SLVSFW7 September 2022 TPS544C26
Two I2C commands ((35h) VIN_ON and (36h) VIN_OFF) allow the user to set PVIN voltage turn-on and turn-off thresholds independently.
The highest register data value on each command (VIN_ON = 11b or VIN_OFF = 111b) utilizes multiple UVLO circuitries (VCC, VDRV and PVIN UVLO) to enable or disable the power conversion. When VIN_ON = 11b is selected, both PVIN > 2.55 V and VCC > 3.8 V conditions have to be satisfied to enable the power conversion. When VIN_OFF = 111b is selected, either PVIN ≤ 2.3 V or VDRV ≤ 3.4 V disables the power conversion. This particular configuration together with an external 5 V bias on VCC/VDRV pin allows power conversion under low PVIN condition down to 2.7 V, as long as the external bias maintains at 5 V level to satify both the VCC rising threshold (3.8 V typical) and the VDRV falling threshold (3.4 V typical).
PVIN_ON[1:0] | PVIN_ON Threshold (V) |
00 | 10 |
01 | 9 |
10 | 8 |
11 | ON threshold by both PVIN and VCC conditions. See (35h) VIN_ON |
PVIN_OFF[2:0] | PVIN_OFF Threshold (V) |
000 | 4.2 |
001 | 9.5 |
010 | 8.5 |
011 | 7.5 |
100 | 6.5 |
101 | 5.5 |
110 | 4.2 |
111 | ON threshold by both PVIN and VDRV conditions. See (36h) VIN_OFF |