SBASAU8A December 2024 – January 2025 ADC3648 , ADC3649
The device includes a digital channel averaging feature which enables improvement of the ADC dynamic range (see Figure 8-70). The same input signal is given to both ADC inputs externally and the output of the two ADCs is averaged internally. By averaging, uncorrelated noise (ADC thermal noise) improves 3dB while correlated noise (jitter in the clock path, reference noise) is unaffected. Therefore, the averaging gives close to 3dB improvement at low input frequencies but less at high input frequencies where clock jitter dominates the SNR. Using the DDC MUX select registers, the output from the digital averaging block is given out directly on the digital outputs of channel A or B or alternatively can be routed to the digital decimation filters.
The digital averaging can be enabled with the following register writes:
0x162 | 0x04 | Enable complex decimation |
0x163 | 0x02 | Configure <DDC0 MUX> to input from '2x Average output ((ChA + ChB) / 2)' |
0x169 | 0x20 | Set <NUM of DDCS> to 1 (single DDC mode) and <COMMON DECIMATION> TO 0 (DDC bypass) |
Digital averaging improves decorrelated noise contributions by 3dB per 2x AVG while correlated noise does not improve with averaging. Some of the dominant noise sources are correlated like clock jitter (external or first clock input buffer) or power supply noise. While others (such as, ADC thermal noise, clock distribution buffers) are decorrelated. Figure 8-71 to Figure 8-74 show the FFT comparison of no vs 2x internal averaging.
SNR: When operating close to ADC fullscale, some of the SNR limitation is due to jitter and hence the SNR improvement does not reach 3dB (2x AVG). As the input fullscale is reduced, the clock jitter contribution to SNR becomes less and the SNR improvement is approaching the 3dB per 2x AVG. The same phenomenon can be observed when using digital decimation. As the decimation factor increases, the close-in (correlated noise) becomes the more dominating noise unless the input signal amplitude is reduced.
SFDR: The amplitude of low order harmonics (HD2-HD5) and IMD3 typically is similar across ADCs; thus, the improvement with averaging is small.
SNR = 74.1dBFS | FIN = 105MHz | AIN = -1dBFS |
SNR = 74.4dBFS | FIN = 105MHz | AIN = -20dBFS |
SNR = 76.2dBFS | FIN = 105MHz | AIN = -1dBFS |
SNR = 76.9dBFS | FIN = 105MHz | AIN = -20dBFS |