JAJSFW1E June 2017 – March 2019 66AK2G12
AUDOSC_IN(2) | Optional audio oscillator (AUDIOOSC) input. This input can be connected to the appropriate external crystal circuit or the oscillator can be bypassed by connecting this input to an LVCMOS clock source. | I | C17 |
AUDOSC_OUT | Optional audio oscillator (AUDIOOSC) output. This output is only used when AUDIOOSC is connected to the appropriate external crystal circuit. | O | A17 |
CLKOUT | RMII/MII reference clock output | OZ | H23 |
CPTS_REFCLK_N | Differential CPTS reference clock input, negative | I | L21 |
CPTS_REFCLK_P | Differential CPTS reference clock input, positive | I | K21 |
SYSCLKOUT(3) | SYSCLK divided by 6 observation output | OZ | M21 |
SYSCLK_N(4) | Differential system clock input, negative | I | AC25 |
SYSCLK_P(4) | Differential system clock input, positive | I | AD25 |
SYSOSC_IN(5)(6) | System oscillator (SYSOSC) input. This input can be connected to the appropriate external crystal circuit or the oscillator can be bypassed by connecting this input to an LVCMOS clock source. | I | AC19 |
SYSOSC_OUT | System oscillator (SYSOSC) output. This output is only used when SYSOSC is connected to the appropriate external crystal circuit. | O | AE19 |
XREFCLK | Optional audio reference clock input | I | C2 |
OBSCLK_N(1) | Observation clock output, negative | O | L1 |
OBSCLK_P(1) | Observation clock output, positive | O | K1 |
OBSPLL_LOCK(1) | Observation PLL lock output | OZ | N5 |