SLVSGD5 July 2021 LP5890
The LP5890 implements a high speed rising-edge transmission interface (up to 50 MHz) to support high device count daisy-chained and high refresh rate while minimizing electrical-magnetic interference (EMI). SCLK must be continuous, no matter there are data on SIN or not, since SCLK is not only used to sample the data on SIN, but also used as an clock source to generate GCLK by internal frequency multiplier. Based on CCSI protocol, all the commands/FC registers/SRAM data are written from the SIN input terminal, and all the FC registers/ LED open and short flag can be read out from the SOUT output terminal. Moreover, the device supports up to 160-MHz GCLK frequency and can achieve 16-bit PWM resolution, with 3840 Hz or even higher refresh rate.
Meanwhile, the LP5890 integrates enhanced circuits and intelligent algorithms to solve the various display challenges in Narrow Pixel Pitch (NPP) LED display applications and Mini and Micro-LED products: Dim at the fist scan line, Upper and downside ghosting, Non-uniformity in low grayscale, Coupling, Caterpillar caused by open or short LEDs, which make the LP5890 a perfect choice in such applications.The LP5890 also implements LED open or weak short or short detections and removals during operations and can also report those information out to the accompanying digital processor.