DLPS160C April   2019  – December 2024 DLP480RE


  1.   1
  2. Features
  3. Applications
  4. Description
  5. Pin Configuration and Functions
  6. Specifications
    1. 5.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 5.2  Storage Conditions
    3. 5.3  ESD Ratings
    4. 5.4  Recommended Operating Conditions
    5. 5.5  Thermal Information
    6. 5.6  Electrical Characteristics
    7. 5.7  Capacitance at Recommended Operating Conditions
    8. 5.8  Timing Requirements
    9. 5.9  System Mounting Interface Loads
    10. 5.10 Micromirror Array Physical Characteristics
    11. 5.11 Micromirror Array Optical Characteristics
    12. 5.12 Window Characteristics
    13. 5.13 Chipset Component Usage Specification
  7. Detailed Description
    1. 6.1 Overview
    2. 6.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 6.3 Feature Description
      1. 6.3.1 Power Interface
      2. 6.3.2 Timing
    4. 6.4 Device Functional Modes
    5. 6.5 Optical Interface and System Image Quality Considerations
      1. 6.5.1 Optical Interface and System Image Quality
        1. Numerical Aperture and Stray Light Control
        2. Pupil Match
        3. Illumination Overfill
    6. 6.6 Micromirror Array Temperature Calculation
    7. 6.7 Micromirror Power Density Calculation
    8. 6.8 Micromirror Landed-On/Landed-Off Duty Cycle
      1. 6.8.1 Definition of Micromirror Landed-On/Landed-Off Duty Cycle
      2. 6.8.2 Landed Duty Cycle and Useful Life of the DMD
      3. 6.8.3 Landed Duty Cycle and Operational DMD Temperature
      4. 6.8.4 Estimating the Long-Term Average Landed Duty Cycle of a Product or Application
  8. Application and Implementation
    1. 7.1 Application Information
    2. 7.2 Typical Application
      1. 7.2.1 Design Requirements
      2. 7.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
      3. 7.2.3 Application Curve
    3. 7.3 DMD Die Temperature Sensing
  9. Power Supply Recommendations
    1. 8.1 DMD Power Supply Power-Up Procedure
    2. 8.2 DMD Power Supply Power-Down Procedure
  10. Layout
    1. 9.1 Layout Guidelines
    2. 9.2 Layout Example
      1. 9.2.1 Layers
      2. 9.2.2 Impedance Requirements
      3. 9.2.3 Trace Width, Spacing
        1. Voltage Signals
  11. 10Device and Documentation Support
    1. 10.1 Third-Party Products Disclaimer
    2. 10.2 Device Support
      1. 10.2.1 Device Nomenclature
      2. 10.2.2 Device Markings
    3. 10.3 Documentation Support
      1. 10.3.1 Related Documentation
    4. 10.4 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates
    5. 10.5 Support Resources
    6. 10.6 Trademarks
    7. 10.7 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    8. 10.8 Glossary
  12. 11Revision History
  13. 12Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information

Package Options

Mechanical Data (Package|Pins)
Thermal pad, mechanical data (Package|Pins)
Orderable Information

Pin Configuration and Functions

DLP480RE Series 410257-pin FXGBottom View Figure 4-1 Series 410257-pin FXGBottom View

To ensure reliable, long-term operation of the .48-inch WUXGA S410 DMD, it is critical to properly manage the layout and operation of the signals identified in the table below. For specific details and guidelines, refer to the PCB Design Requirements for TI DLP Standard TRP Digital Micromirror Devices application report before designing the board.

