Most specifications listed in the
Electrical Characteristics are tested using automated test equipment
(ATE). These specifications are therefore easily tested both pre-irradiation and
post-irradiation. Additionally, these specifications are generally part of the RLAT
(radiation lot acceptance testing) flow. However, some specifications are difficult
to measure on the ATE (such as due to high gain or sensitive to parasitics) and are
therefore only measured during bench characterization. Typically these
specifications are not measured post irradiation.
PSRR, noise, and stability are the key
specifications that are not covered using the ATE and therefore not part of the
traditional RLAT flow. In order to provide additional information for these key
specifications, a one time characterization was performed on three EVMs. These three
EVMs were biased and exposed at a high-dose-rate (HDR) to 100 krad(Si).
All PSRR, noise, and stability
measurements showed good results under irradiation. The following generalities are
- PSRR is measured marginally
lower post TID in the 100 Hz to 1 kHz range. Unit 1 shows around 10 dB lower
post TID; however, this is thought to be a setup related issue due to
difficulty in measuring such high gain. In any event, the PSRR is still
extremely high (>95 dB) within this range.
- PSRR is measured marginally
lower post TID under 100 Hz and above 1 kHz.
- The noise is measured
incrementally higher in the 10 Hz to 10 kHz range.
- The noise is measured about
the same below 10 Hz and above 100 kHz.
- The RMS noise is calculated
to be an average of 120 nVRMS higher post TID.
- The average phase margin
magnitude shift is around 7°. The phase margin remains high for all pre and
post measurements.
- The average gain margin
magnitude shift is around 2 dB. This change is considered minimal and
potentially within measurement error.
The complete data follows. Unless
otherwise noted, the EVM conditions are VIN = 2.5 V, VOUT =
1.8 V, VBIAS = 5 V, COUT = 2x100 µF (see Table 9-4), CSS = 4.7 µF, RREF = 12.0 kΩ, RBIAS = 10 Ω,
CBIAS = 4.7 µF, TA = 25°C, integrated noise reported with
10 Hz to 100 kHz bandwidth.
Figure 9-6 PSRR
with IOUT = 100 mA
Figure 9-8 Noise
Spectral Density with
IOUT = 100
Pre-Irradiation: Phase Margin =
78°, Gain Margin = 24 dB
Post-Irradiation: Phase Margin = 82°, Gain Margin = 23 dB
Figure 9-10 Bode
Plot: Unit 1 with IOUT = 100 mA
Pre-Irradiation: Phase Margin = 81°, Gain Margin = 23 dB
Post-Irradiation: Phase Margin = 76°, Gain Margin = 26 dB
Figure 9-12 Bode Plot: Unit 2 with IOUT = 100
Pre-Irradiation: Phase Margin = 78°, Gain Margin = 24 dB
Post-Irradiation: Phase Margin = 81°, Gain Margin = 21 dB
Figure 9-14 Bode Plot: Unit 3 with IOUT = 100
Figure 9-7 PSRR
with IOUT = 1 A
Figure 9-9 Noise
Spectral Density with IOUT = 1 A
Pre-Irradiation: Phase Margin
= 91°, Gain Margin = 18 dB
Post-Irradiation: Phase Margin
= 100°, Gain Margin = 16 dB
Figure 9-11 Bode Plot: Unit 1 with IOUT = 1 A
Pre-Irradiation: Phase Margin = 96°, Gain Margin = 17 dB
Post-Irradiation: Phase Margin = 88°, Gain Margin = 19 dB
Figure 9-13 Bode Plot: Unit 2 with IOUT = 1 A
Pre-Irradiation: Phase Margin = 90°, Gain Margin = 18 dB
Post-Irradiation: Phase Margin = 101°, Gain Margin = 15 dB
Figure 9-15 Bode Plot: Unit 3 with IOUT = 1 A