-00h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
5-0 | ESVO | R/W | 00h | Eye-scan voltage offset for all lanes. This adjusts the voltage threshold of the eye-scan sampler. This is a signed value from -32 to +31. The step size is about 10mV (giving an adjustment range of about -320mV to +310mV). This field is ignored for eye-scan modes that adjust the voltage offset automatically and return a result on ESVO_S[n]. Note: This register should only be changed when ESRUN=0. |
ES_BIT_SELECT is shown in Figure 7-106 and described in Table 7-93.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Eye-Scan Bit Select.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-000b | R/W-00h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-5 | RESERVED | R/W | 000b | |
4-0 | ES_BIT_SELECT | R/W | 00h | Eye-scan only runs on every 20th bit. This field specifies which bit position the eye-scan runs on (valid range is 0 to 19). Eye-scans may be run with all possible values of ES_BIT_SELECT and the results combined. Alternatively, results can be kept separate to see the effects of any duty cycle distortion / repetitive jitter. Note: This register should only be changed when ESRUN=0. |
ECOUNT_CLR is shown in Figure 7-107 and described in Table 7-94.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes Error Counter Clear
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | ECOUNT_CLR | R/W | 0b | Program this to a 1 and then to 0 to clear the ECOUNT counters |
ESDONE is shown in Figure 7-108 and described in Table 7-95.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Eye-Scan Process Done
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
ESDONE[15:8] | |||||||
R | |||||||
ESDONE[7:0] | |||||||
R | |||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | ESDONE[15:0] | R | NA | ESDONE[n] returns a 1 to indicate that the eye-scan procedure is completed on physical lane n. You must make sure that ESDONE[n] returns 1 before reading ESVO_S[n] or ECOUNT[n]. |
ESVO_S[15:0] is shown in Figure 7-109 and described in Table 7-96.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Eye-Scan Voltage Offset for SerDes lane n, n = 0 - 15. ESVO_S[0] is at the lowest address.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | ESVO_S[n] | ||||||
R | R | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | RESERVED | R | NA | |
5-0 | ESVO_S[n] | R | NA | Returns the voltage offset result from the eye-scan on physical lane n. Applies to eye-scan modes that compute the voltage offset automatically. Only valid when ESDONE[n] returns 1. |
ESCOUNT[15:0] is shown in Figure 7-110 and described in Table 7-97.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Eye-Scan Voltage Offset for SerDes lane n, n = 0 - 15. ESCOUNT[0] is at the lowest address.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
ESCOUNT[15:8][n] | |||||||
R | |||||||
ESCOUNT[7:0][n] | |||||||
R | |||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | ESCOUNT[n] | R | NA | Returns the mismatch count for physical lane n (applies to eye-scan modes that count mismatches). Only valid when ESDONE[n] returns 1. |
LOS_TH is shown in Figure 7-111 and described in Table 7-98.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes Loss-of-signal Theshold
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | LOS_TH | ||||||
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
3-0 | LOS_TH | R/W | 0h | Specifies the threshold for the loss-of-signal detector. Applies when LOS_EN=1. Affects all lanes. LOS_TH : Approximate Threshold (mV) 0, 1 : RESERVED 2 - 15 : 15*(LOS_TH) |
EQCNTSZ is shown in Figure 7-112 and described in Table 7-99.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes Equalizer Counter Size
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
3-0 | EQCNTSZ | R/W | 0h | Equalizer counter size: Adjusts how many votes must be accumulated to cause the adaptive equalizer gain to change. Affects all lanes. This is for debug purposes only and the user should generally not need to change this setting. EQCNTSZ : Equalizer Vote Counter Size (votes required to adjust gain) 0 : (default) 511 1 : RESERVED 2 : 1 3 : 3 4 : 7 5 : 15 6 : 31 7 : 63 8 : 127 9 : 255 10-15 : RESERVED |
CDRLOCK is shown in Figure 7-113 and described in Table 7-100.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes CDR Lock/Freeze.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | CDRLOCK | R/W | 0b | When set, the CDR is frozen and no longer tracks. When the CDR is operating in first-order mode, set CDRLOCK to freeze the CDRPHASE value to inspect it. |
CDRPHASE is shown in Figure 7-114 and described in Table 7-101.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes CDR Phase Status
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CDRPHASE | |||||||
R | |||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | CDRPHASE | R | Returns the current CDR phase value for the lane specified by RXDLANE. It is recommended to set CDRLOCK=1 before reading this register. The format is gray-coded. Refer to CDRPHASE Status for the coding. |
PLL_STATUS is shown in Figure 7-67 and described in Table 7-53.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SerDes PLL Status
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W1C-0h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | PLL_LOCK_STS | R | 0h | This field returns the LOCK signal from all four SerDes macros (3:0). This field can be used for functional (fault) testing of the PLL lock detectors. |
