Changes from Revision K (June 2023) to Revision L (March 2024)
- Added Wide VIN support in
the title .Go
- Added specs for REF50xxE .Go
- Added information for REF50xxE (enhance grade)
- Updated Table 4-1 REF50xxE information.Go
- Added Figure 5-2 and
updated Table 5-1 with REF50xxEI information.Go
- Added Input voltage for REF50xxEGo
- Added output voltage ratingGo
- Added ESD information for REF50xxEGo
- Added input voltage for REF50xxEGo
- Added NR pin voltage recommendation for REF50xxEGo
- Added thermal rating for REF50xxEGo
- Added electrical table for REF50xxEGo
- Added electrical table for REF50xxEGo
- Added the part no in the descriptionGo
- Added typical characteristics for REF50xxEGo
- Added block diagram for REF50xxE .Go
- Added temperature equation for
REF50xxE .Go
- Added temp drift spec for REF50xxE .Go
- Updated REF50xx to REF50xxI, REF50xxAI Go
- Added layout guideline for REF50xxEI
- Updated the title for Figure 11-1 and added
Figure 11-2.Go