Table 4-1 Pin Functions
D_AN(0) C6 NC LVDS DDR Differential No connect 805.0
D_AN(1) C3
D_AN(2) E1
D_AN(3) C4
D_AN(4) D1
D_AN(5) B8
D_AN(6) F4
D_AN(7) E3
D_AN(8) C11
D_AN(9) F3
D_AN(10) K4
D_AN(11) H3
D_AN(12) J3
D_AN(13) C13
D_AN(14) A5
D_AN(15) A3
D_AP(0) C7 NC LVDS DDR Differential No connect 805.0
D_AP(1) C2
D_AP(2) E2
D_AP(3) B4
D_AP(4) C1
D_AP(5) B7
D_AP(6) E4
D_AP(7) D3
D_AP(8) C12
D_AP(9) F2
D_AP(10) J4
D_AP(11) G3
D_AP(12) J2
D_AP(13) C14
D_AP(14) A6
D_AP(15) A4
D_BN(0) N4 NC LVDS DDR Differential No connect 805.0
D_BN(1) Z11
D_BN(2) W4
D_BN(3) W10
D_BN(4) L1
D_BN(5) V8
D_BN(6) W6
D_BN(7) M1
D_BN(8) R4
D_BN(9) W1
D_BN(10) U4
D_BN(11) V2
D_BN(12) Z5
D_BN(13) N3
D_BN(14) Z2
D_BN(15) L4
D_BP(0) M4 NC LVDS DDR Differential No connect 805.0
D_BP(1) Z12
D_BP(2) Z4
D_BP(3) Z10
D_BP(4) L2
D_BP(5) V9
D_BP(6) W7
D_BP(7) N1
D_BP(8) P4
D_BP(9) V1
D_BP(10) T4
D_BP(11) V3
D_BP(12) Z6
D_BP(13) N2
D_BP(14) Z3
D_BP(15) L3
D_CN(0) H27 I LVDS DDR Differential Data negative 805.0
D_CN(1) A20
D_CN(2) H28
D_CN(3) K28
D_CN(4) K30
D_CN(5) C23
D_CN(6) G27
D_CN(7) J30
D_CN(8) B24
D_CN(9) A21
D_CN(10) A27
D_CN(11) C29
D_CN(12) A26
D_CN(13) C25
D_CN(14) A29
D_CN(15) C30
D_CP(0) J27 I LVDS DDR Differential Data positive 805.0
D_CP(1) A19
D_CP(2) H29
D_CP(3) K27
D_CP(4) K29
D_CP(5) C22
D_CP(6) F27
D_CP(7) H30
D_CP(8) B25
D_CP(9) B21
D_CP(10) B27
D_CP(11) C28
D_CP(12) A25
D_CP(13) C24
D_CP(14) A28
D_CP(15) B30
D_DN(0) V25 I LVDS DDR Differential Data negative 805.0
D_DN(1) V28
D_DN(2) T30
D_DN(3) V27
D_DN(4) U30
D_DN(5) W23
D_DN(6) R27
D_DN(7) T28
D_DN(8) V20
D_DN(9) R28
D_DN(10) L27
D_DN(11) N28
D_DN(12) M28
D_DN(13) V18
D_DN(14) Z26
D_DN(15) Z28
D_DP(0) V24 I LVDS DDR Differential Data positive 805.0
D_DP(1) V29
D_DP(2) T29
D_DP(3) W27
D_DP(4) V30
D_DP(5) W24
D_DP(6) T27
D_DP(7) U28
D_DP(8) V19
D_DP(9) R29
D_DP(10) M27
D_DP(11) P28
D_DP(12) M29
D_DP(13) V17
D_DP(14) Z25
D_DP(15) Z27
SCTRL_AN G1 NC LVDS DDR Differential No connect 805.0
SCTRL_CN C26 I LVDS DDR Differential Serial control negative 805.0
SCTRL_CP C27 I LVDS DDR Differential Serial control positive 805.0
SCTRL_DN P30 I LVDS DDR Differential Serial control negative 805.0
SCTRL_DP R30 I LVDS DDR Differential Serial control positive 805.0
DCLK_AN H2 NC LVDS Differential No connect 805.0
DCLK_CN D27 I LVDS Differential Clock negative 805.0
DCLK_CP E27 I LVDS Differential Clock positive 805.0
DCLK_DN N29 I LVDS Differential Clock negative 805.0
DCLK_DP N30 I LVDS Differential Clock positive 805.0
SCPCLK A10 I LVCMOS Pulldown Serial communications port clock. Active only when SCPENZ is logic low
SCPDI A12 I LVCMOS SDR Pulldown Serial communications port Data Input. Synchronous to SCPCLK rising edge
SCPENZ C10 I LVCMOS Pulldown Serial communications port enable active low
SCPDO A11 O LVCMOS SDR Serial communications port output
RESET_ADDR(0) Z13 I LVCMOS Pulldown Reset driver address select
RESET_MODE(0) W9 I LVCMOS Pulldown Reset driver mode select
RESET_SEL(0) V14 Reset driver level select
RESET_SEL(1) Z8 Reset driver level select
RESET_STROBE Z9 I LVCMOS Pulldown Rising edge latches in RESET_ADDR, RESET_MODE, and RESET_SEL
PWRDNZ A8 I LVCMOS Pulldown Active low device reset
RESET_OEZ W15 I LVCMOS Pullup Active low output enable for internal reset driver circuits
RESET_IRQZ V16 O LVCMOS Active low output interrupt to DLP® display controller
EN_OFFSET C9 O LVCMOS Active high enable for external VOFFSET regulator
PG_OFFSET A9 I LVCMOS Pullup Active low fault from external VOFFSET regulator
TEMP_N B18 Analog Temperature sensor diode cathode
TEMP_P B17 Analog Temperature sensor diode anode
RESERVED D12, D13, D14, D15, D16, D17, D18, D19, U12, U13, U14, U15 NC Analog Pulldown Do not connect on the printed circuit board (PCB). No connect. No electrical connections from CMOS bond pad to package pin
No Connect U16, U17, U18, U19 NC No connect. No electrical connection from CMOS bond pad to package pin
RESERVED_BA W11 O LVCMOS Do not connect on the printed circuit board (PCB)
RESERVED_PFE A18 I LVCMOS Pulldown Connect to ground on the printed circuit board (PCB)
RESERVED_TP0 Z19 I Analog Do not connect on the printed circuit board (PCB)
VBIAS(1) C15, C16, V11, V12 P Analog Supply voltage for positive bias level of micromirror reset signal
VRESET(1) G4, H4, J1, K1 P Analog Supply voltage for negative reset level of micromirror reset signal
VOFFSET(1) A30, B2, M30, Z1, Z30 P Analog Supply voltage for HVCMOS logic. Supply voltage for positive offset level of micromirror reset signal. Supply voltage for stepped high voltage at micromirror address electrodes
VCC(1) A24, A7, B10, B13, B16, B19, B22, B28, B5, C17, C20, D4, J29, K2, L29, M2, N27, U27, V13, V15, V22, W17, W21, W26, W29, W3, Z18, Z23, Z29, Z7 P Analog Supply voltage for LVCMOS core. Supply voltage for positive offset level of micromirror reset signal during Power down. Supply voltage for normal high level at micromirror address electrodes
VSS(2) A13, A22, A23, B12, B14, B15, B20, B23, B26, B29, B3, B6, B9, C19, C21, C5, D2, G2, J28, K3, L28, L30, M3, P27, P29, U29, V21, V23, V26, W12, W16, W18, W2, W22, W25, W28, W30, W5, W8, Z21, Z22, Z24 G Device ground. Common return for all power
VBIAS, VCC, VOFFSET, and VRESET power supplies must be connected for proper DMD operation.
VSS must be connected for proper DMD operation.
I = Input, O = Output, P = Power, G = Ground, NC = No connect