3-0 | PLL_LOCK_LOST | R/W1C | 0h | PLL_LOCK_LOST[n] is set whenever the LOCK signal from a SerDes PLL is low. bit 0: lanes 0 - 3 bit 1: lanes 4 - 7 bit 2: lanes 8 - 11 bit 3: lanes 12 - 15 This bit is sticky (remains set even if the PLL acquires lock). Write 1 to clear a bit. These bits are for debug purposes and allow the SPI to monitor if any SerDes PLL loses lock even briefly. |
JESD_RST is shown in Figure 7-116 and described in Table 7-103.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
JESD Reset
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | |
R/W-00h | R/W-0h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | RESERVED |
0 | JESD_RST | R/W | 0b | When set, this bit holds the digital portion of the JESD circuitry in reset but does not affect the physical lane. It may be necessary to set this bit prior to setting JESD_EN = 1 and then clear this bit at a later time to start processing the JESD data. This allows the supply to settle from the large change in power that occurs when starting the PHY and JESD clocks. This is especially important if the user plans to use the LANE_ARR values, since these values are captured only the first time the elastic buffer attempts to release. |
EXTREF_EN is shown in Figure 7-117 and described in Table 7-104.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Enable External Reference
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | EXTREF_EN | R/W | 0b | Setting this bit enable the use of an external reference voltage on the EXTREF ball. |
CUR_2X_EN is shown in Figure 7-118 and described in Table 7-105.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
DAC Current Doubler Enable
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | CUR_2X_EN | ||||||
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | CUR_2X_EN | R/W | 0b | Setting this bit doubles the DAC output current. |
DAC_OFS_CHG_BLK is shown in Figure 7-119 and described in Table 7-106.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
DAC Offset Adjustment Change Block
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | R/W | 00h | ||
0 | DAC_OFS_CHG_BLK | R/W | 0b | When set, changes to DAC_OFS[n] are not propagated to the high-speed clocks and both DACs continue to use their current value. When this is changed from 1 to 0 the new DAC_OFS[n] values will be applied to both DACs in the same clock cycle. |
DP_EN is shown in Figure 7-120 and described in Table 7-107.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Datapath Enable.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | DP_EN | ||||||
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | DP_EN | R/W | 0b | Setting this bit enables datapath operation. When cleared, the datapath is held in reset. This bit should be set after the chip is configured for proper operation. Note: This register should only be changed from 0 to 1 when FUSE_DONE=1. |
DUC_L is shown in Figure 7-121 and described in Table 7-108.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
DUC Interpolation Factor.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | DUC_L | ||||||
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
3-0 | DUC_L | R/W | 0h | DUC Interpolation Factor 0: 1x 1: 2x 2: 3x 3: 4x 4: 6x 5: 8x 6: 12x 7: 16x 8: 24x 9: 32x 10: 48x 11: 64x 12: 96x 13: 128x 14: 192x 15: 256x Note: This register should only be changed when JESD_EN=0 and DP_EN=0. |
DUC_GAIN is shown in Figure 7-122 and described in Table 7-109.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00b | R/W-00b | R/W-00b | R/W-00b | ||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | DUC_GAIN3 | R/W | 00b | DUC_GAINn adjusts the gain of DUCn (in the channel bonder) 0: 0dB 1: -6dB 2: -12dB 3: RESERVED Note: When the DUCs are configured for complex output (DUC_FORMAT=1), DUC2 and DUC3 cannot be used. In that case, DUC_GAIN2 and DUC_GAIN3 adjust the gain of the imaginary outputs of DUC0 and DUC1 respectively. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0. |
5-4 | DUC_GAIN2 | R/W | 00b | |
3-2 | DUC_GAIN1 | R/W | 00b | |
1-0 | DUC_GAIN0 | R/W | 00b |
DUC_FORMAT is shown in Figure 7-123 and described in Table 7-110.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
DUC Output Format
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | DUC_FORMAT | R/W | 0b | 0: DUC outputs are real (DUC mixer converts complex to real by discarding the imaginary part). Up to 4 DUCs can be enabled. 1: DUC outputs are complex. Up to 2 DUCs can be enabled (DUC0 and DUC1). Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0. |
DAC_SRC is shown in Figure 7-124 and described in Table 7-111.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
DAC Source
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
DAC_SRC1 | DAC_SRC0 | ||||||
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | DAC_SRC1 | R/W | 0h | When the DUCs are disabled (LT<=1), DAC_SRCn selects which input stream is sent to DACn. When the DUCs are enabled (LT>=2), DAC_SRCn controls which DUC outputs are routed (summed) to DACn (and the meaning of the bits depends on DUC_FORMAT). Signals Routed to DACn when DAC_SRCn[m] is set: LT=0.5 or 1 (DUCs disabled) DAC_SRCn[0]: Input Stream 0 (I) DAC_SRCn[1]: Input Stream 1 (Q) DAC_SRCn[2]: n/a DAC_SRCn[3]: n/a LT is 2 or higher (DUCs enabled) Register Bit DAC_SRCn[x] : DUC_FORMAT=0 (real) : DUC_FORMAT=1 (complex) DAC_SRCn[0] : DUC0 (real) : DUC0 (real) DAC_SRCn[1] : DUC1 (real) : DUC1 (real) DAC_SRCn[2] : DUC2 (real) : DUC0 (imag) DAC_SRCn[3] : DUC3 (real) : DUC1 (imag) If more than one signal is routed to the same DAC, the signals are summed together. Use DUC_GAIN to avoid saturation in this case. While it is possible to sum a real output with an imaginary output, no practical application requires that, so it is not tested or supported. When LT=0.5 or 1, no summing is supported. Only DAC_SRCn[0] or DAC_SRCn[1] should be set Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0. |
