SBOSA15B September 2022 – January 2025 TMP1827
The function is issued by the host to copy the contents of scratchpad-2 to the EEPROM. The EEPROM current is higher during the erase and program, therefore the application must size the external pullup resistor to verify that there is sufficient current drawn by the one or more devices or implement a low impedance current path using an external FET/transistor switch parallel to the bus pullup resistor.
The host application must verify that only WRITE SCRATCHPAD-2 or READ SCRATCHPAD-2, with address of the intended location in the user EEPROM, are issued before COPY SCRATCHPAD-2 is sent. The device stores and uses the address sent during WRITE SCRATCHPAD-2 to identify the location in the user EEPROM where the copy operation shall be performed. The host only needs to send one byte with A5h to initiate the copy of the memory content from scratchpad-2 to the user EEPROM, at the address location already specified, when performing the commit operation. The host must hold the bus in idle state for the EEPROM programming time before starting any new access on the bus.