JAJSPQ1 August 2024 AMC0106M05
The shunt resistor (RSHUNT) value is determined by the device linear input voltage range (±50mV) and the desired linear current sensing range of ±25 A. RSHUNT is calculated as 50mV / 25A = 2mΩ. The peak power dissipated in the shunt resistor is RSHUNT × IPEAK2 = 2mΩ × (25A)2 = 1.25W. For a linear response, operate the shunt resistor at no more than 2/3 of the rated power. Therefore, a shunt resistor with a nominal power rating of approximately 1.8W is selected.
Select a lower shunt resistor value if transient overcurrents are expected in the system that exceed the linear input voltage range of the AMC0106M05. However, if reduced linearity and lower resolution is acceptable for the overcurrent range, allow the voltage drop across the shunt to exceed the linear input voltage range up to the clipping voltage of the AMC0106M05. In any case, make sure the voltage drop caused by the maximum overcurrent does not exceed the input voltage that causes a clipping output. That is, make sure |VSHUNT| ≤ |VClipping|.