10 Revision History
Changes from Revision E (December 2022) to Revision F (October 2024)
- Changed the power-up sequence for LDOA1 of TPS6508641 in the TPS6508641 Power-Up Sequence diagramGo
- Updated BUCK5 and VTT LDO voltage levels for CTL6 status in the TPS65086470
Power-Up Sequence diagramGo
Changes from Revision D (November 2020) to Revision E (December 2022)
- Changed the power-up sequence for TPS6508640 in the TPS6508640
Power-Up Sequence diagramGo
- Changed the power-down sequence for TPS6508640 in the TPS6508640
Power-Down Sequence diagramGo
- Changed the OTP_VERSION[1:0] bits from 01 to 10 for the TPS6508640
device in the DEVICEID2 Register tableGo
- Changed the OTP_VERSION[1:0] bits from 00 to 01 for the TPS65086401
and TPS6506470 devices in the DEVICEID2 Register tableGo
Changes from Revision C (June 2018) to Revision D (November 2020)
- Updated the numbering format for tables, figures, and
cross-references throughout the documentGo
- Changed the incorrect LX3 pin description from connect to ground
when not in use to leave floating when not in use in the Pin
Functions tableGo
- Removed the line above the LDOA1 block in the
PMIC Functional Block
- Removed incorrect VREF notes from the middle and
right DDR blocks in the Power Map Example
- Added when configured as push-pull, LDO3P3 is
used for logic-level high to the Power Good
Tree figure description Go
- Changed the bit values for BUCK4_MODE bits in the BUCK4CTRL
Register table from 0 to 1 for the TPS65086401 and TPS65086470 devices Go
- Changed the bit values for BUCK5_MODE bits in the BUCK5CTRL
Register table from 0 to 1 for the TPS65086401 and TPS65086470 devices Go
- Added links and step ranges to BUCK2SLPCTRL Register
Descriptions tableGo
- Changed the bit values for BUCK3_MODE bits in the BUCK123CTRL
Register table from 0 to 1 for the TPS65086401 and TPS65086470
- Removed the incorrect VREF notes from the middle and right DDR
blocks in the VIN 5-V Application diagramGo
Changes from Revision B (December 2017) to Revision C (June 2018)
- Added TPS6508640 and TPS6508641 to data manual Go
- Added typical MPSoC variants to Device Comparison Table
- Added BUCKx_MODE test condition
for quiescent current Go
- Added BUCKx_MODE information to relevant graphs Go
- Changed the TPS65086401 Power Map Example in the TPS65086401 Design and Settings sectionGo
- Changed the TPS65086470 Power Map Example in the
TPS65086470 Design and Settings section Go
- Added information regarding ILIM resistor minimum value for Force PWM condition Go
Changes from Revision A (November 2017) to Revision B (December 2017)
- Changed TPS65086401 from preview to production dataGo
Changes from Revision * (February 2017) to Revision A (November 2017)
- Changed device status from: PRODUCT PREVIEW to: PRODUCTION DATA Go
- Added pin connection when unusedGo
- Changed the TPS65086401 Power Map Example in the TPS65086401 Design and Settings sectionGo
- Fixed SWB1 and SWB2 current to 0.4A from 0.3A Go
- Changed typo from TPS6508470 to TPS65086470Go
- Changed description to Sleep State from Connected Standby for consistency in the Sleep State Entry and Exit sectionGo
- Changed the description of all PGOODs in the note in the Sleep State Entry and Exit section from stay to can stay because the behavior can vary based on the part-number specific settingsGo
- Added failure to reach power good within 10 ms as emergency shutdown condition to the Emergency Shutdown sectionGo
- Changed bit 0 in the BUCK3VID Register register to Read only (R) Go
- Changed the PG_DELAY2: 2nd Power Good Delay Register description from GPO3 to GPO1, GPO2, and GPO4
- Fixed a typo which showed the '000' option resulting in 2.5 ms instead of 0 ms in the PG_DELAY2 Register Descriptions tableGo