3-0 | DAC_SRC0 | R/W | 0b |
MXMODE is shown in Figure 7-125 and described in Table 7-112.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
DAC Output Mode. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0b | R/W-000b | R/W-0b | R/W-000b | ||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | RESERVED | R/W | 0b | |
6-4 | MXMODE1 | R/W | 000b | Specify the DAC pulse format for DACB. 0: Normal mode (non-return-to-zero or NRZ) (sinc nulls at n*FS) 1: RF Mode (return to inverse or RTI) (sinc nulls at DC and 2n*FS) 2: Return-to-Zero (RTZ) (sinc nulls at 2n*FS) 3: DES2X – Samples provided by the DES interpolator (low-pass mode) 4: DES2XH – Samples provided by the DES interpolator (high-pass mode) 5: DES1X – Both samples are provided by the input stream 6: Disabled – DACA is disabled 7: RESERVED Note: If either MXMODE1 or MXMODE0 is set to DES1X, the other must be set to either DES1X or Disabled. User must also set DUC_L=0. |
3 | RESERVED | R/W | 0b | |
2-0 | MXMODE0 | R/W | 0b | Specify the DAC pulse format for DACA. 0: Normal mode (non-return-to-zero or NRZ) (sinc nulls at n*FS) 1: RF Mode (return to inverse or RTI) (sinc nulls at DC and 2n*FS) 2: Return-to-Zero (RTZ) (sinc nulls at 2n*FS) 3: DES2X – Samples provided by the DES interpolator (low-pass mode) 4: DES2XH – Samples provided by the DES interpolator (high-pass mode) 5: DES1X – Both samples are provided by the input stream 6: Disabled – DACA is disabled 7: RESERVED Note: If either MXMODE1 or MXMODE0 is set to DES1X, the other must be set to either DES1X or Disabled. User must also set DUC_L=0. |
TRUNC_HLSB is shown in Figure 7-126 and described in Table 7-113.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Truncation Half LSB Offset
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | R/W | 0h | ||
0 | TRUNC_HLSB | R/W | 0b | adds ½ LSB offset for < 16-bit resolution modes or devices. For a mode or device with < 16-bit output resolution, setting this bit adds a 1/2 LSB offset to reduce the average offset introduced by truncation. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0 |
TX_EN_SEL is shown in Figure 7-127 and described in Table 7-114.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Transmitter Enable Control Selection.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-1b | R/W-1b | |||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
3 | QUIET_TX_DISABLE | R/W | 0b | 0: Transmission is disabled after DEM and dither by sending a static aging safe code. For some configurations and frequencies, the outputs will have higher noise than a static mid-scale code would normally have. However, this mode has the lowest latency from transmit enable to DAC output. 1: When transmission is disabled, the input to DEM and dither is muted to minimize the output noise. This increases the latency from transmit enable to DAC output by 56 DAC clocks Note: This bit may only be set when FAST_TX_EN=1. |
2 | FAST_TX_EN | R/W | 0b | 0: When the transmit enables are both low, JESD and datapath clocks are shutdown to save power. When transmission is re-enabled the outputs remain muted until valid data is available at the output. 1: No power saving is performed and transmit enables can be used independently. Latency from transmit enable to DAC outputs is reduced in this mode. |
1 | USE_TX_EN1 | R/W | 1b | 0: DACB is controlled by the TXEN1 ball. In this mode, TX_EN1 register is ignored. 1: DACB is controlled by the TX_EN1 register. In this mode the TXEN1 ball input does not affect the transmit enable for DACB. Note: USE_TX_EN1 and USE_TX_EN0 should be programmed to the same value (individual channel control is not supported). |
0 | USE_TX_EN0 | R/W | 1b | 0: DACA is controlled by the TXEN0 ball. In this mode, TX_EN0 register is ignored. 1: DACA is controlled by the TX_EN0 register. In this mode the TXEN0 ball input does not affect the transmit enable for DACA. Note: USE_TX_EN1 and USE_TX_EN0 should be programmed to the same value (individual channel control is not supported). |
TX_EN is shown in Figure 7-128 and described in Table 7-115.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Transmitter Enable Control
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
TX_EN1 | TX_EN0 | ||||||
R/W-00h | R/W-1b | R/W-1b | |||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-2 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
1 | TX_EN1 | R/W | 1b | When USE_TX_EN1 = 1, this bit controls the transmit enable for DACB. Note: TX_EN1 and TX_EN0 should be programmed to the same value (individual channel control is not supported). |
0 | TX_EN0 | R/W | 1b | When USE_TX_EN0 = 1, this bit controls the transmit enable for DACA Note: TX_EN1 and TX_EN0 should be programmed to the same value (individual channel control is not supported). |
NCO_CTRL is shown in Figure 7-129 and described in Table 7-116.
