SLVSGD5 July   2021 LP5890


  1. Features
  2. Applications
  3. Description
  4. Revision History
  5. Description (continued)
  6. Pin Configuration and Functions
  7. Specifications
    1. 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 7.2 ESD Ratings
    3. 7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 7.4 Thermal Information
    5. 7.5 Electrical Characteristics
    6. 7.6 Timing Requirements
    7. 7.7 Switching Characteristics
    8. 7.8 Typical Characteristics
  8. Detailed Description
    1. 8.1 Overview
    2. 8.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 8.3 Feature Description
      1. 8.3.1 Independent and Stackable Mode
        1. Independent Mode
        2. Stackable Mode
      2. 8.3.2 Current Setting
        1. Brightness Control (BC) Function
        2. Color Brightness Control (CC) Function
        3. Choosing BC/CC for a Different Application
      3. 8.3.3 Frequency Multiplier
      4. 8.3.4 Line Transitioning Sequence
      5. 8.3.5 Protections and Diagnostics
        1. Thermal Shutdown Protection
        2. IREF Resistor Short Protection
        3. LED Open Load Detection and Removal
          1. LED Open Detection
          2. Read LED Open Information
          3. LED Open Caterpillar Removal
        4. LED Short and Weak Short Circuitry Detection and Removal
          1. LED Short and Weak Short Detection
          2. Read LED Short Information
          3. LSD Caterpillar Removal
    4. 8.4 Device Functional Modes
    5. 8.5 Continuous Clock Series Interface
      1. 8.5.1 Data Validity
      2. 8.5.2 CCSI Frame Format
      3. 8.5.3 Write Command
        1. Chip Index Write Command
        2. VSYNC Write Command
        3. Soft_Reset Command
        4. Data Write Command
      4. 8.5.4 Read Command
    6. 8.6 PWM Grayscale Control
      1. 8.6.1 Grayscale Data Storage and Display
        1. Memory Structure Overview
        2. Details of Memory Bank
        3. Write a Frame Data into Memory Bank
      2. 8.6.2 PWM Control for Display
    7. 8.7 Register Maps
      1. 8.7.1  FC0
      2. 8.7.2  FC1
      3. 8.7.3  FC2
      4. 8.7.4  FC3
      5. 8.7.5  FC4
      6. 8.7.6  FC10
      7. 8.7.7  FC11
      8. 8.7.8  FC12
      9. 8.7.9  FC13
      10. 8.7.10 FC14
      11. 8.7.11 FC15
  9. Application and Implementation
    1. 9.1 Application Information
    2. 9.2 Typical Application
      1. 9.2.1 Design Requirements
        1. System Structure
        2. SCLK Frequency
        3. Internal GCLK Frequency
        4. Line Switch Time
        5. Blank Time Removal
        6. BC and CC
      2. 9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
        1. Chip Index Command
        2. FC Registers Settings
        3. Grayscale Data Write
        4. VSYNC Command
        5. LED Open and Short Read
      3. 9.2.3 Application Curves
  10. 10Power Supply Recommendations
  11. 11Layout
    1. 11.1 Layout Guidelines
    2. 11.2 Layout Example
  12. 12Device and Documentation Support
    1. 12.1 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates
    2. 12.2 Support Resources
    3. 12.3 Trademarks
    4. 12.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    5. 12.5 Glossary
  13. 13Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information

Package Options

Mechanical Data (Package|Pins)
Thermal pad, mechanical data (Package|Pins)
Orderable Information

Data Write Command

The device implements two kinds of transmission formats, which are called broadcast and non-broadcast. With broadcast way, the devices which are cascaded in a data chain receive the same data from the controller as Data Write Command with Broadcast shows. With non-broadcast way, each device will receive its own data sent from controller. The order of the data is the reverse of the order in which the device cascades as shown in Data Write Command with Non-Broadcast.

For 48-bits RGB data, the Blue data is the first to be transmitted, then are the Green and the Red. Also, for all bits in one frame, it is always the MSB transmitted first and the LSB transmitted last.

Here is the data write command with broadcast way. The devices copy to the internal registers after receiving the data. Generally, it is used to write FC0-FC11 command and read LOD/LSD command.

GUID-31BA3487-6DA4-48A6-ABFA-D830DAA2CCA8-low.gifFigure 8-17 Data Write Command With Broadcast

Figure 8-18 shows the timing diagram of the data write command with broadcast.

GUID-20210722-CA0I-F3PF-7CRP-LZ6SD35FDKXR-low.gif Figure 8-18 Data Write Command With Broadcast (Timing Diagram)

Here is the data write command with non-broadcast way. When the first device recognizes End_bytes, it cuts off the last 51-bit (3×17-bit) data before End_bytes, and the left are shifted out from SOUT to the second device; likewise, when the last device recognizes End_bytes from the former device, it cuts off the last 51-bit (3 × 17-bit) data before End_bytes and the left are shifted out from SOUT. Generally, it is used for write SRAM command (WRTGS), details about how to write a frame data into memory bank can be found in Write a Frame Data into Memory Book.

GUID-3C85F19F-2ACC-467A-84D4-2792590F76DC-low.gifFigure 8-19 Data Write Command With Non-Broadcast

Figure 8-20 shows the timing diagram of the Data Write Command with Non-Broadcast.

GUID-20210722-CA0I-KNGF-4KGG-BNS7S8KQ5M5Q-low.gif Figure 8-20 Data Write Command with Non-Broadcast (Timing Diagram)