SLVSGG4B september 2022 – june 2023 TPS25990
Table 8-6 shows the list of PMBus® commands supported by the TPS25990 eFuse.
Command Name | Code | Type | Description | PMBus®Transaction | Default Value | Stored in On-chip Non-volatile Memory | Stored in EEPROM |
OPERATION | 01h | Control | eFuse ON/OFF control | Read/Write byte w/ PEC | 0x80 | N/A | N/A |
CLEAR_FAULTS | 03h | Control | Clear all fault status bits and Blackbox RAM | Send byte w/ PEC | N/A | N/A | N/A |
RESTORE_FACTORY_DEFAULTS | 12h | Control | Initialize/Reset all configuration registers to their factory default values | Send byte w/ PEC | N/A | N/A | N/A |
STORE_USER_ALL | 15h | Control | Store configuration values to NVM/EEPROM | Send byte w/ PEC | N/A | N/A | N/A |
RESTORE_USER_ALL | 16h | Control | Initialize all configuration registers with the user programmed values stored in NVM/EEPROM | Send byte w/ PEC | N/A | N/A | N/A |
BB_ERASE | F5h | Control | Erase Blackbox data in external EEPROM | Send byte w/ PEC | N/A | N/A | N/A |
FETCH_BB_EEPROM | F6h | Control | Fetch Blackbox EEPROM contents into internal shadow registers | Send byte w/ PEC | N/A | N/A | N/A |
POWER_CYCLE | D9h | Control | Power down output and restart after a delay programmed through the RETRY_CONFIG register | Send byte w/ PEC | N/A | N/A | N/A |
MFR_WRITE_PROTECT | F8h | Control | Enable/Disable write protection for OPERATION & POWER_CYCLE commands, configuration registers, NVM, and EEPROM | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x00 | N/A | N/A |
CAPABILITY | 19h | Telemetry | Supported PMBus® features | Read byte w/ PEC | 0xD0 | Y | N |
STATUS_BYTE | 78h | Telemetry | Status register lower byte | Read byte w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
STATUS_WORD | 79h | Telemetry | Status register word | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | Y |
STATUS_OUT | 7Ah | Telemetry | OUT bus status | Read byte w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
STATUS_IOUT | 7Bh | Telemetry | OUT current status | Read byte w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
STATUS_INPUT | 7Ch | Telemetry | IN bus status | Read byte w/ PEC | Undefined | N | Y |
STATUS_TEMP | 7Dh | Telemetry | Device temperature status | Read byte w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
STATUS_CML | 7Eh | Telemetry | Communications, Memory, Logic status | Read byte w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC | 80h | Telemetry | Manufacturer specific fault status | Read byte w/ PEC | Undefined | N | Y |
STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC _2 | F3h | Telemetry | Additional manufacturer specific fault status | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
PMBUS_REVISION | 98h | Telemetry | PMBus® Specifications Part I and II rev 1.3 | Read byte w/ PEC | 0x33 | Y | N |
MFR_ID | 99h | Telemetry | Manufacturer name | Block read 2 bytes w/ PEC | "TI" | Y | N |
MFR_MODEL | 9Ah | Telemetry | Device name | Block read 8 bytes w/ PEC | "TPS25990" | Y | N |
MFR_REVISION | 9Bh | Telemetry | Device revision | Block read 1 byte w/ PEC | 0x01 | Y | N |
READ_VIN | 88h | Telemetry | Input voltage | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_VOUT | 8Bh | Telemetry | Output voltage | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_IIN | 89h | Telemetry | Input current | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_TEMPERATURE_1 | 8Dh | Telemetry | Device temperature | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_VAUX | D0h | Telemetry | Auxiliary analog input voltage | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_PIN | 97h | Telemetry | Instantaneous input power | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_EIN | 86h | Telemetry | Accumulated input energy | Block read 6 bytes w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_VIN_AVG | DCh | Telemetry | Average input voltage | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_VIN_MIN | D1h | Telemetry | Minimum input voltage | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_VIN_PEAK | D2h | Telemetry | Peak input voltage | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | Y |
READ_VOUT_AVG | DDh | Telemetry | Average output voltage | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_VOUT_MIN | DAh | Telemetry | Minimum output voltage | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_IIN_AVG | DEh | Telemetry | Average input current | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_IIN_PEAK | D4h | Telemetry | Peak input current | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | Y |
