JAJSP50A May 2023 – September 2023 AMC131M03-Q1
Set the TS_EN bit in the CH2_CFG register to 1b, and the TS_SEL bit in the CH2_CFG register to 0b to select the internal temperature sensor mode. Set the PGAGAIN2[2:0] bits in the GAIN register to 011b (gain of 8) when using the internal temperature sensor. As shown in Figure 8-16, the temperature sensor is comprised of two internal diodes with one diode having eight times the current density of the other. The difference in current density of the diodes yields a differential output voltage that is proportional to absolute temperature. The temperature sensor reading is converted by the ADC.
For internal temperature sensor mode, use Equation 8 to calculate the device temperature from the ADC conversion result on channel 2.