SNOSDK2A June 2024 – December 2024 TLV3231-Q1
Accurate comparator applications require a stable power supply with minimized noise and glitches. Output rise and fall times are in the tens of nanoseconds, and must be treated as high speed logic devices. The bypass capacitor must be as close to the supply pin as possible and connected to a solid ground plane, and preferably directly between the (V+) and GND pins.
Minimize coupling between outputs and inputs to prevent output oscillations. Do not run output and input traces in parallel unless there is a (V+) or GND trace between output to reduce coupling. When series resistance is added to inputs, place resistor close to the device. A low value (<100Ω) resistor can also be added in series with the output to dampen any ringing or reflections on long, non-impedance controlled traces. For best edge shapes, controlled impedance traces with back-terminations can be used when routing long distances.