READ_TEMP_AVG | D6h | Telemetry | Average device temperature | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_TEMP_PEAK | D7h | Telemetry | Peak device temperature | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | Y |
READ_PIN_AVG | DFh | Telemetry | Average input power | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_PIN_PEAK | D5h | Telemetry | Peak input power | Read word w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_SAMPLE_BUF | D8h | Telemetry | ADC sample buffer | Block read 64 bytes w/ PEC | Undefined | N | N |
READ_BB_RAM | FDh | Telemetry | Blackbox RAM registers | Block read 7 bytes w/ PEC | Undefined | N | Y |
READ_BB_EEPROM | F4h | Telemetry | Blackbox EEPROM content | Block read 16 bytes w/ PEC | Undefined | N | Y |
BB_TIMER | FAh | Telemetry | Blackbox tick timer | Read byte w/ PEC | Undefined | N | Y |
PMBUS_ADDR | FBh | Configuration | PMBus® device address for ADDR0 = Open and ADDR1 = Open setting | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x40 | Y | Y |
VIN_UV_WARN | 58h | Configuration | Input undervoltage warning threshold | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x0095 | N | N |
VIN_UV_FLT | 59h | Configuration | Input undervoltage fault threshold | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x008D | Y | Y |
VIN_OV_WARN | 57h | Configuration | Input overvoltage warning threshold | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x00A5 | N | N |
VIN_OV_FLT | 55h | Configuration | Input overvoltage fault threshold | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x000E | Y | Y |
VOUT_UV_WARN | 43h | Configuration | Output undervoltage warning threshold | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x0095 | N | N |
VOUT_PGTH | 5Fh | Configuration | Output threshold for Power Good de-assertion | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x008D | Y | Y |
OT_WARN | 51h | Configuration | Overtemperature warning threshold | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x007E | N | N |
OT_FLT | 4Fh | Configuration | Overtemperature fault threshold | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x0085 | Y | Y |
PIN_OP_WARN | 6Bh | Configuration | Input overpower warning threshold | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x00FF | N | N |
IIN_OC_WARN | 5Dh | Configuration | Input overcurrent warning threshold | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x00FF | N | N |
VIREF | E0h | Configuration | Reference voltage for current regulation and protection blocks | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x32 | Y | Y |
GPIO_CONFIG_12 | E1h | Configuration | GPIO1 & GPIO2 configuration | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x00 | Y | Y |
GPIO_CONFIG_34 | E2h | Configuration | GPIO3 & GPIO4 configuration | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x00 | Y | Y |
ALERT_MASK | DBh | Configuration | SMB Alert assertion mask | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x0100 | N | N |
FAULT_MASK | E3h | Configuration | FLT assertion mask | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x0000 | Y | Y |
DEVICE_CONFIG | E4h | Configuration | Device configuration | Read/write word w/ PEC | 0x1400 | Y | Y |
BB_CONFIG | E5h | Configuration | Blackbox configuration | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x00 | Y | Y |
OC_TIMER | E6h | Configuration | Transient overcurrent blanking timer | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x14 | N | N |
RETRY_CONFIG | E7h | Configuration | Auto-retry configuration | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x84 | Y | Y |
ADC_CONFIG_1 | E8h | Configuration | ADC Configuration | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x00 | N | N |
ADC_CONFIG_2 | E9h | Configuration | ADC Configuration | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x00 | N | N |
PK_MIN_AVG | EAh | Configuration | Peak/Min/Average configuration | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x00 | N | N |
VCMPxREF | EBh | Configuration | General purpose comparator reference thresholds | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0xFF | Y | Y |
PSU_VOLTAGE | ECh | Configuration | PSU nominal voltage | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x9D | N | N |
CABLE_DROP | EDh | Configuration | Maximum cable voltage drop expected | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0xFF | N | N |
GPDAC1 | F0h | Configuration | General purpose DAC1 output current | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x00 | Y | Y |
GPDAC2 | F1h | Configuration | General purpose DAC1 output voltage | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x00 | Y | Y |
INS_DLY | F9h | Configuration | Insertion delay | Read/write byte w/ PEC | 0x00 | Y | Y |