Return to the Register Summary Table. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0.
NCO Enable
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0b | R/W-0h | R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-0b | |||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | FR_EN | R/W | 0b | When set, the Fast Reconfiguration (FR) interface is enabled and NCO frequency, phase, dither, and accumulator reset is controlled by the FR registers rather than the SPI registers. |
6-3 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
2 | NCO_SC | R/W | 0b | Self-Coherent NCO Mode: When this bit is set, all NCOs use the reference counter from the NCO in DDS/DUC channel 0. This is typically used along with the NCO_SS register. This only impacts phase-coherent mode (NCO_CONT=0). |
1 | DDS_EN | R/W | 0b | When set, all DUCs are configured for DDS operation once DP_EN is set. See DDS Operation in Section 7.4.1 for details. |
0 | NCO_EN | R/W | 0b | When set, DUC samples are mixed with the NCO. |
NCO_CONT is shown in Figure 7-130 and described in Table 7-117.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
NCO Phase Continuous Mode
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
3-0 | NCO_CONT | R/W | 0h | For each bit NCO_CONT[n], if set, NCOn operates in phase-continuous mode. This means that frequency changes occur without seeding the phase accumulator. If the bit is clear, NCOn operates in phase-coherent mode. During frequency changes, the phase accumulator is seeded from a main counter. This means that if changing from frequency A to B and then back to A, the phase returns to what it would have been if the change never occurred. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0. |
NCO_SYNC is shown in Figure 7-131 and described in Table 7-118.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
NCO Synchronization Configuration
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-00b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-2 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
1-0 | NCO_SYNC_SRC | R/W | 00b | If FR_EN=0: This register determines how NCO synchronization events will be triggered. This includes both accumulator resets specified by NCO_AR and the application of changes to NCO_DITH_EN, FREQ, and PHASE. 0: Setting SPI_SYNC will immediately perform specified events. (All will occur in the same clock cycle.) 1: Setting SPI_SYNC will cause the specified events to occur on the next SYSREF rising edge. 2: While SPI_SYNC is high, the specified events will occur on every SYSREF rising edge. 3: While SPI_SYNC is high, the LSb of the “I” input to DUC0 will cause the specified events. To trigger the event, the LSb must be low for 4 or more consecutive samples and then high for 4 consecutive samples. The sync will occur coincident with the 4th high sample arriving at the DUC0 input. If FR_EN=1: This register determines how NCO synchronization events will be triggered. This includes both accumulator resets specified by FR_NCO_AR and the application of changes to FR_NCO_DITH_EN, FR_FREQL, FR_FREQS, and FR_PHASE. 0: If FRS is set, the specified events is performed at the rising edge of FRCS. (All will occur in the same clock cycle.) 1: Reserved 2: RESERVED 3: If FRS is set, the LSb of the “I” input to DUC0 will cause the specified events following the rising edge of FRCS. To trigger the event, the LSb must be low for 4 or more consecutive samples and then high for 4 consecutive samples. The sync will occur coincident with the 4th high sample arriving at the DUC0 input. While waiting for the LSb trigger, zero will be used for the LSb data. The LSb will immediately return to being used as data after the 4th consecutive high sample. Note: This register should only be changed when SPI_SYNC=0 and the FR interface is idle (FRCS=1). |
NCO_AR is shown in Figure 7-132 and described in Table 7-119.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
NCO Accumulator Reset
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | NCO_AR | ||||||
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
3-0 | NCO_AR | R/W | 0h | For each bit NCO_AR[n], if set, the accumulator for NCOn will be reset on every sync event specified by NCO_SYNC_SRC. Note: This register has no effect when FR_EN=1. |
SPI_SYNC is shown in Figure 7-133 and described in Table 7-120.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
SPI Sync Bit
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | SPI_SYNC | R/W | 0b | Writing ‘1’ to this register when it is ‘0’ will trigger synchronization events that are bound to this register (see NCO_SYNC_SRC). This register will return the last value written. Note: Whether this register is edge or level sensitive depends on the setting for NCO_SYNC_SRC. Note: This register has no effect when FR_EN=1. |
NCO_SS is shown in Figure 7-134 and described in Table 7-121.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | NCO_SS | ||||||
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | NCO_SS | R/W | 0b | When this bit is set, all NCOs will continuously self-synchronize every 256 DAC clock cycles. NCO_SS can be changed while the NCOs are operating (DP_EN=1). To write a new FREQ, AMP, or PHASE value, clear NCO_SS first, and then set it again after the new values are written. All values go into effect simultaneously on all NCOs. The user should make sure that NCO_AR=0 whenever NCO_SS=1 (otherwise the NCO accumulators and/or reference counters keep getting reset). If the user also sets NCO_SC=1 and NCO_CONT=0, then all four NCOs maintain coherency with each other under radiation, but there may be no coherence with an external component. Each NCO accumulator is continuously seeded from the reference counter in DUC/DDS channel 0. This feature can be used to generate coherent harmonic tones to cancel out harmonic distortion in the DAC. |
