SLVSHR9 December   2024 TPS25984B


  1.   1
  2. Features
  3. Applications
  4. Description
  5. Device Comparison Table
  6. Pin Configuration and Functions
  7. Specifications
    1. 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 6.2 ESD Ratings
    3. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 6.4 Thermal Information
    5. 6.5 Electrical Characteristics
    6. 6.6 Logic Interface
    7. 6.7 Timing Requirements
    8. 6.8 Switching Characteristics
    9. 6.9 Typical Characteristics
  8. Detailed Description
    1. 7.1 Overview
    2. 7.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 7.3 Feature Description
      1. 7.3.1  Undervoltage Protection
      2. 7.3.2  Insertion Delay
      3. 7.3.3  Overvoltage Protection
      4. 7.3.4  Inrush Current, Overcurrent, and Short-Circuit Protection
        1. Slew Rate (dVdt) and Inrush Current Control
          1. Start-Up Time Out
        2. Steady-State Overcurrent Protection (Circuit-Breaker)
        3. Active Current Limiting During Start-Up
        4. Short-Circuit Protection
      5. 7.3.5  Analog Load Current Monitor (IMON)
      6. 7.3.6  Mode Selection (MODE)
      7. 7.3.7  Digital Overcurrent Indication (D_OC)
      8. 7.3.8  Stacking Multiple eFuses for Scalability
        1. Current Balancing During Start-Up
      9. 7.3.9  Analog Junction Temperature Monitor (TEMP)
      10. 7.3.10 Overtemperature Protection
      11. 7.3.11 Fault Response and Indication (GOK/FLT)
      12. 7.3.12 Power-Good Indication (PG)
      13. 7.3.13 Output Discharge
      14. 7.3.14 FET Health Monitoring
    4. 7.4 Device Functional Modes
  9. Application and Implementation
    1. 8.1 Application Information
      1. 8.1.1 Single Device, Standalone Operation
      2. 8.1.2 Multiple Devices, Parallel Connection
      3. 8.1.3 Digital Telemetry Using External Microcontroller
    2. 8.2 Typical Application: 12V, 3.3kW Power Path Protection in Data Center Servers
      1. 8.2.1 Application
      2. 8.2.2 Design Requirements
      3. 8.2.3 Detailed Design Procedure
      4. 8.2.4 Application Curves
    3. 8.3 Power Supply Recommendations
      1. 8.3.1 Transient Protection
      2. 8.3.2 Output Short-Circuit Measurements
    4. 8.4 Layout
      1. 8.4.1 Layout Guidelines
      2. 8.4.2 Layout Example
  10. Device and Documentation Support
    1. 9.1 Documentation Support
      1. 9.1.1 Related Documentation
    2. 9.2 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates
    3. 9.3 Support Resources
    4. 9.4 Trademarks
    5. 9.5 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    6. 9.6 Glossary
  11. 10Revision History
  12. 11Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information

Package Options

Mechanical Data (Package|Pins)
Thermal pad, mechanical data (Package|Pins)
Orderable Information

Detailed Design Procedure

  • Determining the number of eFuse devices to be used in parallel

    By factoring in a small variation in the junction to ambient thermal resistance (RθJA), a single TPS25984Bx eFuse is rated at a maximum steady state DC current of 55A at an ambient temperature of 70°C. Therefore, Equation 18 can be used to calculate the number of devices (N) to be in parallel to support the maximum steady state DC load current (ILOAD(max)), for which the solution must be designed.

    Equation 18. NIOUTmax A55A

    According to Table 8-1, IOUT(max) is 275A. Therefore, six (6) TPS25984Bx eFuses are connected in parallel.

  • Selecting the CDVDT capacitor to control the output slew rate and start-up time

    For a robust design, the junction temperature of the device must be kept below the absolute maximum rating during both dynamic (start-up) and steady-state conditions. Typically, dynamic power stresses are orders of magnitude greater than static stresses, so it is crucial to establish the right start-up time and inrush current limit for the capacitance in the system and the associated loads to avoid thermal shutdown during start-up.

    Table 8-2 summarizes the formulas for calculating the average inrush power loss on the eFuses in the presence of different loads during start-up if the power good (PG) signal is not used to turn on all the downstream loads.

    Table 8-2 Calculation of Average Power Loss During Inrush
    Type of Loads During Start-UpExpressions to Calculate the Average Inrush Power Loss
    Only output capacitor of CLOAD (µF)
    Equation 19. VIN2CLOAD2Tss
    Output capacitor of CLOAD (µF) and constant resistance of RLOAD(Startup) (Ω) with turn-ON threshold of VRTH (V)
    Equation 20. VIN2CLOAD2Tss+VIN2RLOAD(Startup)16-12VRTHVIN2+13VRTHVIN3
    Output capacitor of CLOAD (µF) and constant current of ILOAD(Startup) (A) with turn-ON threshold of VCTH (V)
    Equation 21. VIN2CLOAD2Tss+VINILOAD(Startup)12-VCTHVIN+12VCTHVIN2
    Output capacitor of CLOAD (µF) and constant power of PLOAD(Startup) (W) with turn-ON threshold of VPTH (V)
    Equation 22. VIN2CLOAD2Tss+PLOAD(Startup)lnVPTHVIN+VPTHVIN-1

    Where VIN is the input voltage and Tss is the start-up time.

