SLVSFW7 September 2022 TPS544C26
The TPS544C26 device supports Intel SVID interface (VR13 Mode). Details are described in this section.
The SVID address for a TPS544C26 device can be programmabled in (A3h) SVID_ADDR register, allowing address value from 00h to 0Dh.
The TPS544C26 device supports VR13 Mode SVID registers and also VIDoMAX register. The table below summarizes the SVID register initialization performed by TPS544C26 at each power-on. Any writeable register can be changed by the SVID host after initialization. Refer to the Intel documentation for more detailed description of the individual register functionality.
Register Address | Register Name | R/W | Source or Behavior |
00h | VENDOR_ID | R | 22h |
01h | PROD_ID | R | Per I2C register (C8h) PRODUCT_ID |
02h | PROD_REV | R | Per I2C register (C9h) PROD_REV_ID |
05h | PROTOCOL_ID | R | Per I2C register (C2h) PROTOCOL_ID_SVID[7:6] |
06h | CAPABILITY | R | FBh |
09h | VIDOMAX_H_CAPA | R | Per I2C register (BDh) EXT_CAPABILITY_VIDOMAX_H[7:0] |
0Ah | VIDOMAX_L | R | Per I2C register (BEh) VIDO_MAX_L[7:0] |
0Bh | VIN_FULLSCALE_H | R | 06h |
0Ch | VIN_FULLSCALE_L | R | 40h |
0Dh | VOUT_FULLSCALE_H | R | 0Ch |
0Eh | VOUT_FULLSCALE_L | R | 80h |
0Fh | ALLCALL_ACT | R/W | Per I2C register (C2h) PROTOCOL_ID_SVID[1:0] |
10h | STATUS1 | R | Current status |
11h | STATUS2 | R | Current status |
12h | TEMPERATURE | R | Current status |
15h | IOUT_H | R | Current status |
16h | VOUT_H | R | Current status |
17h | VR_TEMP | R | Current status |
19h | IIN_H | R | Current status |
1Ah | VIN_H | R | Current status |
1Bh | PIN_H | R | Current status |
1Ch | STATUS2_LASTREAD | R | Current status |
20h | ICC_IN_MAX | R | FFh |
21h | ICC_MAX | R | Per I2C register (C0h) ICC_MAX[2:0] |
22h | TEMP_MAX | R | Per I2C register (C1h) TEMP_MAX[2:0] |
24h | SR_FAST | R | Per I2C register (AFh) DVS_CFG[2:0] |
25h | SR_SLOW | R | Programmed by SVID register (2Ah) SLOW_SR_SEL_HC |
26h | VBOOT | R | Per I2C register (C2h) PROTOCOL_ID_SVID[5:2] |
2Ah | SLOW_SR_SEL_HC | R/W | 02h |
2Bh | PS4_EXIT_LAT | R | 85h |
2Eh | PIN_MAX | R | Per I2C register (6Bh) PIN_OP_WARN_LIMIT |
30h | VID_MAX | R/W | FFh |
31h | VID_SETTING | R | Current status |
32h | PWR_STATE | R | 00h |
33h | OFFSET | R/W | 00h |
34h | MULTI_VR_CONFIG | R/W | 01h |
3Ah | WP0 | R/W | 00h |
3Bh | WP1 | R/W | 00h |
3Ch | WP2 | R/W | 00h |
3Dh | WP3 | R/W | 00h |
56h | DIGOUT_STATUS | R | Current status |
The table below summarizes the SVID commands supported by TPS544C26.Refer to the Intel documentation for more detailed description of the individual command functionality.
Command Code | Command | Supported by TPS544C26 |
01h | SetVID_Fast | Yes |
02h | SetVID_Slow | Yes |
03h | SetVID_Decay | Yes |
04h | SetPS | Yes |
05h | SetRegAddr | Yes |
06h | SetRegData | Yes |
07h | GetReg | Yes |
09h | SetWP | Yes |