DAC Transfer Function
The input data are written to the individual DAC data registers in straight binary format. After a power-on or a reset event, all DAC registers are set to either zero code or midscale code, as determined by the RSTSEL pin. The DAC transfer function is given by Equation 1.
Equation 1.
- CODE = decimal equivalent of the binary code that is loaded to the DAC register. CODE ranges from 0 to 2n – 1.
- VREF = DAC reference voltage. Either VREFOUT from the internal 2.5 V reference or VREFIN if using an external one.
- n = resolution in bits. Either 16 (DAC80504), 14 (DAC70504), or 12 (DAC60504).
- DIV = 1 or 2 as set by the REFDIV pin after a reset event or by the REF-DIV bit in the GAIN register.
- GAIN = 1 or 2 as set by the GAIN pin after a reset event or by the BUFF-GAIN bit for that DAC channel in the GAIN register.