SLVSHN2 July 2024 DRV8962-Q1
All MOSFETs in the Half-bridges are disabled
nFAULT is driven low
Charge pump is disabled
Once the thermal shutdown condition is removed, the recovery mechanism depends on the OCPM pin setting. OCPM pin programs either latch-off or automatic retry type recovery.
When the OCPM pin is logic low, the device has latch-off type recovery - which means after the junction temperature falls below the overtemperature threshold limit minus the hysteresis (TOTSD – THYS_OTSD), normal operation resumes after applying an nSLEEP reset pulse or a power cycling.
When the OCPM pin is logic high, normal operation resumes automatically after the junction temperature falls below the overtemperature threshold limit minus the hysteresis (TOTSD – THYS_OTSD).