10 Revision History
Changes from March 14, 2023 to November 2, 2023 (from Revision A (March 2023) to Revision B (November 2023))
Global: Information on
the TMS320F2800133 device is now Production Data.Go
Features section: Changed Security features under "On-chip
memory" feature.Go
Package Information table: Added table.Go
Device Information table: Deleted TMS320F2800135V row. Added EXTERNAL
VOLTAGE REGULATOR column. Added "64 VPM" to PACKAGE OPTIONS column of TMS320F2800135
Device Comparison table: Deleted "F2800135V" column. 64 VPM package
clarified as only package available within "F2800135" column for "External VREG Support
Using VREGENZ" row.Go
Device Comparison table: Changed "Code security for on-chip flash and
RAM" to "Security: JTAGLOCK, Zero-pin boot, Dual-zone security".Go
Pin Attributes table:
Pin Diagrams section: Changed figure title
from "64-Pin PM Low-Profile Quad Flatpack with
VREGENZ on F2800135V (Top View)" to "64-Pin PM
Low-Profile Quad Flatpack with VREGENZ (Top
Signals table: Changed DESCRIPTION of
Digital Inputs and Outputs
on ADC Pins (AGPIOs) section: Changed section.Go
GPIO and ADC Allocation table: Changed "F2800135V" to "64
Electrical Characteristics table: Changed
RPULLDOWN MIN, TYP, and MAX values. Changed MIN value from 27 kΩ
to 22.66 kΩ. Changed TYP value from 31 kΩ to 31.49 kΩ. Changed MAX value from 37
kΩ to 61.55 kΩ.Go
Electrical Characteristics table: Changed RPULLUP
MIN, TYP, and MAX values. Changed MIN value from 26 kΩ to 19.89 kΩ. Changed TYP
value from 30 kΩ to 29.45 kΩ. Changed MAX value from 38 kΩ to
53.63 kΩ.Go
ESD Ratings table: Deleted F2800135V.Go
Current Consumption Graphs section: Added
External Supervisor Usage section: Changed VDD Monitoring
Delay Blocks section: Changed section.Go
VREGENZ section: Changed section.Go
VDDIO Decoupling section: Changed section.Go
VDD Decoupling section: Changed section.Go
Supply Pins Ganging section: Changed
Signal Pins Power Sequence section: Changed
Supply Sequencing Summary and Effects of Violations section:
Changed section.Go
Recommended Operating Conditions Applicability to the PMM
section: Added section.Go
System PLL figure: Changed figure.Go
Internal Clock Frequencies
table: Changed MIN tc(SYSCLK) from 10
ns to 8.33 ns. Changed MIN tc(LSPCLK)
from 10 ns to 8.33 ns.Go
INTOSC Characteristics table: Updated table.Go
RAM Specifications section: Added section.Go
ROM Specifications section: Added section.Go
ADC Operating Conditions table: Changed "Sample rate" row.
Changed "Sample window duration (set by ACQPS and PERx.SYSCLK)"
ADC Performance Per Pin section: Added
ADC Timings in 12-bit Mode table: Deleted footnote that
references the "ADC: DMA Read of State Result" advisory in the TMS320F280013x
Real-Time MCUs Silicon Errata.Go
Temperature Sensor Characteristics table: Updated Tacc,
Temperature Accuracy.Go
Comparator Subsystem (CMPSS) section: Changed first
Block Diagrams section: Added "Each reference
12-bit DAC can be configured to drive a reference voltage
into the negative input of the respective comparator"
paragraph. Added "Reference DAC Block Diagram"
Buffered Output from CMPx_DACL Electrical Characteristics
table: Deleted reference to "11-bit effective (monotonic response)" footnote
from DNL (Differential Non Linearity).Go
CMPSS DAC Dynamic Error section: Added
I2C Electrical Data and
Timing section: Added "A pullup resistor must
be chosen to meet the I2C standard timings ..."
paragraph to Note.Go
I2C Timing Requirements
table: Added footnotes.Go
Flash Memory Map table: Deleted F2800135V from PART NUMBER
Security section: Changed Dual Code Security Module
section to Security section.Go
Air Conditioner Outdoor Unit Resources section: Changed
Reference Designs and Associated Training Videos
Washer and Dryer Resources section: Changed Reference
Designs and Associated Training Videos section.Go
Robotic Lawn Mower Resources section: Changed Reference
Designs and Associated Training Videos section.Go
Merchant Telecom Rectifier Single-chip Architecture figure:
Corrected EPWM labels of lower FETs.Go
Merchant Telecom Rectifier Dual-chip Architecture figure:
Corrected EPWM labels of lower FETs.Go
Device Nomenclature figure:
Deleted "2800135V" from DEVICE. Added "64-pin VPM [PM Low-Profile Quad Flatpack