ADS8686S は、デュアル同時サンプリング、16 ビットの逐次比較型 (SAR) アナログ / デジタル・コンバータ (ADC) を使用した 16 チャネルのデータ・アクイジション (DAQ) システムです。ADS8686S は、入力クランプ、1MΩ の入力インピーダンス、独立したプログラマブル・ゲイン・アンプ (PGA)、プログラム可能なローパス・フィルタ、ADC 入力ドライバを持つ完全なアナログ・フロントエンドを各チャネルに備えています。このデバイスは、低ドリフトで高精度の基準電圧と、ADC を駆動するためのバッファも備えています。シリアル、パラレル、バイト通信をサポートする柔軟なデジタル・インターフェイスにより、各種ホスト・コントローラと組み合わせて使用できます。
ADS8686S は、5V 単一電源を使って ±10V、±5V、±2.5V のバイポーラ入力 (20% のオーバーレンジを選択可能) に対応するように構成できます。入力インピーダンスが高いため、センサや変圧器と直接接続でき、外付けのドライバ回路が必要ありません。ADS8686S は、バックエンドのコントローラまたはプロセッサのシーケンシング・オーバーヘッドを減らすための高度に構成可能なチャネル・シーケンサを備えています。高い性能と精度を備えており、かつレイテンシなしで変換できる ADS8686S は、多様な産業用アプリケーションのための優れた選択肢となっています。
部品番号 | パッケージ | 本体サイズ (公称) |
ADS8686S | LQFP (80) | 14.00mm × 14.00mm |
AGND | 5, 16, 29, 72 | P | Analog supply ground pins |
AIN_0AGND | 27 | AI | Analog input channel 0A: negative input |
AIN_0A | 28 | AI | Analog input channel 0A: positive input |
AIN_0BGND | 74 | AI | Analog input channel 0B: negative input |
AIN_0B | 73 | AI | Analog input channel 0B: positive input |
AIN_1AGND | 25 | AI | Analog input channel 1A: negative input |
AIN_1A | 26 | AI | Analog input channel 1A: positive input |
AIN_1BGND | 76 | AI | Analog input channel 1B: negative input |
AIN_1B | 75 | AI | Analog input channel 1B: positive input |
AIN_2AGND | 23 | AI | Analog input channel 2A: negative input |
AIN_2A | 24 | AI | Analog input channel 2A: positive input |
AIN_2BGND | 78 | AI | Analog input channel 2B: negative input |
AIN_2B | 77 | AI | Analog input channel 2B: positive input |
AIN_3AGND | 21 | AI | Analog input channel 3A: negative input |
AIN_3A | 22 | AI | Analog input channel 3A: positive input |
AIN_3BGND | 80 | AI | Analog input channel 3B: negative input |
AIN_3B | 79 | AI | Analog input channel 3B: positive input |
AIN_4AGND | 20 | AI | Analog input channel 4A: negative input |
AIN_4A | 19 | AI | Analog input channel 4A: positive input |
AIN_4BGND | 1 | AI | Analog input channel 4B: negative input |
AIN_4B | 2 | AI | Analog input channel 4B: positive input |
AIN_5AGND | 18 | AI | Analog input channel 5A: negative input |
AIN_5A | 17 | AI | Analog input channel 5A: positive input |
AIN_5BGND | 3 | AI | Analog input channel 5B: negative input |
AIN_5B | 4 | AI | Analog input channel 5B: positive input |
AIN_6AGND | 13 | AI | Analog input channel 6A: negative input |
AIN_6A | 14 | AI | Analog input channel 6A: positive input |
AIN_6BGND | 8 | AI | Analog input channel 6B: negative input |
AIN_6B | 7 | AI | Analog input channel 6B: positive input |
AIN_7AGND | 11 | AI | Analog input channel 7A: negative input |
AIN_7A | 12 | AI | Analog input channel 7A: positive input |
AIN_7BGND | 10 | AI | Analog input channel 7B: negative input |
AIN_7B | 9 | AI | Analog input channel 7B: positive input |
AVDD | 6, 15, 30, 71 | P | Analog supply pins. Decouple these pins to the closest AGND
pins. See the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
BUSY | 67 | DO | Logic output indicating an ongoing conversion; see the BUSY (Output) section. |
CHSEL0 | 64 | DI | Logic input pin to select the channel or program the hardware mode sequencer; see the CHSEL[2:0] (Input) section. |
CHSEL1 | 65 | DI | Logic input pin to select the channel or program the hardware mode sequencer; see the CHSEL[2:0] (Input) section. |
CHSEL2 | 66 | DI | Logic input pin to select the channel or program the hardware mode sequencer; see the CHSEL[2:0] (Input) section. |
CONVST | 68 | DI | Logic input to control the conversion start input for channel group A and channel group B; see the CONVST (Input) section. |
CS | 63 | DI | Active low logic input chip select; see the CS (Input) section. |
DB0 | 41 | DIO | This pin is the data input/output DB0 (LSB) in parallel and
parallel byte interface modes. In serial mode, this pin must be connected to DGND. See the DB[3:0] (Input/Output) section. |
DB1 | 42 | DIO | This pin is the data input/output DB1 in parallel and parallel byte
interface modes. In serial mode, this pin must be connected to DGND. See the DB[3:0] (Input/Output) section. |
DB2 | 43 | DIO | This pin is the data input/output DB2 in parallel and parallel byte
