The DRV8313 provides three individually controllable half-H-bridge drivers. The device is intended to drive a three-phase brushless-DC motor, although it can also be used to drive solenoids or other loads. Each output driver channel consists of N-channel power MOSFETs configured in a 1/2-H-bridge configuration. Each 1/2-H-bridge driver has a dedicated ground terminal, which allows independent external current sensing.
An uncommitted comparator is integrated into the DRV8313, which allows for the construction of current-limit circuitry or other functions.
Internal protection functions are provided for undervoltage, charge pump faults, overcurrent, short circuits, and overtemperature. Fault conditions are indicated by the nFAULT pin.
DRV8313 | HTSSOP (28) | 9.70 mm × 4.40 mm |
VQFN (36) | 6.00 mm × 6.00 mm |
Changes from C Revision (November 2015) to D Revision
Changes from B Revision (January 2015) to C Revision
Changes from A Revision (November 2012) to B Revision
NAME | NO. | |||
PWP | RHH | |||
COMPN | 13 | 22 | I | Comparator negative input. Uncommitted comparator input |
COMPP | 12 | 21 | I | Comparator positive input. Uncommitted comparator input |
CPL | 1 | 5 | PWR | Charge pump. Connect a VM-rated, 0.01-µF ceramic capacitor between CPH and CPL. |
CPH | 2 | 6 | PWR | Charge pump. Connect a VM-rated, 0.01-µF ceramic capacitor between CPH and CPL. |
EN1 | 26 | 1 | I | Channel enable. Logic high enables the 1/2-H bridge channel; internal pulldown |
EN2 | 24 | 35 | I | Channel enable. Logic high enables the 1/2-H bridge channel; internal pulldown |
EN3 | 22 | 33 | I | Channel enable. Logic high enables the 1/2-H bridge channel; internal pulldown |
GND | 14, 20, 28 | 3, 17, 20, 23, 24, 30, 31, 32, | PWR | Device ground. Connect to system ground |
IN1 | 27 | 2 | I | Channel input. Logic high pulls 1/2-H bridge high, logic low pulls 1/2-H bridge low; no effect when ENx is low; internal pulldown input. |
IN2 | 25 | 36 | I | Channel input. Logic high pulls 1/2-H bridge high, logic low pulls 1/2-H bridge low; no effect when ENx is low; internal pulldown input. |
IN3 | 23 | 34 | I | Channel input. Logic high pulls 1/2-H bridge high, logic low pulls 1/2-H bridge low; no effect when ENx is low; internal pulldown input. |
NC | 21 | 4, 8, 14 | NC | No internal connection. Recommended net given in block diagram (if any) |
nCOMPO | 19 | 29 | OD | Comparator output. Uncommitted comparator output; open drain requires an external pullup. |
nFAULT | 18 | 28 | OD | Fault indication pin. Pulled logic-low with fault condition; open-drain output requires an external pullup. |
nRESET | 16 | 26 | I | Reset input. Active-low reset input initializes internal logic, clears faults, and disables the outputs, internal pulldown |
nSLEEP | 17 | 27 | I | Sleep mode input. Logic high to enable device; logic low to enter low-power sleep mode; internal pulldown |
OUT1 | 5 | 10 | O | Half-H bridge output, connect to the load |
OUT2 | 8 | 13 | O | Half-H bridge output, connect to the load |
OUT3 | 9 | 15 | O | Half-H bridge output, connect to the load |
PGND1 | 6 | 11 | PWR | Low-side FET source. Connect to GND or to low-side current-sense resistors |
PGND2 | 7 | 12 | PWR | Low-side FET source. Connect to GND or to low-side current-sense resistors |
PGND3 | 10 | 16 | PWR | Low-side FET source. Connect to GND or to low-side current-sense resistors |
RSVD | — | 18 | — | Reserved. Leave this pin disconnected. |
V3P3 | 15 | 25 | PWR | Internal regulator. Internal supply voltage; bypass to GND with a 6.3-V, 0.47-µF ceramic capacitor; up to 10-mA external load |
VCP | 3 | 7 | PWR | Charge pump. Connect a 16-V, 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor to VM |
VM | 4, 11 | 9, 19 | PWR | Power supply. Connect to motor supply voltage; bypass to GND with two 0.1-µF capacitors (for each pin) plus one bulk capacitor rated for VM |
Thermal pad | PWR | Must be connected to ground |