SBOSA84 December 2022 OPT4048
ADC measurements from OPT4048 channels can be used to determine the intensity (lux) and the color (CIE X,Y coordinates) as per specified in Section Here is an example of such measurements performed an RGB LED source TI LP5036EVM. The intensity of the Red, Green and Blue LEDs were varied independently and the corresponding color coordinates detected by OPT4048 (CIEx,CIEy) are plotted on the CIE XY and CIE UV color space.
Value of matrix used for this calculation is as shown below
The CIE XY and CIE UV color spaces shown in Figure 9-3 and Figure 9-4 has been annotated with the ideal black body curve and intersecting iso-thermal lines. The ideal black body curve represents the color perceived by human eye in CIE YX and CIE UV spaces when an ideal black body of certain Kelvins emit radiation. The intersecting lines with various kelvin markings are iso-thermal lines which represent the same color temperature and is commonly referred to as Correlated Color Temperature (CCT). CCT is a representation of how warm or cool a color source is which is a common terminology used in classifying light bulbs. CCT is often valid only around the ideal black body curve and does not make sense when there is too much deviation. Any color coordinate close to the ideal black body curve can be represented as having a particular CCT by using the formula below:
where n is defined as
These are highly non-linear functions and the estimation of the CCT is very sensitive to the CIE X and CIE Y coordinates. Small errors due to non-ideality in the system can cause an amplified error in CCT estimation.
Set of off the shelf lamp sources were taken and the CCT values measured by OPT4048 is shown below.
The CIE color space plots have been zoomed-in to see the points more clearly. The annotation in the plot specify the color temperature of the lamps as specified by the manufacturer. While the lamp manufacturers approximate the CCT in Kelvins to nearest 1000 s, 500 s or 100 s, OPT4048 estimates the CCT high resolution using the equations specified above.
Color accuracy and the CCT accuracy can be further optimized based on the cavity design, cover glass and target application. More information is available at OPT4048.