interface modes. In serial mode, this pin must be connected to DGND. See the DB[3:0] (Input/Output) section. |
DB3 | 44 | DIO | This pin is the data input/output DB3 in parallel and parallel byte
interface modes. In serial mode, this pin must be connected to DGND. See the DB[3:0] (Input/Output) section. |
DB4/ SER1W | 45 | DIO | This pin is a multifunctional logic input/output pin. This pin is the data input/output DB4 in parallel and parallel byte interface modes. This pin is the logic input pin in serial mode to configure data capture using both SDOA and SDOB or just SDOA. The signal state is latched on the release of a full RESET, and requires an additional full RESET to be reconfigured. See the DB4/SER1W (Input/Output) section. |
DB5/CRCEN | 46 | DIO | This pin is a multifunctional logic input/output pin. This pin is the data input/output DB5 in parallel and parallel byte interface modes. This pin is the logic input pin in hardware serial mode to enable the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) word. The signal is latched on the release of a full reset, and requires an additional full RESET to be reconfigured. In software mode, this pin must be connected to DGND. See the DB5/CRCEN (Input/Output) section. |
DB6 | 47 | DIO | This pin is the data input/output DB6 in parallel and parallel byte
interface modes. See the DB[7:6] (Input/Output) section. |
DB7 | 48 | DIO | This pin is the data input/output DB7 in parallel and parallel byte
interface modes. See the DB[7:6] (Input/Output) section. |
DB8 | 53 | DIO | This pin is a multifunctional logic input/output pin. This pin is the data input/output DB8 in parallel interface mode. In serial mode, this pin must be connected to DGND. See the DB8 (Input/Output) section. |
DB9/BYTESEL | 54 | DIO | This pin is a multifunctional logic input/output pin. This pin is the data input/output DB9 in parallel interface mode. This pin is the logic input pin that enables the parallel byte interface. The signal is latched on the release of a full RESET, and requires an additional full RESET to be reconfigured. See the DB9/BYTESEL (Input/Output) section. |
DB10/SDI | 55 | DIO | This pin is a multifunctional logic input/output pin. This pin is the data input/output DB10 in parallel interface mode. This pin is the serial data input that programs the device in software serial mode. Tie this pin to DGND for parallel byte interface mode. See the DB10/SDI (Input/Output) section. |
DB11/SDOB | 56 | DIO | This pin is a multifunctional logic input/output pin. This pin is the data input/output DB11 in parallel interface mode. This pin is the serial data output port B in serial interface mode if enabled by the DB4/ SER1W pin at full RESET. Tie this pin to DGND when in parallel byte interface mode. See the DB11/SDOB (Input/Output) section. |
DB12/SDOA | 57 | DIO | This pin is a multifunctional logic input/output pin. This pin is the data input/output DB12 in parallel interface mode. This pin is the serial data output port A in serial interface mode. Tie this pin to DGND when in parallel byte interface mode. See the DB12/SDOA (Input/Output) section. |
DB13/OS0 | 58 | DIO | This pin is a multifunctional logic input/output pin. This pin is the data input/output DB13 in parallel interface mode. This pin is the logic input pin for the oversampling rate (OSR) setting. The signal is latched on the release of a full RESET, and requires an additional full RESET to be reconfigured. See the DB13/OS0 (Input/Output) section. |
DB14/OS1 | 59 | DIO | This pin is a multifunctional logic input/output pin. This pin is the data input/output DB14 in parallel interface mode. This pin is the logic input pin for the OSR setting. The signal is latched on the release of a full RESET, and requires an additional full RESET to be reconfigured. See the DB14/OS1 (Input/Output) section. |
DB15/OS2 | 60 | DIO | This pin is a multifunctional logic input/output pin. This pin is the data input/output DB15 in parallel interface mode. This pin is the logic input pin for the OSR setting. The signal is latched on the release of a full RESET, and requires an additional full RESET to be reconfigured. See the DB15/OS2 (Input/Output) section. |