    With the different combinations of loads during start-up, the total average inrush power loss (PINRUSH) can be calculated using the formulas described in Table 8-2. For a successful start-up, the system must satisfy the condition stated in Equation 23.

    Equation 23. PINRUSHWTsss<10×N

    Where N denotes the number of eFuses in parallel and 10W√s is the SOA limit of a single TPS25984Bx eFuse. This equation can be used to obtain the maximum allowed Tss.


    TI recommends to use a Tss in the range of 5ms to 120ms to prevent start-up issues.

    A capacitor (CDVDT) must be added at the DVDT pin to GND to set the required value of Tss as calculated above. The following equations are used to compute the value of CDVDT. The DVDT pins of all the eFuses in a parallel chain must be connected together.

    For B0/1/3 variants:

    Equation 24. CDVDTpF=51300×NSRV/ms

    For B2 variant:

    Equation 25. CDVDTpF=135000×NSRV/ms

    In this design example, CLOAD = 40mF, RLOAD(Startup) = 0.48Ω, VRTH = 0V, VIN = 12V, and Tss = 10ms. PINRUSH is calculated to be 340W using the equations provided in the Table 8-2. It can be verified that the system satisfies condition stated in Equation 23 and therefore capable of a successful start-up. If Equation 23 does not hold true, start-up loads or Tss must be tuned to prevent chances of thermal shutdown during start-up. Using VIN = 12V, Tss = 10ms, the required CDVDT value can be calculated to be 258nF. The closest standard value of CDVDT is 250nF with 10% tolerance and DC voltage rating of 25V.


    In some systems, there can be active load circuits (for example, DC-DC converters) with low turn-on threshold voltages which can start drawing power before the eFuse has completed the inrush sequence. This action can cause additional power dissipation inside the eFuse during start-up and can lead to thermal shutdown. TI recommends using the Power Good (PG) pin of the eFuse to enable and disable the load circuit. This action ensures that the load is turned on only when the eFuse has completed its start-up and is ready to deliver full power without the risk of hitting thermal shutdown.

  • Selecting the RIREF resistor to set the reference voltage for overcurrent protection

    In this parallel configuration, the IREF internal current source (IIREF) of all the eFuse interacts with the external IREF pin resistor (RIREF) to generate the reference voltage (VIREF) for the overcurrent protection blocks. When the voltage at the IMON pin (VIMON) is used as an input to an ADC to monitor the system current or to implement the Platform Power Control ( Intel® PSYS) functionality inside the VR controller, VIREF must be set to half of the maximum voltage range of the ISYS_IN input of the controller. This action provides the necessary headroom and dynamic range for the system to accurately monitor the load current up to the fast-trip threshold (2 × IOCP). Equation 26 is used to calculate the value of RIREF.

    Equation 26. VIREF=IIREF×RIREF×N

    In this design example, VIREF is set at 1.62V. With IIREF = 10µA (typical), we can calculate the target RIREF to be 27kΩ. The closest standard value of RIREF is 27kΩ with 0.1% tolerance and power rating of 100mW. For improved noise immunity, place a 1000pF ceramic capacitor from the IREF pin to GND. The IREF pins of all the eFuses in a parallel chain must be connected together.


    Maintain VIREF within the recommended voltage to ensure proper operation of overcurrent detection circuit.

  • Selecting the RIMON resistor to monitor current through each eFuse

    TPS25984Bx eFuse continuously monitors the current flowing through it (IDEVICE) and outputs a proportional analog output current on its own ILIM pin. This in turn produces a proportional voltage (VILIM) across the respective ILIM pin resistor (RIMON), which is expressed as:

    Equation 27. V I M O N = I O U T × G I M O N × N × R I M O N

    GIMON is the current monitor gain (IIMON : IOUT), whose typical value is 10µA/A

  • Selecting the RILIM resistor to set the overcurrent (circuit-breaker) and fast-trip thresholds during steady state and inrush current during startup

    TPS25984Bx eFuse responds to the output overcurrent conditions during steady-state by turning off the output after a fixed transient fault blanking interval. This eFuse continuously senses the total system current (IOUT) and produces a proportional analog current output (IILIM) on the ILIM pin. This generates a voltage (VILIM) across the ILIM pin resistor (RILIM) in response to the load current, which is defined as Equation 27.

    Equation 28. V I L I M = I O U T × G I L I M × R I L I M

    GILIM is the current monitor gain (IILIM : IOUT), whose typical value is 7.5µA/A. The overcurrent condition is detected by comparing the VILIM against the VIREF as a threshold. The circuit-breaker threshold during steady-state (IOCP) can be calculated using Equation 29.