AMP[3:0] is described in Table 7-122. AMP[0] starts at address 0x0318, AMP[1] at address 0x031A, AMP[2] at address 0x031C and AMP[3] at address 0x031E.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | AMP[3:0] | R/W | 0000h | Specifies the DDS amplitude for DDS channel n. 16-bit signed value. This register only applies to DDS Operation. Note: Changes to this register do not take effect until the next sync event specified by NCO_SYNC_SRC. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0 or updates to the NCOs are scheduled to occur away from the change. (See NCO_SYNC.) |
FREQ[0] is described in Table 7-123.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
FREQ for NCO0 Accumulator.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-0 | FREQ[0] | R/W | 0000 0000 0000 0000h | The NCO frequency (FNCO) is: FNCO = FREQ[0] * 2-64 * FCLK where FCLK is the sample frequency of the DAC. FREQ[0] is the integer value of this register. This register can be interpreted as signed or unsigned (both interpretations are valid). Use this equation to determine the value to program: FREQ[0] = 264 * FNCO /FCLK Note: Changes to this register do not take effect until the next sync event specified by NCO_SYNC_SRC. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0 or updates to the NCOs are scheduled to occur away from the change. (See NCO_SYNC.) Note: This register has no effect when FR_EN=1. |
FREQ[1] is described in Table 7-124.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
FREQ for NCO1 Accumulator.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-0 | FREQ[1] | R/W | 0000 0000 0000 0000h | The NCO frequency (FNCO) is: FNCO = FREQ[1] * 2-64 * FCLK where FCLK is the sample frequency of the DAC. FREQ[1] is the integer value of this register. This register can be interpreted as signed or unsigned (both interpretations are valid). Use this equation to determine the value to program: FREQ[1] = 264 * FNCO /FCLK Note: Changes to this register do not take effect until the next sync event specified by NCO_SYNC_SRC. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0 or updates to the NCOs are scheduled to occur away from the change. (See NCO_SYNC.) Note: This register has no effect when FR_EN=1. |
FREQ[2] is described in Table 7-125.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
FREQ for NCO2 Accumulator.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-0 | FREQ[2] | R/W | 0000 0000 0000 0000h | The NCO frequency (FNCO) is: FNCO = FREQ[2] * 2-64 * FCLK where FCLK is the sample frequency of the DAC. FREQ[2] is the integer value of this register. This register can be interpreted as signed or unsigned (both interpretations are valid). Use this equation to determine the value to program: FREQ[2] = 264 * FNCO /FCLK Note: Changes to this register do not take effect until the next sync event specified by NCO_SYNC_SRC. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0 or updates to the NCOs are scheduled to occur away from the change. (See NCO_SYNC.) Note: This register has no effect when FR_EN=1. |
FREQ[3] is described in Table 7-126.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
FREQ for NCO3 Accumulator.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-0 | FREQ[3] | R/W | 0000 0000 0000 0000h | The NCO frequency (FNCO) is: FNCO = FREQ[3] * 2-64 * FCLK where FCLK is the sample frequency of the DAC. FREQ[3] is the integer value of this register. This register can be interpreted as signed or unsigned (both interpretations are valid). Use this equation to determine the value to program: FREQ[3] = 264 * FNCO /FCLK Note: Changes to this register do not take effect until the next sync event specified by NCO_SYNC_SRC. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0 or updates to the NCOs are scheduled to occur away from the change. (See NCO_SYNC.) Note: This register has no effect when FR_EN=1. |
PHASE0 is described in Table 7-127.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Phase for NCO0 Accumulator.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | PHASE0 | R/W | 0h | Phase is added late so this register can be written during operation to change the phase without needing to reset the NCO. This value is left justified into a 32−bit field and then added to the phase accumulator. The phase (in radians) is PHASE0* 2-16 * 2π. This register can be interpreted as signed or unsigned. Note: Changes to this register do not take effect until the next sync event specified by NCO_SYNC_SRC. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0 or updates to the NCOs are scheduled to occur away from the change. (See NCO_SYNC.) Note: This register has no effect when FR_EN=1. |
PHASE1 is described in Table 7-128.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Phase for NCO1 Accumulator.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | PHASE1 | R/W | 0h | Phase is added late so this register can be written during operation to change the phase without needing to reset the NCO. This value is left justified into a 32−bit field and then added to the phase accumulator. The phase (in radians) is PHASE1 * 2-16 * 2π. This register can be interpreted as signed or unsigned. Note: Changes to this register do not take effect until the next sync event specified by NCO_SYNC_SRC. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0 or updates to the NCOs are scheduled to occur away from the change. (See NCO_SYNC.) Note: This register has no effect when FR_EN=1. |
