SLLSFI0C august 2021 – june 2023 MCF8316A
An 8-bit CCIT polynomial (x8 + x2+ x + 1) and CRC initial value 0xFF is used for CRC computation.
CRC Calculation in Write Operation: When the external MCU writes to MCF8316A, if the CRC is enabled, the external MCU has to compute an 8-bit CRC byte and add the CRC byte at the end of the data. MCF8316A will compute CRC using the same polynomial internally and if there is a mismatch, the write request is discarded. Input data for CRC calculation by external MCU for write operation are listed below:
CRC Calculation in Read Operation: When the external MCU reads from MCF8316A, if the CRC is enabled, MCF8316A sends the CRC byte at the end of the data. The CRC computation in read operation involves the start byte, control words sent by external MCU along with data bytes sent by MCF8316A. Input data for CRC calculation by external MCU to verify the data sent by MCF8316A are listed below :