SLVSHF3 October 2024 LP5899-Q1
Two different CCSI commands require at least one END byte in between the commands to be able to be recognized as separate commands. The LP5899-Q1 automatically inserts one END byte after all the data from one SPI command has been transmitted. However, for certain CCSI commands, the LED drivers add data to the data stream. In this case, one END byte during transmission is not sufficient to distinguish the two CCSI commands by the CCSI peripheral. Without sufficient END bytes, the CCSI controller and CCSI peripheral get out of synchronization. The synchronization is required for several actions. For example, to determine if the received data needs to be stored on the RXFIFO or if a CRC needs to be calculated over the received data and compared to the CRC over the transmitted data. In case the synchronization is lost, the SPI command SOFTRESET_CRC can be used to bring the CCSI controller and peripheral back in sync. The SPI controller is responsible there are sufficient END bytes between CCSI commands to keep the synchronization by using a dedicated SPI command that inserts extra END bytes.