PHASE2 is described in Table 7-129.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Phase for NCO2 Accumulator.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | PHASE2 | R/W | 0h | Phase is added late so this register can be written during operation to change the phase without needing to reset the NCO. This value is left justified into a 32−bit field and then added to the phase accumulator. The phase (in radians) is PHASE2 * 2-16 * 2π. This register can be interpreted as signed or unsigned. Note: Changes to this register do not take effect until the next sync event specified by NCO_SYNC_SRC. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0 or updates to the NCOs are scheduled to occur away from the change. (See NCO_SYNC.) Note: This register has no effect when FR_EN=1. |
PHASE3 is described in Table 7-130.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Phase for NCO3 Accumulator.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | PHASE3 | R/W | 0h | Phase is added late so this register can be written during operation to change the phase without needing to reset the NCO. This value is left justified into a 32−bit field and then added to the phase accumulator. The phase (in radians) is PHASE3 * 2-16 * 2π. This register can be interpreted as signed or unsigned. Note: Changes to this register do not take effect until the next sync event specified by NCO_SYNC_SRC. Note: This register should only be changed when DP_EN=0 or updates to the NCOs are scheduled to occur away from the change. (See NCO_SYNC.) Note: This register has no effect when FR_EN=1. |
AMPR[3:0] is described in Table 7-131. AMP_R[0] starts at addess offset 0x0378, AMP_R[1] at address offset 0x37A, AMP_R[2] at address offset 0x37C and AMP_R[3] at address offset 0x37E
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | AMP_R[n] | R | NA | This provides a readback of the amplitude setting that is currently in use by the DDS channel n. Format is 16-bit signed. This register is only applicable when DDS_EN=1. When DDS_EN=0, the return value is undefined. The value is sampled as each byte is read, so it may return incoherent data if the amplitude changes during readback. |
FREQ_R0 is described in Table 7-132.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Readback for Frequency for NCO0
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-0 | FREQ_R0 | R | NA | This provides a readback of the FREQ setting that is currently in used by the system for NCO0. The value is sampled as each byte is read, so it may return incoherent data if the operating value changes during readback. |
FREQ_R1 is described in Table 7-133.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Readback for Frequency for NCO1
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-0 | FREQ_R1 | R | NA | This provides a readback of the FREQ setting that is currently in used by the system for NCO1. The value is sampled as each byte is read, so it may return incoherent data if the operating value changes during readback. |
FREQ_R2 is described in Table 7-134.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Readback for Frequency for NCO2
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-0 | FREQ_R2 | R | NA | This provides a readback of the FREQ setting that is currently in used by the system for NCO2. The value is sampled as each byte is read, so it may return incoherent data if the operating value changes during readback. |
FREQ_R3 is described in Table 7-135.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Readback for Frequency for NCO3
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-0 | FREQ_R3 | R | NA | This provides a readback of the FREQ setting that is currently in used by the system for NCO3. The value is sampled as each byte is read, so it may return incoherent data if the operating value changes during readback. |
PHASE_R0 is described in Table 7-136.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Readback for Phase Word for NCO0
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | PHASE_R0 | R/W | 0h | This provides a readback of the PHASE setting that is currently in used by the system for NCO0. The value is sampled as each byte is read, so it may return incoherent data if the operating value changes during readback. |
PHASE_R1 is described in Table 7-137.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Readback for Phase Word for NCO1
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | PHASE_R1 | R/W | NA | This provides a readback of the PHASE setting that is currently in used by the system for NCO1. The value is sampled as each byte is read, so it may return incoherent data if the operating value changes during readback. |
PHASE_R2 is described in Table 7-138.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Readback for Phase Word for NCO2
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | PHASE_R2 | R/W | NA | This provides a readback of the PHASE setting that is currently in used by the system for NCO2. The value is sampled as each byte is read, so it may return incoherent data if the operating value changes during readback. |
PHASE_R3 is described in Table 7-139.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Readback for Phase Word for NCO3
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | PHASE_R3 | R/W | NA | This provides a readback of the PHASE setting that is currently in used by the system for NCO3. The value is sampled as each byte is read, so it may return incoherent data if the operating value changes during readback. |
FR_FRS_R is shown in Figure 7-135 and described in Table 7-140.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Readback for FR Syncrhonization
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
