The ADC module described here is a successive
approximation (SAR) style ADC with resolution of
12 bitsselectable resolution of 12
bits or 16 bits. This section refers to the analog circuits of the
converter as the “core,” and includes the channel-select MUX, the sample-and-hold
(S/H) circuit, the successive approximation circuits, voltage reference circuits,
and other analog support circuits. The digital circuits of the converter are
referred to as the “wrapper” and include logic for programmable conversions, result
registers, interfaces to analog circuits, interfaces to the peripheral buses,
post-processing circuits, and interfaces to other on-chip modules.
Each ADC module consists of a single
sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit. The ADC module is designed to be duplicated multiple
times on the same chip, allowing simultaneous sampling or independent operation of
multiple ADCs. The ADC wrapper is start-of-conversion (SOC)-based.
Each ADC has the following features:
- Selectable resolution of 12 bits or
16 bitsResolution of 12 bits
- Ratiometric external
reference set by VREFHI/VREFLO
- Selectable internal reference
of 2.5 V or 3.3 V
- Single-ended or differential signal
- Input multiplexer with up to
- 32
configurable SOCs
- 32 individually addressable result registers
- External analog input mux selection per SOC, up to 4 bits
- Sample
cap reset feature for memory crosstalk mitigation
- Multiple trigger sources
- Software immediate
or B
- CPU Timers 0/1/2
- ECAP events in capture
mode (CEVT1, CEVT2, CEVT3, and CEVT4) and APWM mode (period match,
compare match, or both).
- Global software trigger for multiple ADCs
- Four flexible interrupts
- Burst-mode triggering
- Hardware oversampling mode up to 128x, with configurable trigger spread
- Hardware undersampling mode
- Trigger phase delay function
- Four post-processing blocks,
each with:
- Saturating offset
- Error from setpoint
- High, low, and
zero-crossing compare, with interrupt and ePWM trip capability
- Configurable digital filter for high/low/zero-crossing compare
- Trigger-to-sample
delay capture
- Absolute value calculation
- 24-bit accumulation register for oversampling, with configurable
binary shift
- Minimum/maximum calculation for outlier rejection
Note: Not every channel can be pinned out from all
ADCs. See the Pin Configuration and Functions section to determine which
channels are available.
The block
diagram for the ADC core and ADC wrapper are shown in Figure 6-34.