SBOSA24C July 2023 – January 2025 TMCS1123
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
Users can calculate the total error for any arbitrary device condition and current level. Consider error sources like input-referred offset current (IOS), Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR), Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR), sensitivity error, nonlinearity, as well as errors caused by any external magnetic fields (BEXT). Compare each of these error sources in percentage terms, as some are significant drivers of error and some have inconsequential impact to current measurement error. Offset (Equation 22), CMRR (Equation 23), PSRR (Equation 24), and external magnetic field error (Equation 25) are all referred to the input, and so are divided by the actual input current IIN to calculate percentage errors. For sensitivity error and nonlinearity error calculations, the percentage limits explicitly specified in the Electrical Characteristics table can be used.
When calculating error contributions across temperature, only offset error and sensitivity error contributions vary significantly. To determine the offset error across temperature, use Equation 26 to calculate total input-referred offset error current, IOS, at any ambient temperature, TA.
Sensitivity error at 25°C is specified as eS,25°C in the Electrical Characteristics table along with sensitivity variation over temperature as sensitivity thermal drift Sdrift,therm in ppm/°C. To determine the sensitivity error across temperature, use Equation 27 to calculate sensitivity error at any ambient temperature, TA, over the given application operating ambient temperature range between –40°C and 125°C.
To accurately calculate the total expected error of the device, the contributions from each of the individual components above must be understood in reference to operating conditions. To account for the individual error sources that are statistically uncorrelated, use a root sum square (RSS) error calculation to calculate total error. For the TMCS1123, only the input-referred offset current (IOS), CMRR, and PSRR are statistically correlated. These error terms are lumped in an RSS calculation to reflect this nature, as shown in Equation 28 for room temperature and in Equation 29 across a given temperature range. The same methodology can be applied for calculating typical total error by using the appropriate error term specification.
The total error calculation has a strong dependence on the actual input current, therefore always calculate total error across the dynamic range that is required. These curves asymptotically approach the sensitivity and nonlinearity error at high current levels, and approach infinity at low current levels due to offset error terms with input current in the denominator. Key figures of merit for any current-measurement system include the total error percentage at full-scale current, as well as the dynamic range of input current over which the error remains below some key level. Figure 9-1 shows the RSS maximum total error as a function of input current for a TMCS1123A2A at room temperature and across the full temperature range with a 5.25V supply.