FR_FRS_R | RESERVED | ||||||
R | R | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | FR_FRS_R | R | NA | This provides readback for the value of FRS in the last transaction. Note: This value is not synchronized and should only be read while the FR interface is static. |
6-0 | RESERVED | R | NA |
FR_NCO_AR_R is shown in Figure 7-136 and described in Table 7-141.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Readback for FR NCO Accumulator Reset
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R | R | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R | NA | |
3-0 | FR_NCO_AR_R | R | NA | This provides readback for the last value that was written to FR_NCO_AR. Note: This value is not synchronized and should only be read while the FR interface is static. |
TS_TEMP is shown in Figure 7-137 and described in Table 7-142.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Temperature Reading in Celsius
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
TS_TEMP | |||||||
R | |||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | TS_TEMP | R | NA | Returns the temperature sensor reading. This returns an unsigned value from 0 to 255. Subtract 80 from this value to get degrees Celsius. For example, a value of 110 indicates 30C. See Temperature Sensor. Note: Reads of this register require slower SPI timing. See Switching Characteristics. Note: This register will not return valid data unless TS_SLEEP=0. |
TS_SLEEP is shown in Figure 7-138 and described in Table 7-143.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Temperature Sensor Sleep
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00h | R/W-0b | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 00h | |
0 | TS_SLEEP | R/W | 0b | If temperature conversions are not needed, set this bit to sleep the temperature sensor. |
SYNC_STATUS is shown in Figure 7-139 and described in Table 7-144.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Synchronization Status
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R | R/W1C | R | R/W1C | R/W1C | |||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R/W | NA | |
3 | CLK_REALIGNED | R/W1C | NA | This bit is set any time the clock dividers associated with SYSREF (excluding LMFC/LEMC) are realigned to SYSREF. This bit is useful to confirm the internally sampled SYSREF signal has a correct and stable period in DDS mode (or for debug purposes in JESD204C mode). Write a 1 to clear this bit. |
2 | CLK_ALIGNED | R | NA | When set, indicates that the last SYSREF pulse was consistent with the SYSREF-associated clock dividers (except for the LMFC/LEMC). Since the LMFC/LEMC does not affect this bit, it is appropriate to use in DDS mode, but can also be used when the JESD204C interface is enabled. This bit is read-only (cannot be cleared via SPI). |
1 | NCO_SYNC_DET | R/W1C | NA | This bit is set any time one or more NCOs receives a sync event. Write a 1 to clear this bit. |
0 | SYSREF_DET | R/W1C | NA | This bit is set when a SYSREF is detected. Write a 1 to clear the bit and allow it to be re-detected. |
SYS_ALM is shown in Figure 7-140 and described in Table 7-145.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
System Alarm Status
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W1C | R/W1C | R/W1C | R | R/W1C | R/W1C | ||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | JESD_LINK_DOWN_ALM | R/W1C | This bit is set any time LINK_UP transitions from 1 to 0 while JESD_EN=1. Write 1 to clear the alarm. | |
6 | JTIMER_EXPIRED_ALM | R/W1C | This bit is set if the JESD link has been down (LINK_UP=0 while JESD_EN=1) longer than allowed by JTIMER. Write 1 to clear the alarm. | |
5 | JESD_CRC_ALM | R/W1C | This bit is set any time CRC_FAULT is detected on an enabled lane. Applies only to 64b/66b modes. Write 1 to clear the alarm. | |
4-2 | RESERVED | R | ||
1 | SYSRST_ALM | R/W1C | This bit is set any time the chip is reset due to the RESET ball, power on reset, or SOFT_RESET. Write 1 to clear the alarm. | |
0 | SYSREF_ALM | R/W1C | This bit is set any time a SYSREF edge is detected at an incorrect alignment by either the clock dividers or by the JESD Subsystem (when JESD_EN=1). Write 1 to clear the alarm. |
ALM_MASK is shown in Figure 7-141 and described in Table 7-146.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Alarm Mask
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-0b | R/W-0h | R/W-0b | |||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | JESD_LINK_DOWN_MASK | R/W | 0h | When set, alarms from the JESD_LINK_DOWN_ALM register are masked and will not impact the alarm output. |
6 | JTIMER_EXPIRED_MASK | R/W | 0b | When set, alarms from the JTIMER_EXPIRED_ALM register are masked and will not impact the alarm output. |
5 | JESD_CRC_MASK | R/W | 0b | When set, alarms from the JESD_CRC_ALM register are masked and will not impact the alarm output. |
4-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
0 | SYSREF_ALM_MASK | R/W | 0b | When set, alarms from the SYSREF_ALM register are masked and will not impact the alarm output. |
MUTE_MASK is shown in Figure 7-142 and described in Table 7-147.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
DAC Mute Mask
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00b | R/W-1b | R/W-0h | R/W-1b | ||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | RESERVED | R/W | 00b | |
5 | JESD_CRC_MUTE_MASK | R/W | 1b | JESD CRC alarms will mute the DACs according to JESD_CRC_REC unless this bit is set. |
4-1 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h | |
0 | SYSREF_MUTE_MASK | R/W | 1b | Alarms from the SYSREF_ALM register will mute the DACs unless this bit is set. |
