SLASF99 December 2023 TAS5827
The Thermal Foldback (TFB) is designed to protect TAS5827 from excessive die temperature increases, in case the device operates beyond the recommended temperature/power limit, or with a weaker thermal system design than recommended. It allows the TAS5827 to play as loud as possible without triggering an unexpected thermal shutdown. When the die temperature triggers the over-temperature warning (OTW) level (TAS5827 has four different temperature thresholds, each threshold is indicated in I2C register WARNING Register (Offset = 73h) [Reset = 00h] bits 0,1,2 and 3 ), an internal AGL (Automatic Gain Limiter) reduces the digital gain gradually, lower value of OTW, smaller attenuation added, with the OTW waring goes higher, more attenuation added. Once the die temperature drops below the OTW, the device’s digital gain gradually returns to the former setting. Both the attenuation gain and adjustable rate are programmable. The TFB gain regulation speed (attack rate and release rate) settings are the same as a regular AGL, which is also configurable with TAS5827 App in PurePathTM Console3.