SLVSGD3B December 2022 – August 2024 TPS281C30
NAME | PWP | RGW | ||
GND | 1 | 18 | Power | Ground of device. Connect to resistor- diode ground network to have reverse polarity protection. |
EN | 2 | 15 | I | Input control for channel activation. Internal pulldown. |
DIAG_EN | 3 | 16 | I | Enable-disable pin for diagnostics and current sensing. Internal pulldown. |
FAULT | 4 | 17 | O | Open drain global fault output. Referred to FLT, or fault pin. |
OL_ON | 5 | 19 | I | Enable-disable pin for higher resolution current sense(Only available when IOUT< IKsns2_EN). Internal pulldown. |
SNS | 6 | 20 | O | Analog current output corresponding to load current. Connect a resistor to GND to convert to voltage. |
ILIM | 7 | 1 | O | Adjustable current limit. Connect a resistor to set the current limit. Optionally short to ground or leave pin floating to set the current limit to the default internal current limit. See the electrical characteristics for more information. |
NC | 11 | 2, 7, 8, 9, 14 | N/A | No internal connection. |
VOUT | 8, 9, 10 | 3, 4, 5, 6 | Power | Output of high side switch, connect to load. |
VS | 12, 13, 14 | 10, 11, 12, 13 | Power | Power supply input. |
Pad | Thermal Pad | Pad | — | Thermal pad, internally shorted to ground. |
Recommended Connection for Unused Pins
TPS281C30x is designed to provide an enhanced set of diagnostic and protection features. However, if the system design only allows for a limited number of I/O connections, some pins may be considered as optional.
SNS | Ground through 10-kΩ resistor | Analog sense is not available. |
ILIM | Float | If the ILIM pin is left floating, the device will be set to the default internal current-limit threshold. This is considered a fault state for the device. |
FAULT | Float | If the FAULT pin is unused, the system cannot read faults from the output. |
DIAG_EN | Float or ground through RPROT resistor | With DIAG_EN unused, the analog sense, open-load, and short-to-supply diagnostics are not available. |
OL_ON | Ground through RPROT resistor | With OL_ON unused, the high accuracy sense mode is not available. |