SNAS815B december 2020 – june 2023 LMK1D1204 , LMK1D1208
The LMK1D1208's low additive noise is shown below. The low noise 156.25-MHz source with 24-fs RMS jitter shown in Figure 10-2 drives the LMK1D1208, resulting in 46.4-fs RMS when integrated from 12 kHz to 20 MHz (Figure 10-3). The resultant additive jitter is a low 39.7-fs RMS for this configuration. Note that this result applies to the LMK1D1204 device as well.
Reference signal is low-noise Rohde and Schwarz SMA100B |
The Figure 10-4 captures the low close-in phase noise of the LMK1D1208 device. The LMK1D1204 and LMK1D1208 have excellent flicker noise as a result of superior process technology and design. This enables their use for clock distribution in radar systems, medical imaging systems etc which require ultra-low close-in phase noise clocks.