SNVS609K December 2008 – June 2022 LM25088 , LM25088-Q1
The basic operation of the hiccup mode current limit is described in the functional description. In the LM25088-2 application example, the RES pin is configured for delayed hiccup mode. Please refer to the functional description to configure this pin in alternate configurations and also refer Figure 7-8 for the timing diagram. The delay time to initiate a hiccup cycle (t1) is programmed by the selection of RES pin capacitor. In the case of continuous cycle-by-cycle current limit detection at the CS pin, the time required for CRES to reach 1.2 V is given by:
The cool-down time (t2) is set by the time taken to discharge the RES cap with a 1.2-µA current source. This feature reduces the input power drawn by the converter during a prolonged overcurrent condition. In this application, 500-µs delay time was selected. The minimum value of CRES capacitor must be no less than 0.022 µF.