The TMP139 is a I2C and I3C
interface-compatible device. Figure 6-1 to Figure 6-3 describe the various bus conditions that are supported on the bus. The following
lists the definitions for the bus conditions:
- Bus Idle: Both SDA and SCL
lines remain high after a Stop condition.
- Start (S) condition: A
change in the state of the SDA line from high to low, when the SCL is high
defines a Start condition. The Start condition is preceded by a bus idle.
- Stop (P) condition: A
change in the state of the SDA line from low to high, when the SCL is high
defines a Stop condition.
- Repeated Start (SR)
condition: A change in the state of the SDA line from high to low, when
the SCL is high and is preceded by a data transfer defines a Repeated Start
- Data Transfer: The number
of data bytes transferred between a Start and Stop condition and determined by
the host or device.
- Acknowledge: Each receiving device, when addressed, is obliged to
generate an acknowledge (ACK) bit during device address and host to device write
transfer. A device that acknowledges must pull down the SDA line during the
acknowledge clock pulse in such a way that the SDA line is stable low during the
high period of the acknowledge clock pulse. On a host receive, the termination
of the data transfer can be signaled by the host generating a Not-Acknowledge
(NAK) on the last byte that is transmitted by the target device. This behavior
is as per I2C mode of operation.
During I3C mode of operation.
each receiving device shall only acknowledge its device address.
Additionally, the host shall acknowledge the device address during a
successful IBI address arbitration.
- T-Bit: The T-bit is only
applicable in I3C mode of operation or when the host sends a common command code
(CCC) during I2C mode of operation. The T-bit contains the parity
information when the host writes to the targeted device(s). During a read, if
the T-bit is sampled as 1 on the rising edge of the 9th clock, the
bit indicates a continuation of a read by the device. If a host wants to
terminate the read, then the host can activate the pullup while the device
drives the line high as shown in Figure 6-2. When the
device stops driving the line and tri-states its output, the pull up keeps the
line high momentarily before the host claims control of the bus to generate a
Repeated Start and Stop to end the read. If the host can accept more data from
the device, the host must not drive the line. The device samples the SDA on the
falling edge of the 9th clock, and if the T-bit is sampled as 1, the
device resumes driving the SDA for the next byte. During a read, if the T-bit is
sampled as 0 on the rising edge of the 9th clock, the bit is used to
indicate a termination of the read by the device as shown in Figure 6-3. The host shall also drive the SDA low, such that when the device stops
driving the line and tri-states its output, the host has control of the bus to
generate a Stop to end the read.