    Equation 29. I O C P = 0.75 × V I R E F G I L I M × R I L I M

    In this design example, IOCP is set at 480A, and RILIM can be calculated to be 2kΩ with GILIM as 7.5 µA/A and VIREF as 1.62V. The nearest value of RILIM is 2kΩ with 0.1% tolerance and power rating of 100 mW.

  • Overcurrent limit during start-up: During inrush, the overcurrent condition for each device is detected by comparing its own load current information (VILIM) with a scaled reference voltage as depicted in Equation 30.

    Equation 30. C L R E F S A T = 0.4 × V I R E F

    The current limit threshold during start-up can be calculated using Equation 31.

    Equation 31. I I L I M S t a r t u p = C L R E F S A T G I L I M × R I L I M

    By using a RILIM value of 2kΩ for each device, the start-up current is limited to around 43A for each device.

  • Selecting the resistors to set the undervoltage lockout threshold

    The undervoltage lockout (UVLO) threshold is adjusted by employing the external voltage divider network of R1 and R2 connected between IN, EN/UVLO, and GND pins of the device as described in Section 7.3.1. The resistor values required for setting up the UVLO threshold are calculated using Equation 32.

    Equation 32. VINUV=VUVLORR1+R2R2

    To minimize the input current drawn from the power supply, TI recommends using higher resistance values for R1 and R2. The current drawn by R1 and R2 from the power supply is IR12 = VIN / (R1 + R2). However, the leakage currents due to external active components connected to the resistor string can add errors to these calculations. So, the resistor string current, IR12 must be 20 times greater than the leakage current at the EN/UVLO pin (IENLKG). From the device electrical specifications, IENLKG is 0.1µA (maximum) and UVLO rising threshold VUVLO(R) = 1.52V (max). From the design requirements, VINUVLO = 10.8 V. First choose the value of R1 = 1MΩ and use Equation 13 to calculate R2 >163.79 kΩ. Use the closest standard 1 % resistor values: R1 = 1MΩ and R2 = 165kΩ. For noise reduction, place a 1000pF ceramic capacitor across the EN/UVLO pin and GND.

  • Selecting the pullup resistors and power supplies for PG and GOK/FLT pins

    GOK/FLT and PG are open-drain outputs. If these logic signals are used, the corresponding pins must be pulled up to the appropriate voltages (< 5V) through 10kΩ pullup resistances.


    GOK/FLT pin must be pulled up to a voltage in the range of 2.5V to 5V through a 100kΩ resistance.

  • Selection of TVS diode at input and Schottky diode at output

    In the case of a short circuit and overload current limit when the device interrupts a large amount of current instantaneously, the input inductance generates a positive voltage spike on the input, whereas the output inductance creates a negative voltage spike on the output. The peak amplitudes of these voltage spikes (transients) are dependent on the value of inductance in series with the input or output of the device. Such transients can exceed the absolute maximum ratings of the device and eventually lead to failures due to electrical overstress (EOS) if appropriate steps are not taken to address this issue. Typical methods for addressing this issue include:

    1. Minimize lead length and inductance into and out of the device.
    2. Use a large PCB GND plane.
    3. Addition of the transient voltage suppressor (TVS) diodes to clamp the positive transient spike at the input.
    4. Using Schottky diodes across the output to absorb negative spikes.

    Refer to TVS Clamping in Hot-Swap Circuits and Selecting TVS Diodes in Hot-Swap and ORing Applications for details on selecting an appropriate TVS diode and the number of TVS diodes to be in parallel to effectively clamp the positive transients at the input below the absolute maximum ratings of the IN pin (20V). These TVS diodes also help to limit the transient voltage at the IN pin during the hot-plug event. Four (4) SMDJ12A are used in parallel in this design example.


    Maximum clamping voltage VC specification of the selected TVS diode at Ipp (10/1000 μs) (V) must be lower than the absolute maximum rating of the power input (IN) pin for safe operation of the eFuse.

    Selection of the Schottky diodes must be based on the following criteria:

    • The non-repetitive peak forward surge current (IFSM) of the selected diode must be more than the fast-trip threshold (2 × IOCP(TOTAL)). Two or more Schottky diodes in parallel must be used if a single Schottky diode is unable to meet the required IFSM rating. Equation 33 calculates the number of Schottky diodes (NSchottky) that must be in parallel.
      Equation 33. NSchottky>2×IOCPTOTALIFSM
    • Forward Voltage Drop (VF) at near to IFSM must be as small as possible. Ideally, the negative transient voltage at the OUT pin must be clamped within the absolute maximum rating of the OUT pin (–1V).
    • DC Blocking Voltage (VRM) must be more than the maximum input operating voltage.
    • Leakage current (IR) must be as small as possible.

    Three (3) SBR10U45SP5 are used in parallel in this design example.

  • Selecting CIN and COUT

    TI recommends to add ceramic bypass capacitors to help stabilize the voltages on the input and output. The value of CIN must be kept small to minimize the current spike during hot-plug events. For each device, 0.1µF of CIN is a reasonable target. Because COUT does not get charged during hot-plug, a larger value such as 2.2µF can be used at the OUT pin of each device.