SNAS605AS March 2013 – May 2020 LMK04821 , LMK04826 , LMK04828
Figure 18 illustrates the typical use case of the LMK0482x family in dual-loop mode. In dual-loop mode, the reference to PLL1 is from CLKin0, CLKin1, or CLKin2. An external VCXO or tunable crystal is used to provide feedback for the first PLL, and a reference to the second PLL. This first PLL cleans the jitter with the VCXO or low-cost tunable crystal by using a narrow loop bandwidth. The VCXO or tunable crystal output may be buffered through the OSCout port. The VCXO or tunable crystal is used as the reference to PLL2, and may be doubled using the frequency doubler. The internal VCO drives up to seven divide/delay blocks, which drive up to 14 clock outputs.
Hitless switching and holdover functionality are optionally available when the input reference clock is lost. Holdover works by fixing the tuning voltage of PLL1 to the VCXO or tunable crystal.
It is also possible to use an external VCO in place of the PLL2 internal VCO. In this case, one less CLKin is available as a reference.
LMK04821 includes VCO1 divider on VCO1 output.