DGND | 50 | P | Digital ground |
DVDD | 49 | P | Digital supply pin. Decouple with DGND on pin 50 with a minimum 0.1-µF capacitor. |
HW_RNGSEL1, HW_RNGSEL0 | 38, 39 | DI | Hardware and software mode selection inputs. Hardware and software
mode selection is latched at full reset. In hardware mode, these
pins select the input range and are not latched. In software mode,
these pins are latched and ignored until the next RESET event. HW_RNGSELx = 00: software mode; the ADS8686S is configured via the software registers. HW_RNGSELx = 01: hardware mode; the analog input range is ±2.5 V. HW_RNGSELx = 10: hardware mode; the analog input range is ±5 V. HW_RNGSELx = 11: hardware mode; the analog input range is ±10 V. See the HW_RANGESEL[1:0] (Input) section. |
REFCAP | 31 | AO | Reference amplifier output pin. This pin must be decoupled to
REFGND using a low equivalent series resistance (ESR), 10-µF ceramic
capacitor. Place this capacitor as close to the REFCAP pin as
possible. Do not drive any external load from this pin. |
REFGND | 32 | P | Reference GND. Connect this pin to the AGND plane with the shortest trace possible. |
REFIO | 33 | AIO | This pin acts as an internal reference output when REFSEL is
high. This pin functions as an input pin for the external reference when REFSEL is low. Decouple this pin with REFIO_GND on pin 34 using a 0.1-µF capacitor. |
REFIO_GND | 34 | P | REFIO ground. Connect this pin to the AGND plane with the shortest trace possible. |
REFSEL | 35 | DI | Active high logic input to enable the internal reference. See the REFSEL (Input) section. |
REGCAP | 70 | P | Voltage output from the internal analog regulator. Decouple this output pin separately to REGGND using a 10-µF capacitor. Place the capacitor close to the REGCAP pin. |
REGCAPD | 52 | P | Voltage output from the internal digital regulator. Decouple this output pin separately to REGGNDD using a 10-µF capacitor. Place the capacitor close to the REGCAPD pin. |
REGGND | 69 | P | Internal analog regulator GND. Connect this pin to the AGND plane with the shortest trace possible. |
REGGNDD | 51 | P | Internal digital regulator GND. Connect this pin to the DGND plane with the shortest trace possible. |
RESET | 36 | DI | Active low logic input to reset the device digital logic. The
duration of the RESET pulse decides the partial
or full RESET of the device. See the RESET (Input) section. |
SCLK/ RD | 62 | DI | This pin is a multifunctional logic input pin. This pin is the logic input pin for the Serial Clock in serial interface mode. This pin is the logic input pin in parallel and parallel byte interface modes. When both CS and RD are logic low in parallel and parallel byte modes, the output bus is enabled. See the SCLK/RD (Input) section. |
SEQEN | 37 | DI | Active high logic input to enable the channel sequencer in hardware
mode. The state is latched with a device full RESET. Tie this pin to DGND in software mode. See the SEQEN (Input) section. |
SER/BYTE/ PAR | 40 | DI | Logic input to select between serial, parallel byte, or parallel
interface mode. Tie this pin to logic high and DB9/BYTESEL to logic low to select the serial interface mode. Tie this pin to logic high and DB9/BYTESEL to logic high to select the parallel BYTE interface mode. Tie this pin to logic low to select the parallel interface mode. The signal state is latched at full RESET, and requires an additional full RESET to be reconfigured. See the SER/BYTE/PAR (Input) section. |
WR/BURST | 61 | DI | This pin is a multifunctional logic input pin (see the WR/BURST (Input) section). WR is the logic input pin to write the register configuration in software parallel and parallel byte interface modes. BURST is the logic input pin to enable burst mode operation in the hardware mode of operation. The signal is latched on the release of a full RESET, and requires an additional full RESET to be reconfigured; see the Burst Sequencer section. Tie this pin to DGND when in software serial mode. |