2 Revision History
Changes from revision E to revision F
Changes from August 20, 2019 to December 9, 2019
- Changed the note that begins "Supply voltage changes faster than 0.2 V/µs can trigger a BOR reset..." in Section 5.3, Recommended Operating ConditionsGo
- Added the note that begins "TI recommends that power to the DVCC pin must not exceed the limits..." in Section 5.3, Recommended Operating ConditionsGo
- Changed the note that begins "A capacitor tolerance of ±20% or better is required..." in Section 5.3, Recommended Operating ConditionsGo
- Changed the note that begins "Requires external capacitors at both terminals..." in Table 5-4, XT1 Crystal Oscillator (Low Frequency)Go
- Added the t(int) parameter in Table 5-10, Digital InputsGo
- Corrected the test conditions for the RI,MUX parameter in Table 5-20, ADC, Power Supply and Input Range ConditionsGo
- Added the note that begins "tSample = ln(2n+1) × τ ..." in Table 5-21, ADC, 10-Bit Timing ParametersGo
- Changed the CRC covered end address to 0x1AF5 in note (1) in Table 6-22, Device DescriptorsGo
Changes from September 11, 2018 to August 19, 2019
- Changed the parameter symbol from RI to RI,MUX in Table 5-20 , ADC, Power Supply and Input Range ConditionsGo
- Added RI,Misc TYP value of 34 kΩ in Table 5-20 , ADC, Power Supply and Input Range ConditionsGo
- Added formula for RI calculation in Table 5-21 , ADC, 10-Bit Timing ParametersGo
- Removed the description of "±3°C" in table note that starts "The device descriptor structure ..." of Table 5-22, ADC, 10-Bit Linearity ParametersGo
- Corrected bitfield from IRDSEL to IRDSSEL in Section 6.10.8, Timers (Timer0_A3, Timer1_A3, Timer2_A2 and Timer3_A2), in the description that starts "The interconnection of Timer0_A3 and ..."Go
- Corrected the ADCINCHx column heading in Table 6-15, ADC Channel ConnectionsGo
- Corrected the ADCSHSx column heading in Table 6-16, ADC Trigger Signal ConnectionsGo
- Added P1SELC information in Table 6-32, Port P1, P2 Registers (Base Address: 0200h)Go
- Added P2SELC information in Table 6-32, Port P1, P2 Registers (Base Address: 0200h)Go
- Added P3SELC information in Table 6-33, Port P3 Registers (Base Address: 0220h)Go
Changes from August 29, 2018 to September 10, 2018
- Removed SYNC signal (not supported) from Figure 4-1, 32-Pin RHB Package (Top View)Go
- Combined two YQW pinout figures into one, and removed SYNC signal (not supported) in Figure 4-2, 24-Pin YQW Package (Top and Bottom Views)Go
- Removed SYNC signal (not supported) from figure and table in Section 6.11.2, Port P2 (P2.0 to P2.2) Input/Output With Schmitt TriggerGo
Changes from June 20, 2017 to August 28, 2018
- Updated Section 3.1, Related ProductsGo
- Corrected description of pin C5 on YQW package (changed from DVSS to NC) in Table 4-1, Pin AttributesGo
- Corrected typos in the pin numbers of P2.3,5,6 in the RGE package in Table 4-2Go
- Corrected typos in the pin numbers of UCA1RXD and UCA1TXD in the RGE package in Table 4-2Go
- Changed description of NC pins from "No internal connection" to "No connection" in Table 4-2, Signal DescriptionsGo
- Corrected package type in VQFN row (changed from QFN to VQFN) in Table 4-2, Signal DescriptionsGo
- Changed HBM limit to ±1000 V and CDM limit to ±250 V in Section 5.2, ESD RatingsGo
- Added note to VSVSH- and VSVSH+ parameters in Table 5-2, PMM, SVS and BORGo
- Moved "FRAM access time error" to "System Reset" row and added ACCTEIFG to interrupt flag column in Table 6-2, Interrupt Sources, Flags, and VectorsGo
- Corrected the offset for P2SEL1 in Table 6-32, Port P1, P2 Registers (Base Address: 0200h)Go
- Updated text and figure in Section 8.2, Device NomenclatureGo
Changes from June 9, 2017 to June 19, 2017
- Corrected FRAM and RAM sizes in Figure 1-1, Functional Block DiagramGo
Changes from October 21, 2015 to June 8, 2017
- Added note to list item that starts "Wide Supply Voltage Range..." Go
- Added DSBGA (YQW) package to "Package Options" list in Section 1.1, FeaturesGo
- Added DSBGA (YQW) package option to Device Information table in Section 1.3, DescriptionGo
- Added row for MSP430FR2433IYQW to Table 3-1, Device ComparisonGo
- Added Section 3.1, Related ProductsGo
- Added DSBGA (YQW) package to Table 4-1, Pin AttributesGo
- Added DSBGA (YQW) package to Table 4-2, Signal DescriptionsGo
- Added row for VQFN thermal padGo
- Removed FRAM reflow noteGo
- In the note that starts "Low-power mode 3, VLO, excludes SVS test conditions...", changed "fXT1 = 0 Hz" to "fXT1 = 32768 Hz"Go
- Added DSBGA (YQW) package and changed notes for Section 5.10, Thermal Resistance CharacteristicsGo
- Added note that starts "The VLO clock frequency is reduced by 15%..."Go
- Removed ADCDIV from the formula for the TYP value in the second row of the tCONVERT parameter in Table 5-21, ADC, 10-Bit Timing Parameters (removed because ADCCLK is after division)Go
- Added note to "Clock" in Table 6-1, Operating ModesGo
- Added note that starts "XT1CLK and VLOCLK can be active during LPM4..."Go
- Add description of blank device detectionGo
- Corrected description in Section 6.10.10, Backup Memory (BKMEM)Go
- Changed the paragraph that starts "Quickly switching digital signals and ..." in Section, Design RequirementsGo
- Updated Figure 8-1, Device NomenclatureGo
- Replaced former section Development Tools Support with Section 8.3, Tools and SoftwareGo
- Updated format and content of Section 8.4, Documentation SupportGo