SBOS716D May 2015 – January 2020 TMP107
The TMP107 alert pins are also used as a GPO to control external switches or LEDs. This feature is useful in applications wherein the wiring between general-purpose output lines from the microcontroller or host to a control switch or LED can be eliminated by communicating through the I/O pins of TMP107. To configure the ALERTx pins as a GPO, program the high-limit register to the highest temperature (7FFCh) and the low-limit register to the lowest temperature (8000h). This programming disables the ALERTx pins from performing high- and low-limit temperature controls. The configuration register polarity bits (POL1 and POL2) are used to toggle the ALERTx pin output. The ALERTx pins are open-drain outputs; therefore, make sure the R1 and R2 pins are connected to the supply voltage, as shown in Figure 43.