MUTE_REC is shown in Figure 7-143 and described in Table 7-148.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
DAC Mute Recovery
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-1b | R/W-0b | R/W-1b | R/W-00h | ||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | JESD_LINK_DOWN_REC | R/W | 1b | 0: DAC will remain muted until the JESD_LINK_DOWN_ALM = 0. 1: DAC will unmute automatically when the JESD link recovers. |
6 | RESERVED | R/W | 0b | |
5 | JESD_CRC_MUTE_MASK | R/W | 1b | This bit is only used if JESD_CRC_MUTE_MASK = 0. 0: DAC will remain muted until the JESD_CRC_ALM=0 1: DAC will unmute automatically when CRC_FAULT=0. |
4-0 | RESERVED | R/W | 0h |
FUSE_STATUS is shown in Figure 7-142 and described in Table 7-147.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Fuse Status
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-NA | R-NA | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | RESERVED | R | NA | |
0 | FUSE_DONE | R | NA | Returns ‘1’ when the fuse controller is idle, meaning the controller has completed the fuse auto-load sequence. The sequence takes less than 523,000 CLK cycles to complete, or FUSE_DONE can be polled until it is '1'. When FUSE_DONE is ‘0’ the user should not read or write any fuse-backed registers. |
FINE_CUR_A is shown in Figure 7-145 and described in Table 7-150.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Fine Bias Current Control for DACA
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-00b | R/W-varies | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | RESERVED | R | 00b | |
5-0 | FINE_CUR_A | R/W | varies | Fine current control setting for DAC A. See Section The default values varies to match output current specification. |
COARSE_CUR_A is shown in Figure 7-146 and described in Table 7-151.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Coarse Bias Current Control for DACA
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0xF | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | DAC0_CBIAS_SLEEP | R/W | 0h | DAC coarse current setting during sleep. See discussion for DC coupled outputs in Section 8.1.6 |
3-0 | COARSE_CUR_A | R/W | 0xF | Coarse current control setting for DAC A. See Section |
FINE_CUR_B is shown in Figure 7-147 and described in Table 7-152.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Fine Bias Current Control for DAC B
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-00b | R/W-varies | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | RESERVED | R | 00b | |
5-0 | FINE_CUR_B | R/W | varies | Fine current control setting for DAC B. See Section The default values varies to match output current specification. |
COARSE_CUR_B is shown in Figure 7-148 and described in Table 7-153.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
Coarse Bias Current Control for DACB
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0xF | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | DAC1_CBIAS_SLEEP | R/W | 0h | DAC coarse current setting during sleep. See discussion for DC coupled outputs in Section 8.1.6 |
3-0 | COARSE_CUR_B | R/W | 0xF | Coarse current control setting for DAC B. See Section |
DEM_ADJ is shown in Figure 7-148 and described in Table 7-153.
Return to the Register Summary Table
DEM Adjust
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
DEM_ADJ1 | DEM_ADJ0 | ||||||
R/W-0x1 | R/W-0x1 | ||||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | DEM_ADJ1 | R/W | 0x1 | Adjust DEM behavior for single-edge data-independent DEM for DAC1. This register has no effect unless DAC1 is configured for single-edge data-independent DEM. Only 0 to 3 are valid settings, 4 through 15 are reserved. |
3-0 | DEM_ADJ0 | R/W | 0x1 | Adjust DEM behavior for single-edge data-independent DEM for DAC0. This register has no effect unless DAC0 is configured for single-edge data-independent DEM. Only 0 to 3 are valid settings, 4 through 15 are reserved. |
DEM_DITH is shown in Figure 7-149 and described in Table 7-156.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
DAC DEM and Dither Control
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-00b | R/W-00b | R/W-00b | R/W-00b | ||||
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | DEM_DACB | R/W | 00b | 0 : Enable single-edge, data-independent DEM for DACB 1 : Enable dual-edge, data-independent DEM for DACB 2 : Enable data-dependent DEM for DACB 3 : DEM disabled for DACB |
5-4 | DEM_DACA | R/W | 00b | 0 : Enable single-edge, data-independent DEM for DACA 1 : Enable dual-edge, data-independent DEM for DACA 2 : Enable data-dependent DEM for DACA 3 : DEM disabled for DACA |
3-2 | DITHER_DACB | R/W | 00b | 0 : Enable single-edge dithering for DACB 1 : Enable dual-edge dithering for DACB 2 : RESERVED 3 : Dithering disabled for DACB |
1-0 | DITHER_DACA | R/W | 00b | 0 : Enable single-edge dithering for DACA 1 : Enable dual-edge dithering for DACA 2 : RESERVED 3 : Dithering disabled for DACA |
DAC_OFS[0:1] is described in Table 7-157.
Return to the Register Summary Table.
DAC Offset Control. DAC_OFS[0] is at the lowest address.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-13 | Reserved | R/W | 000b | |
12-0 | DAC_OFS[n] | R/W | 00b | Offset adjustment for DACn (n = 0 or 1). The value in this register is added to the DACn output. This is a 2’s complement, 13-bit signed value. The LSB weight is one DAC LSB. The value programmed into this register passes through a saturation function to limit the adjustment to what is possible. If dithering is enabled on DACn (see DEM_DITH), DAC_OFS[n] is saturated to the range +/- 128. If dithering is disabled on DACn, the saturation range is +/-3968. See Section 7.3.4. Note: This value should only be changed when DP_EN=0 or DAC_OFS_CHG_BLK=1. |