SPRSP85B April 2024 – February 2025 TMS320F28P550SG , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
Electrically, a quartz crystal can be represented by an LCR (Inductor-Capacitor-Resistor) circuit. However, unlike an LCR circuit, crystals have very high Q due to the low motional resistance and are also very underdamped. Components of the crystal are shown in Figure 6-15 and explained below.
Cm (Motional capacitance): Denotes the elasticity of the crystal.
Rm (Motional resistance): Denotes the resistive losses within the crystal. This is not the ESR of the crystal but can be approximated as such depending on the values of the other crystal components.
Lm (Motional inductance): Denotes the vibrating mass of the crystal.
C0 (Shunt capacitance): The capacitance formed from the two crystal electrodes and stray package capacitance.
CL (Load capacitance): This is the effective capacitance seen by the crystal at its electrodes. It is external to the crystal. The frequency ppm specified in the crystal data sheet is usually tied to the CL parameter.
Note that most crystal manufacturers specify CL as the effective capacitance seen at the crystal pins, while some crystal manufacturers specify CL as the capacitance on just one of the crystal pins. Check with the crystal manufacturer for how the CL is specified in order to use the correct values in calculations.
From Figure 6-14, CL1 and CL2 are in series; so, to find the equivalent total capacitance seen by the crystal, the capacitance series formula has to be applied which simply evaluates to [CL1]/2 if CL1 = CL2.
It is recommended that a stray PCB capacitance be added to this value. 3 pF to 5 pF are reasonable estimates, but the actual value will depend on the PCB in question.
Note that the load capacitance is a requirement of both the electrical oscillator and crystal. The value chosen has to satisfy both the electrical oscillator and the crystal.
The effect of CL on the crystal is frequency-pulling. If the effective load capacitance is lower than the target, the crystal frequency will increase and vice versa. However, the effect of frequency-pulling is usually very minimal and typically results in less than 10-ppm variation from the nominal frequency.